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Go read your history book again and tell me where were you indians when Chinese Expeditionary Force fought bravely with japs in Burma. Tell me more about how did Germany helped us fought against japs besides providing us certain amount of weapon before the invasion and how many troops were sent by US to drove japs away from China besides the "flying tiger" led by General Chennault? How dare you say "it was not in our capacity to halt japs military power". Do you even know what was going on in Asia-Pacific district during the WWII? It was our brave soldiers who earned us a seat as the permanent member of UN SC with their blood and lives, you indians ain't got a SHXT to say anything about that!
I know that war dragged on for decade but it was not in your capacity to halt Japanese superior military power, you were aided ( militarily ) immensely by Germans and later USA.

Your fifth generation fighter is not going to hit production lines before 2018 and that is long time to go from now.Please see my post no. 8 I have clearly mentioned conventional war since your country adheres to the policy of no first use in case of war has to achieve nuclear dimensions.

By auxiliary I meant you were in supporting role not in lead role as stakes were not high for you since war was not being fought on your mainland.
Actually, it ain't funny at all. By the time of the Korean War, US had reached its peak of military power but China had just stepped out of the ruins of 8 years anti japs war and 4 years civil war. Who would expect China alone to defeat US with almost just light weapons? It was a success for China to stabilize the front at the 38th parallel and finally made US to accept this fact.

If Macarthur did not find out Ridgway's talent in west point and Walker didn't die, US may be dragged into a more difficult situation. It is exactly what you mentioned about the stretching of supply line that caused our troop's attack could just keep about a week, and this phenomenon was caught by Ridgway to develop his viscous tactics. As far as I learn, this is the turning point of the whole battle.

More and more discussions about whether we should be involved into that war were addressed and not all of the Chinese support this action because of the large number of casualty, the danger of being attacked by nuclear weapon and more importantly the loss of chance to get back Taiwan. And that's also the most important cause of our dilemma nowadays in Diaoyu Island.
Funny how CHinese member always only focus on the fact that their strong army push american back to the south. If the Chinese was as good as they claim, they should have pushed the American back into the Sea of Japan and conquered the south, which is a fact that i still have not hear any Chinese member acknowledging.

Do bear in mind everyone's intention withint the UN and United States in Korea War is just to push the NOrth back, with the exception of one person, that's General Macarthur. Even the president were against going to the North in the first place. As people with a mind not just balls will see if we do push into the North, we will stretch our supply line so thin that the column are going to break down like the North Korean do just some month before. A defending army are in no way no how invading another country and fight in a different term. That's basically Military Tactics 101 we are taught in Military Academy.

Back on topic, i also don't think war are going to break out between China and US now, border conflict in low scale may happen from time to time Between China and Japan, but it will be just pissing action, not more than any aggression.

Do remember, this is not Korea anymore, where China fought on friendly ground( Chinese Troop were never south of Seoul at any time during the war. If War broke out between Japan and China, the war will happen in Japanese Soil. Unless China wanted to ge tbogged down by a thousand years war, there are no way China can win a regional wars with their peer in the region, in their land, on their term.

Invading a foreign land is not the same as defending friendly land, not at all. People know that, that's why tension as high as it might even as of now, There are still no war, and i believe there will not be a war in the near future.
very simple, the Chinese supply lines problems and new American/UN reinforcements, along with the lack of support from the Russians means that china was unable to take over the entire south. in fact china being unable to takeover SK against the Us should have been the expected result, i mean china in the 50 vs the US? who woulda thought.

what is incredible however, is that china and once-shattered nk forces was even able to push back from the Chinese boarder and reach a stalemate at the 38th parallel against the US led UN force. heck even being able to sneak hundreds of thousands over the river initially without alarm was amazing, even if at the time there were no drones and sats to watch you.

now as you say most people were against even going north and even fewer would wanna enter china that is true, but even with your "thin" supply line, the American forces were 10 times better supplied than similar Chinese forces which add all the more amazement that we ended up settling at the 38th.

and yea chances of war currently is low to very low, both sides are refraining from sending military forces and are just bumping around with civilian agencies.

even if war broke out though, i dont think it will be as you say, china doesnt plan on invading japan, any war stemming from the island disputes will be a naval and perhaps economic war, at any rates most people would agree that, as things are now, time is on china's side.

In korea war, the US/UN force does not expect a China intervention and the sole purpose of US/UN attack force intention are to push the North back to the North and hence achieve a status quo.

The problem is one man, abeit it is the Militarily Gifted Macauthur. The problem is, he set his standard too high on the get go. Anyone with a mind will know his plan is destined to fail (This is what we taught in the Military Academy)

If you study the troop strength of UN/US side, it is estimated on the date that the Chinese crossing the border, the troop strength is no more than 250,000 and only about 100,000 of those are in the front line to the north. but on that day alone, China rush 300,000 soldier across the border. Which is already roughtly the size of the whole UN Forces Korea. It tip the balance heavily on the Chinese side, when you are facing a logistical problem and a renewed force of 300,000. There are nothing to do but retreat.

The way the Korea war fought is a basic seige warfare and it is not come to a surprise It draw in the middle and right back where you started it. Also, do remember the time of Korean war is the time US Demobbing its whole military coming down from WW2. And majority of the force are stationed in Europe to counter the Russian Threat. The US is literally fighting a limited war in Korea.

There are one interesting point you mention Russia as a factor China cannot go all the way. That is true. If Russian support the Communist KPA/PVA from the start, it will be quite easy for the combine communist force to go over the south. Will that change anything tho? The answer is no. As Russia also being tied down in Europe, the same reason Why America do not use full strength as they done it in WW2. If Russia send any sort of Help to North Korea, they would have somehow left the East Europe open, and to Russia, they border East Eruope rather than Korea. So in the end, they also have to savce their own arse first, then come to help their communist brother.

China, on the other hand, have no such problem, however, because of the Korean war, it gave Taiwan a breather and literally, the Korean War is what saved Taiwan.

And yes, America is better equip than the Chinese counter part. But there are just too many pof them. And they are running out of ammo. Running out of supply is one very big characteric during the whole Korean war. You can fight for a few week without food, you can fight a few day without water supply. But you will not last 10 second if you do not have ammunition.....

GOing back to topic.

Even the chance of Border conflict is small as the island is a lot closer to Japan than to any Major Chinese city (I think i worked out from google map once the closest Chinese city is about 190Mile away, where the cloest Japanese City is only some 100 mile away. It would be an away war if Chinese decided to fight it.

And i do not agree time is on Chinese side as you have to assume Japan do nothing but sit on their ***** and China grow strong everyday. The truth is this is not the actual case. In Island warfare. Time is everything. If you allow time for your opponent to increase defense on an island, time to position their hardware in the island, all this will stack against the invading force.

We all know Japan have the means to fortify the island. But they do not have time to do so yet. BY the time China grow strong, they would have been able to heavily fortify the island. And from all the experience it see, in the end, if you waited long enough, the war will just become a meat grinder as you can only deveople technology like aircraft and missile. But to fight an island war. You need to most premetitve thing in modern battlefield at all, That's troop on the ground. No matter how technological superior you get, when you go and do the dirty work on the ground, you negate all the technology different. I have this kind of experience first hand. Whether you believe or not.

Actually, it ain't funny at all. By the time of the Korean War, US had reached its peak of military power but China had just stepped out of the ruins of 8 years anti japs war and 4 years civil war. Who would expect China alone to defeat US with almost just light weapons? It was a success for China to stabilize the front at the 38th parallel and finally made US to accept this fact.

If Macarthur did not find out Ridgway's talent in west point and Walker didn't die, US may be dragged into a more difficult situation. It is exactly what you mentioned about the stretching of supply line that caused our troop's attack could just keep about a week, and this phenomenon was caught by Ridgway to develop his viscous tactics. As far as I learn, this is the turning point of the whole battle.

More and more discussions about whether we should be involved into that war were addressed and not all of the Chinese support this action because of the large number of casualty, the danger of being attacked by nuclear weapon and more importantly the loss of chance to get back Taiwan. And that's also the most important cause of our dilemma nowadays in Diaoyu Island.

Actually, US was at the bottom since coming out of WW2, we even have difficulty muster 1 division to fight the delay action. Again as i said, we are in demobbing from WW2, and almost all of our remaining military power is dedicated to Europe instead of the Asian Front. We are in no way to fight a war in the whole year of 1950.

Chinese did not defeat the American in the Northern Forntline by the means of light weapon, they crushed the UN spearhead by sheer number. 100,000 may be acceptable for soldier to fight on, 200,000 is the maximum limit, but Chinese send 300,000 in one day. That's in case you don't know, is a lot of people.

The US actually had realise the Supply problem even before we set foot on the North. That why we only send a portion of the troop to the north and thus reducing the problem. However, with Chinese main force trying to stroll south, you are talking about 1 millions PVA + KPA troop. That's a very large army to support and just after 1 year or so, acutally both side already settled the fact that No UN troop can cross the 38th to the North and stay, and no Chinese/KPA troop can cross the 38th South and stayed. Hence for what i concern, the last 2 years of war is just waste of time and human life.
Japan to use unmanned US drones to monitor Senkaku Islands - The Japan Daily Press

The Japanese Defense Ministry stated on Monday that it was planning to strengthen its security over the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands by flying American-build unmanned drones over the territory in the East China Sea. The aircraft, known as Global Hawk UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), are targeted to be in use by the 2015 fiscal year, government officials said.

Tensions with China remain high after Japan formally purchased the uninhabited islands already under its control in mid-September. While violent protesting and the calls for boycotting Japanese goods in China have since died down, the Beijing government has been seen as taking steps to escalate its claims over the territory, even threatening the use of military force. The country launched its first aircraft carrier a few months ago, stating that it would serve to protect China’s sovereignty, security, and development interest in its surrounding waters.

In mid-December China filed a claim with the United Nations, arguing that its basis for rightful ownership of the islands is based on geological placement. Amid these moves, Chinese patrol ships have been seen in the area around the islands almost non-stop since September, repeatedly entering Japan’s territorial waters and stating they are within their rights. An official Beijing aircraft also violated Japanese airspace for the first time in over 50 years last month by flying over the Senkaku Islands. The Japanese Defense Ministry responded by deploying several fighter jets, however, no further action was needed.
2015... what a joke. What about NOW? In 2015, this will probably have been solved... probably by force.
Japan scrambles jets to head off China plane

TOKYO: Japan scrambled fighter jets on Saturday to head off a Chinese state-owned plane that flew near islands at the centre of a dispute between Tokyo and Beijing, a Japanese Defence Ministry spokesman said.

Japanese jets were mobilised after a Chinese maritime aircraft ventured some 120 kilometres north of the Senkaku islands, which China calls the Diaoyus, at around 12:00 pm (0300 GMT), the spokesman said.

The Chinese Y-12 twin-turboprop later left the zone without entering Japanese airspace over the islands, he added.

full story: Japan scrambles jets to head off China plane - Channel NewsAsia

Testing, testing , testing. Next time it won't be just maritime aircraft.
China ships near disputed East China Sea islands

TOKYO: Four Chinese government ships entered territorial waters around Japan-controlled islands at the centre of a dispute on Monday.

The marine surveillance ships were seen moving within 12 nautical miles of the islands, known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, just before midday, Japan's coastguard said in a statement.

They were still inside the zone at 7 pm local time (1000 GMT), with Japanese patrol boat crews telling the Chinese ships to leave the waters, a coastguard official said.

Japan's foreign ministry lodged a protest with the Chinese embassy in Tokyo over the incident by telephone, a ministry official said.

In Beijing, China's State Oceanic Administration said the four ships "continued to patrol territorial waters off China's Diaoyu Islands", according to the state-run Xinhua news agency.

It was the first time since December 31 -- and the 21st time since Japan nationalised the islands in September -- that any state-owned Chinese ship has been seen in the archipelago's waters, which lie in the East China Sea.

A state-owned Chinese plane flew through airspace over the islands early last month. Tokyo responded by scrambling fighter jets and said it was the first time Beijing had breached its airspace since at least 1958.

On Saturday, another Chinese state-owned plane approached the islands without entering the airspace, prompting another Japanese fighter jet dispatch.

China ships near disputed East China Sea islands - Channel NewsAsia
Just as I expected.......the 'new normal' indeed,

Japan scrambles jets against China military planes

TOKYO: Japan scrambled fighter jets on Thursday to head off a number of Chinese military planes near islands at the centre of a territorial dispute, Japanese media said.

The Chinese planes were spotted on Japanese military radar north of the Japanese-controlled Senkaku islands, known as Diaoyu in China, the Fuji TV network reported, quoting Japanese government officials.

They did not violate territorial airspace over the islands but flew inside Japan's so-called air defence identification zone, the report said.

The Japanese defence ministry press office did not confirm the report.

The Chinese planes were gone when F-15 jet fighters from an airbase on Japan's main Okinawan island reached the area, the report said, adding the Chinese flights continued until about 5:00 pm (0800 GMT).

Chinese government ships and planes have been seen off the disputed islands numerous times since Japan nationalised them in September, sometimes within the 12 nautical-mile territorial zone.

Japan dispatched fighter jets last month after a Chinese state-owned plane breached airspace over the islands.

Japan scrambles jets against China military planes - Channel NewsAsia
I think I made my point very clear with you in previous discussion, it is NOT China who provoked this intensive situation in a very sensitive time spot--nationalize this disputable island on the VJ day! And, if you're referring to the global order after WWII built by yourself, Diaoyu Island definitely belongs to China (no matter PRC or ROC) and it is written in the terms of Potsdam Declaration and Cairo Declaration. I don't see anything concrete from you to back your point that China is the aggressor here.
btw, I should say that what you believe has nothing to do with what's in my heart, so please save it.
I believe the country in your heart is in the position of agressor here, and so it would have to be you who tried us.

so go ahead... try us :coffee:
I think I made my point very clear with you in previous discussion, it is NOT China who provoked this intensive situation in a very sensitive time spot--nationalize this disputable island on the VJ day! And, if you're referring to the global order after WWII built by yourself, Diaoyu Island definitely belongs to China (no matter PRC or ROC) and it is written in the terms of Potsdam Declaration and Cairo Declaration. I don't see anything concrete from you to back your point that China is the aggressor here.
btw, I should say that what you believe has nothing to do with what's in my heart, so please save it.

I will not bother to get into a circular argument with you, I will only say Japan currently holds the islands and is free to exercise military force in the area. China is currently unable/unwilling to, and so it is China that has to move first or nothing will happen. So again, try us :coffee:
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