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Tokyo: China scrambled two J-10 fighter jets to the East China Sea on Thursday to monitor a pair of Air Self-Defense Force F-15s that were shadowing one of Beijing’s patrol aircraft, the Chinese Defense Ministry reported on its website.

In a statement posted online by the ministry said that the Chinese aircraft was conducting routine patrol duties near oil and gas fields east of the coastal city of Wenzhou.

According to the Japan Times, the ASDF’s F-15 fighters ‘trailed and interfered with’ the Chinese planes, which were conducting regular military patrol exercises, the ministry said, arguing Thursday’s incident underscored the alleged increased surveillance activities by the Self-Defense Forces against China.

The ministry said that the Chinese J-10s also monitored a Japanese reconnaissance plane in the same airspace.

The ministry stressed that China will ‘resolutely defend the safety of its territorial air space and the rightful privileges under international law’, the report said.

The incident marks a further escalation in the dispute that erupted between the two countries in mid-September over the Senkaku Islands.

According to the report, Hong Lei, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, meanwhile used a press briefing in Beijing the same day to pin the blame for the ‘current difficulty’ between the two sides squarely on Japan.

China sends fighter jets to East China Sea to monitor Japan`s F-15s
J-10 vs F-15 Nice really very nice
Time to show the power of J10s.:cheers:

But , things will not escalate, since Japanese R smart enough to not piss of china. They R already struggling desperately after china-japan trade disruption.
Time to show the power of J10s.:cheers:

But , things will not escalate, since Japanese R smart enough to not piss of china. They R already struggling desperately after china-japan trade disruption.

Japan has a dead economy. It's been in a vegetative state since the early 1990s.
They are jealous China is surpassing them in pretty much every major economic metric.
Japan has a dead economy. It's been in a vegetative state since the early 1990s.
They are jealous China is surpassing them in pretty much every major economic metric.

If i am not wrong, china controls of world's rare earth supply ,needed for electronics, steel & metallurgy industry. This alone is enough to deter Japan & destroy its economy.
If i am not wrong, china controls of world's rare earth supply ,needed for electronics, steel & metallurgy industry. This alone is enough to deter Japan & destroy its economy.

Think again

BBC News - Japan finds rare earths in Pacific seabed

JAPAN has found a large deposit of rare earth minerals in its Pacific seabed, enough to supply its hi-tech industries for more than 200 years, a scientist says.

Around 6.8 million tonnes of the valuable minerals, used in electric cars, iPods and lasers, are sitting under the seabed near a far eastern Japanese island, Tokyo University professor Yasuhiro Kato told AFP on Friday.

He said mud samples taken from an area near Minamitorishima island, some 2000 kilometres southeast of Tokyo, indicated deposits amounted to around 220 times the average annual amount used by industry in Japan.
It is only a matter of time before Japan submits to China.

It cannot go it alone and the alliance with be US will be untenable over the next 15-20 years.
It is only a matter of time before Japan submits to China.

It cannot go it alone and the alliance with be US will be untenable over the next 15-20 years.

In 20 years time, possibly. But currently the PLAN does not the technological expertise of the JMSDF and the Japanese specialize in Anti-submarine warfare.
Tokyo: China scrambled two J-10 fighter jets to the East China Sea on Thursday to monitor a pair of Air Self-Defense Force F-15s that were shadowing one of Beijing’s patrol aircraft, the Chinese Defense Ministry reported on its website.

In a statement posted online by the ministry said that the Chinese aircraft was conducting routine patrol duties near oil and gas fields east of the coastal city of Wenzhou.

According to the Japan Times, the ASDF’s F-15 fighters ‘trailed and interfered with’ the Chinese planes, which were conducting regular military patrol exercises, the ministry said, arguing Thursday’s incident underscored the alleged increased surveillance activities by the Self-Defense Forces against China.

The ministry said that the Chinese J-10s also monitored a Japanese reconnaissance plane in the same airspace.

The ministry stressed that China will ‘resolutely defend the safety of its territorial air space and the rightful privileges under international law’, the report said.

The incident marks a further escalation in the dispute that erupted between the two countries in mid-September over the Senkaku Islands.

According to the report, Hong Lei, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, meanwhile used a press briefing in Beijing the same day to pin the blame for the ‘current difficulty’ between the two sides squarely on Japan.

China sends fighter jets to East China Sea to monitor Japan`s F-15s
J-10 vs F-15 Nice really very nice

Why chinese only say International laws are violated when they them selves are violators of International law in SCS.

Double standards...!!!!!

Think again

BBC News - Japan finds rare earths in Pacific seabed

JAPAN has found a large deposit of rare earth minerals in its Pacific seabed, enough to supply its hi-tech industries for more than 200 years, a scientist says.

Around 6.8 million tonnes of the valuable minerals, used in electric cars, iPods and lasers, are sitting under the seabed near a far eastern Japanese island, Tokyo University professor Yasuhiro Kato told AFP on Friday.

He said mud samples taken from an area near Minamitorishima island, some 2000 kilometres southeast of Tokyo, indicated deposits amounted to around 220 times the average annual amount used by industry in Japan.

So the bullying done by China by not supplying the rare earth materials to Japan ends here .
@ SwatCat what has this topic go to do with India? Please focus on the military aspect of this incident rather than going all political.

Why chinese only say International laws are violated when they them selves are violators of International law in SCS.

Double standards...!!!!!

So the bullying done by China by not supplying the rare earth materials to Japan ends here .

China still supplies 90% exports of Rare earth material and they are often of high grade stranded.

Japan finds massive rare earth deposits on ocean floor | NEWSWARPED.COM

Their is a reason why even Americans say that never underestimate the Japanese or Germans...

Future wars will only depend on the level of technology you have but also an Nation's industrial might. For example, China controls 90-80% of the World's rare earth exports which is critical for electronic devices, esp silicon based machinery. Suppose Japan got too Libby and threatens PRC with claims to China's territorial sovereignty, then we can seemly place an embargo on Rare earth exports to japanese markets which will devestate their already stuggling consumer-electronic industry. Before the 50s, the USAF had to place thousands off bombers just to.destroy an valuable target like railwys or deports. Now the USN and USAF could just destroy an nations entire infrastructure with an couple of Ageis destroyers and an B-52 armed with tomahawk CM/GB-JADAMS/ARAAMs etc. This is due credit to America's established military industrial complex which has thousands of R&D centers, tens of thousands employees, an sizable infrastructure and assistance from the civilian sectors in certain project. China lacks this.
Philippines has no air defense. They hide in shadows when China arrives

Wow really then why not use the proper International forums why the threats? historical title is different than legal title moron! please you chinese can't even understand that! and please your own flag for proper identification man you chinese say the idiotic things and cheap made excuses.
Japan finds massive rare earth deposits on ocean floor | NEWSWARPED.COM

Their is a reason why even Americans say that never underestimate the Japaneese or Germans...

Good for them it is international water so lots of country will fight for it, besides oceanbed is a dangerous for the earth let the jap dig. Anything go ******* wrong, the earth get damage, every country will cook them for lunch. Indian too please stop talk too much and act like genius people please.
Japan holds manoeuvres near disputed islands


The Japanese Self-defense Force (SDF) on Sunday began maneuvers in Narashino, Chiba province involving 20 airplanes and 33 armored vehicles. The exercise enacts a scenario in which a Japanese island is being occupied by an enemy and the airborne force tries to re-seize the island with the support of land and naval forces. Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said Japanese security has worsened as neighboring countries are modernizing their armies and North Korea conducted two controversial satellite launches. According to Onodera, the SDF must protect national territory and ensure the safety of the Japanese people.

Japan holds manoeuvres near disputed islands | News - VOV5

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