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Did Delhi live up to expectations?

finaly after all the muck raking and name calling CWG went successful,now lets see Pakistan host one....would love Jana to comment on this thread

Why to flame brother. Why should we like others. If we have to compare than compare with China. First built the economy and cities than compare it.

This is really worst face of India where we could compare to our higher counterparts.
It did more than that!!! People pulled in India's middle class, India's poor, India's economy into a weak equation but the people of Delhi nor India as a whole can be held accountable for the incompetence of organizing committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi or who so ever is involved.

This for me is the true India, the incredible India!!! In the end it was the common man again who should be credited with the success. The best answer of course was the number of medals!!!! What an inspired finish!!!!

A few on this forum who were happy about the initial reports have also been silenced, also media from some countries have finally acknowledged the effort. In spite of faked security loops holes, the threats, etc etc, the games were safe!!

Lastly, the games also proved..we are not just a cricketing nation but a nation that enjoys sports and can compete in any international arena..101 medals!!!!!! 2nd in the medals tally!

I'm a proud Indian!!!!


Reciting the A to Z of Delhi Disasters is a tiresome sport, particularly when there is light where some have chosen to see only darkness. But why notice the peepal and shisham trees lining Delhi's broad avenues or the immaculately tended roundabout gardens when there's a ''Dirty Delhi'' headline to be had on a story about cycling's road racers encountering heat and dust? Cyclists on open roads sweating and breathing dust? Surely not.

Why listen to road race bronze medallist Chloe Hosking saying she often rides in 40 degree heat back home or anything from heat to sleet in Europe and that ''this is actually quite enjoyable''? Piddling details like this can wait until after the punchline when you're searching for new ways to tell the Delhi 2010 joke.

And why listen to England's Kelly Holmes, a double Olympic gold medallist with experience of elite competition the world over, when she says: ''I've been really surprised with how everything has come together. We have to give you credit. The village is remarkable.''
finaly after all the muck raking and name calling CWG went successful,now lets see Pakistan host one....would love Jana to comment on this thread

You guys should know this!

Get things right for the1st time. The damaged was done and it will always be there no matter what you do later.
You guys should know this!

Get things right for the1st time. The damaged was done and it will always be there no matter what you do later.

There's saying you might know:

"All's well that ends well"

Enjoy the closing ceremony :cheers:
You guys should know this!

Get things right for the1st time. The damaged was done and it will always be there no matter what you do later.

You must have never seen an indian marriage, there is so much chaos and drama that you will wonder how will this thing even work out for a life time still, when time comes , you will find a beautiful ceremony and everyone stays happy.

I guess you guys are very disciplined and we love a bit drama....
What a joke, :rofl:
foreign tourist stayed away , many top class athlete stayed away and firing at Jama Masjid was a middle finger in face of Indian security agency.

All money spend on infrastructure was for showcasing Delhi to foreign tourist, so that Delhi could become a major tourist destination , some days back i went to C.P , an auto rickshaw wallah joked that before the CWG more foreign tourist could be seen on Delhi streets than they are seen during the games.
No Tourist came to Delhi to see games.

In order to conduct these CWG games we had bring in our army , PM Manmohan Singh had to step in.
Now this is success for u but mind you we spend an whooping 70,000 crore for this.
Did Delhi live up to expectations?

Not at all.

Everything from planning to executing was a disaster according to me.

This one event has caused damage to the fact that even though the country was very well capable of doing such event in a professional way , was done in a messed up way.

This one event which has tried to cover up the bad areas through cosmetic methods never tried measures or has implemented measures which could have a good effect on the city itself.

This event has shown how vulnerable and irresponsible the authorities have which even needed the PM to intervene to clear the mess up.

This event has shown why an over crowded, climate disaster prone city shouldn't be taken as a place to conduct an event of this larger scale.

This event has shown how large money can be spend on games but nothing changes for the common man after the games are once over.

This event has shown how desperate the whole nation went to make themselves believe that "aaallll will be well' and we will be hosting the games at its best.

This event has shown the sensitivities of the nation in the form of complaints, racial comments , appeasements for the athletes to make them feel good all the time.

This event has shown that too much money doesn't necessarily mean good/strong building structures.

This event has shown that a lot have changed since the Asiad Games which was huge success back then and people and their expectations have changed over the course of time , even though the former was an Asian event.

This event has shown that the most important factor for any such event is "finding the right person" to do it.

So if you ask me whether Delhi has lived up to expectations?

I would definitely say "Hell No"
You must have never seen an indian marriage, there is so much chaos and drama that you will wonder how will this thing even work out for a life time still, when time comes , you will find a beautiful ceremony and everyone stays happy.

I guess you guys are very disciplined and we love a bit drama....

The drama is like bollywood film! It depends on the audience, some like it and some hate it.
i call it ok and my full thumbs up to indian army for their role in CWG and that iiddiot suresh kallmadi should be hanged
Did Delhi live up to expectations?

My initial expectations were that it would be something beyond spectular due to all the hype created by Indian media. Then one by one more and more stories came out about mismanagement and corruption so expections fell down to very little. At the end however Delhi ended somewhere in between. Though far from the success of Beijing it can nonetheless be considered a success after how it seemed things were going to turn out.
You guys should know this!

Get things right for the1st time. The damaged was done and it will always be there no matter what you do later.

Damage to your grey matter has been done, no matter whatever anyone tries to put in it...
finaly after all the muck raking and name calling CWG went successful,now lets see Pakistan host one....would love Jana to comment on this thread

You want my opinion on the this write up or the Games ceremony? if this write up i have to read it all to reply the points the writer brought up


1. If Pakistan ever hosted such games (whenever peace return) then trust me our officials and we are famous for providing best of the accommodation to foreigners. So be sure there wont be any dirty sink, or dog poos on beds in the rooms.

2. There might be delays as its a sub-continental speciality

3. The opening and closing ceremonies in our case might not be having high class of nach gana as in Pakistan we still have to take it as popular profession so choreography might not be on a par with your dancers and artists

4. Now coming towards my comment about CWGs ceremony then i had praised India for the opening one and indeed the closing ceremony was also nice.

5. It depends on how were the rest of things from sports facilities to accommodation when these foreign players will issue statements on their return
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