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What a gangster logic here, the point you have nothing to support turns out to be a circular argument here huh? YOU HAVEN'T EVEN ARGUED THAT YET!
So, I see your poor logic and American style of arrogance enough, won't bother replying to your junk words anymore, just a waste of my time! Time will tell!
I will not bother to get into a circular argument with you, I will only say Japan currently holds the islands and is free to exercise military force in the area. China is currently unable/unwilling to, and so it is China that has to move first or nothing will happen. So again, try us :coffee:
What a gangster logic here, the point you have nothing to support turns out to be a circular argument here huh? YOU HAVEN'T EVEN ARGUED THAT YET!
So, I see your poor logic and American style of arrogance enough, won't bother replying to your junk words anymore, just a waste of my time! Time will tell!

I will not bother to get into a circular argument with you, I will only say Japan currently holds the islands and is free to exercise military force in the area. China is currently unable/unwilling to, and so it is China that has to move first or nothing will happen. So again, try us :coffee:

you can find any number of number of arguments between me, you, other chinese posters, other posters of various flags, all has been said, I will not bring that here now, what I have written above are the objective facts with no discussion of history, you said we should try you, I have told you it doesn't work like that.

If you aren't coming perhaps you would like some coffee :coffee: ?

We tried you in the Korean War and kicked your a$$.

casualty counts and a free south korea say otherwise. Don't bother going off-topic again.

Well back on topic...


Japan Coast Guard to bolster patrols around Senkaku Islands

The Japan Coast Guard is planning to create a fleet of 12 cutters to patrol the waters around the Senkaku Islands in response to the constant presence there of ships affiliated with the Chinese government.

A special team of about 400 coast guard officers will be assigned to the Senkaku patrols. Because the necessary number of officers cannot be secured through new enlistment alone, the coast guard is considering a plan to extend the retirement age for officers.

To create the fleet of 12 cutters, sources said the government will include a request in the supplementary budget to be submitted for the current fiscal year seeking to construct six cutters in the 1,000-ton class. Plans call for launching those cutters by fiscal 2015.

In line with the launching of the 6,500-ton Akitsushima cutter this autumn, there were also plans to decommission two 3,000-ton cutters. Instead, those two cutters will be retrofitted to increase their maximum speed so they are capable of responding to intrusions into Japanese territorial waters by ships belonging to the Chinese government, which also has territorial claims over the islands it refers to as the Diaoyu Islands. Although cutters are normally in service for about 25 years, the overhaul will allow the coast guard to use those old cutters for an additional 15 years.

The plan to construct four 1,000-ton class cutters using funds in this fiscal year's reserve fund will allow those cutters to join the Senkaku fleet from fiscal 2014.

The coast guard now has about 12,000 officers, of which about 2,500 are 55 or older. That means a large number of officers will continue to retire every year.

The 1,000-ton cutters that will play the key role in patrolling the Senkaku waters require crews of about 30 officers. However, it will be difficult to greatly increase the number of recruits to the Japan Coast Guard School, located in Kyoto Prefecture. To come up with the necessary manpower, a plan is being considered to extend the retirement age from the current 60. Older officers would be assigned to rear line support positions, which would free up younger officers to be assigned to the 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters, which has jurisdiction over the Senkakus.

Since the central government purchased three of the Senkaku Islands last September, Chinese government-affiliated ships have entered Japanese territorial waters 21 times. About five ships from China are believed to be constantly patrolling the waters surrounding the Senkakus.

The 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters only has seven cutters of at least 1,000 tons, so cutters from other regional coast guard headquarters have been sent to the 11th Region. However, that has hindered normal operations in other areas, including the cancellation of this year's fleet review ceremony.
Better than you do, pay more attention to your own broken language and don't comment on anything you are not able to understand.
What a gangster logic here, the point you have nothing to support turns out to be a circular argument here huh? YOU HAVEN'T EVEN ARGUED THAT YET!
So, I see your poor logic and American style of arrogance enough, won't bother replying to your junk words anymore, just a waste of my time! Time will tell!
well, Is that so!? So, why were you leave your country and staying American arrogance!? ( like very many others chinese ) :lol:
Yeah this will end well...

Chinese Military On "High Alert" After It Scrambles Fighter Jets To "Counter" Japanese Jets | Zero Hedge
The one thing that most seem to forget in the epic 30 year old story (which has a very sad ending) that is the Japanese floundering economy, is that while the new Abe government may and will likely try everything to crush the Yen (which is already nearing the 90 USDJPY target, however briefly, before it resumes its grind lower once it dawns on investors what it will mean for the Japanese Treasury when bond yields soar), the main reason it has posted three massive monthly trade deficits in a row has nothing to do with its currency, and everything to do with what is now a permanent boycott of Japanese exports by China.

The paradox is that Abe, a well-known nationalist, may well crush the Yen but he will only aggravate Chinese tensions (thus hurting Japanese exports, GDP, and the current account even more) which recently approached boiling point on several occasions over the past few months, most notably in the spat over who owns the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands, and soon over other symbols of nationalist pride. And with the escalations coming faster and more frequent with each passing day, there is little room for optimism that despite all Japan is doing that its economy stands any hope of recovery in 2013 (or later).

In fact, the latest escalation in the seemingly neverending saga over a strategically located rock in the East China Sea, came hours ago, when Xinhua reported that Beijing has scrambled two J-10 jets to counter "Japanese military aircraft disrupting the routine patrols of Chinese administrative aircraft."

Not good.
Posted on Chinese government ran "newspaper" on January 10th. Second paragraph is a true gem.

China may fall into military conflict with Japan eventually. We hope we can continue our peaceful development, but our risk management strategies are more complex due to various pressures.

There is little room for concessions. Therefore, let us abandon all hesitation and seriously prepare for mutual warnings and confrontation with Japan over the Diaoyu Islands. If the situation goes awry, we must make Japan pay more of a price than China.

Japan tracer bullets will bring war closer - Globaltimes.cn
Why is Japan in the mood to recieve severe spanking? Cause it will if China goes all out. They thought Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bad, they have no idea of what they are in for if they mess with China
So no Pakistani can say anything? What are you trying to say? Because his country has problems, he can't voice his opinion? We have problems in this country too. Does that make us unfit to answer?
Well not fit for warmongering... anyone warmongering against anyone is a lunatic... it's because of little Einchmanns like him that millions have died in ww1, ww2 and who knows how many more wars since then.

Humanity need to cut the warmongering crap.
Why is Japan in the mood to recieve severe spanking? Cause it will if China goes all out. They thought Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bad, they have no idea of what they are in for if they mess with China
Fairly certain there are guys alive in Japan today that were stationed in China...they well know what to expect.
Well not fit for warmongering... anyone warmongering against anyone is a lunatic... it's because of little Einchmanns like him that millions have died in ww1, ww2 and who knows how many more wars since then.

Humanity need to cut the warmongering crap.

I think you haven't seen a lot of threads going on recently about the LoC disputes b/w India and Pakistan. A TONN of warmongers there, please feel free to guide some silly Indians there itching for a war, ooh great one!
It won't be crap if some country is trying to steal your sovereignty. Just look at the Middle East and the list of US operations and you will see wars will always be fought for the sake of some hidden agenda.
Well not fit for warmongering... anyone warmongering against anyone is a lunatic... it's because of little Einchmanns like him that millions have died in ww1, ww2 and who knows how many more wars since then.

Humanity need to cut the warmongering crap.

Unfortunately, that's part of the game. I think you're referring to Adolf Eichmann, in the end, he got what he deserved.

I agree though that warmongers and lunatics go hand in hand.
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