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The traitors are the ones calling themselves leaders while not having the backing of the people... aka Chinese leaders... Unelected corrupt bureaucrats.

How can anyone who values freedom back such a regime?? They cannot.

CCP is amongst (if not) the highest approval ratings in the world.
india is another place where you can find massive corruption and worsening.

Politics is too complex for kids like you to understand.

We are dealing head on with corruption. Let's see how it goes! How is your ancestral country doing with fighting on corruption?
WASHINGTON--U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reassured Japan that the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture are under the administration of Japan, adding that Washington opposes "any unilateral actions that would seek to undermine Japanese administration."

Clinton's remarks, made in connection with her talks with Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida at the State Department in Washington on Friday, are believed to be a warning to China over the nation's provocations near the islands.

Clinton and Kishida agreed that the first Japan-U.S. summit meeting between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Barack Obama will take place sometime in the week of Feb. 17.

Clinton also referred to the issue of the Senkaku Islands at a press conference after the meeting, saying, "We acknowledge they are under the administration of Japan and we oppose any unilateral actions that would seek to undermine Japanese administration."

Clinton also reiterated the U.S. government's position that the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty obliges the United States to defend Japan in case of island-related hostilities.

"With regard to regional security, I reiterated longstanding American policy on the Senkaku Islands and our treaty obligations," Clinton said.

Acknowledging Clinton's remarks, Kishida said, "While Japan will not concede and will uphold our fundamental position that the Senkaku Islands are an inherent territory of Japan, we intend to respond calmly so as not to provoke China."

Kishida and Clinton also agreed to reinforce the Japan-U.S. alliance.

Kishida explained the government's plan to boost the defense budget and review Japan's outline of defense policy.

Regarding the relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma Air Station in Ginowan in the prefecture, Clinton expressed hopes of resolving the issue, saying, "We are confident that we can make progress on force realignment in Okinawa, including moving ahead with construction of the Futenma replacement facility."

Regarding Japan's participation in negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade framework, the two confirmed both governments will remain in close contact on the matter.

Clinton also said she would welcome Japan's participation in the TPP talks.

Prior to the talks with Clinton, Kishida met U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk.

In the meeting with Kirk, Kishida explained the Liberal Democratic Party's campaign pledge from the House of Representatives election, saying the party opposes participation in TPP negotiations as long as the pact is premised on the elimination of all tariffs without exception.

Regarding nuclear power, Kishida said the government will review the Democratic Party of Japan's policy to have zero nuclear reactors operating in the 2030s.

Clinton sends warning to China over Senkakus : National : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri)
we only mind dominion.
administration is only a joy.

Why not Mrs.Clinton. talk about dominion.:rofl:
The fact to the matter is.

China strongly dissatisified, but what are they going to do??
Chinese fleet monitors Japanese ships around Diaoyu Islands

English.news.cn 2013-01-21 14:45:03


BEIJING, Jan. 21 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese marine surveillance fleet continued patrolling China's territorial waters around the Diaoyu Islands on Monday and monitored Japanese ships that violated China's territorial waters.

The vessels -- Haijian 137, Haijian 23 and Haijian 46 -- followed and engaged in surveillance of the Japanese ships, solemnly declared China's sovereignty over the islands and demanded the Japanese ships' immediate departure from Chinese waters, according to a statement issued by the State Oceanic Administration.

reminds me of the chinese ministry of warnings :tup:

indian cheerleaders' time for orgasm!
what is clinton going to do? send china a "strongly worded statement" again? :blah:

US dare not start a war with China, they can barely deal with a fishing boat. if China put a destroyer there, neither Japan or US can do anything about it, the island is simply too close to China's land based missiles(since it just next to taiwan).
United States does not have the balls to get itself involve militarily in China's internal matters.
If the US wants a war, then so be it. China may be back to stone age, but the US won't fare much better than bronze age, either.
Hallucinating Chinese arm chair generals high on the polluted air of Beijing openly talking of war on TV talk shows

WATCH Chinese television these days and you
might conclude that the outbreak of war with
Japan over what it calls the Senkaku and China
the Diaoyu islands is only a matter of time. You
might well be right. Since Japan in September
announced it would “nationalise” three of the islands that had been privately owned, China,
which has long contested Japan’s sovereignty
over them, has also started challenging its
resolve to keep control of them. So both
countries are claiming to own the islands and
both are pretending to administer them. China this week announced its intention to map them
thoroughly. Something has to give. Since then China, too, has become more assertive
over the islands. Already, in his speech to the
Communist Party’s five-yearly congress in
November, Hu Jintao, its outgoing leader, had
declared China’s ambition to “build itself into a
maritime power”, the first time this had been stated so explicitly. Nor is it clear that his
successor, the less wooden Xi Jinping, who will
be named president in March, shares his
predecessors’ habitual caution in dealings with
America. He will surely see no benefit in
compromising with Japan, which is despised by many Chinese. And, with little or no military
experience, he will want to appear a strong
commander-in-chief. It is against this backdrop that televised military
punditry is booming in China. On current-affairs
programmes, armchair warriors pontificate
about the Diaoyus. Newspapers propagate a
uniformly jingoistic analysis of the increasing
likelihood of armed conflict. They are not making it up. Last month a small
aircraft of China’s State Oceanic Bureau flew into
what Japan considers its territorial airspace over
the Senkakus. Flying too low to be detected by
Japan’s land-based radar, it was spotted too late
for a scramble of eight F-15 fighter jets to prove effective. Since then, Japan has deployed
Airborne Warning and Control Systems (AWACS).
On January 7th Chinese patrol ships spent more
than 13 hours near the islands—longer than ever
before, said Japanese officials. On January 10th,
when two Japanese F-15s scrambled to intercept a Chinese plane flying near the islands, China
scrambled its own fighter jets. Now the Japanese air force is weighing whether
to fire warning shots if Chinese aircraft come into
its airspace, for the first time since 1987, when
the former Soviet Union intruded. For General
Peng Guanqian of the Chinese Academy of
Military Sciences, interviewed on a Chinese web portal, this would amount to the first shot of
“actual combat”. China should then “respond
without courtesy”, he said. The Japanese press
reported that America had also warned Japan
against firing shots.
A widely read, if shrill, Beijing newspaper, Global Times, has argued that Japan might not be
deterred and “we need to prepare for the
worst”. Japan, it said, had become the
“vanguard” of an American strategy to “contain
China”. The implication was that China should
also be ready to take on America, which has made clear that its security treaty with Japan
covers the disputed islets.

Well said Mrs.Clinton.

They are just mere words of threats with no actual susbstance to the PRC chinese. In fact, when the the time is ripe for the PRC to strike, even US will back off at the expanse of the Japanese.

Because in reality, no one in this world is stupid enough to assist an unrepented criminal nation to create a catastrophe for themselves and the whole world.

Get that in your empty vessel or what ever it is in your head, Mr. almighty and very very smart indian! LOLOL...
Hallucinating Chinese arm chair generals high on the polluted air of Beijing openly talking of war on TV talk shows

Said who? by an (indian) expert in hallucination?

This guy must be looking into a mirror when he is talking about "hallucinating". LOLOL...

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