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Chinese think tank: conflict inevitable between Japan, China over Senkakus - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
With the rise of China as Asia's leading economic power, a Chinese government think tank says the nation's conflict with Japan over the Senkaku Islands is inevitable at a time when its bilateral relations are changing as a consequence.

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) also said in its annual report that the two countries’ relationship will enter into a highly unstable period.

While thinking that the conflict over the islands could be prolonged, China is now paying attention to what action the new Japanese government, headed by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, will take.

The “report on the development of the Asia-Pacific region” points out that China’s rapid development is raising anxieties in surrounding nations, forcing them into taking precautions and requiring them to accept the “readjustment” of the power balance.

As for the Senkaku Islands, the report explained that Japan’s right-wing groups, which have gained strength through the country’s two decades of a sluggish economy called “the lost 20 years,” regarded U.S. policy of “pivoting to Asia” as the best opportunity to nationalize the islands. In September, Japan purchased three of the five Senkaku Islands, called the Diaoyu Islands in China, from a private landowner.

Until the new power balance is established in the fields of politics and economics, prolongation of the conflict is inevitable. As a result, Japan-China relations will enter into a highly volatile period, the report said.

“Japan’s nationalization of the Diaoyu Islands destroyed the framework for keeping a balance, which means ‘shelving a conflict,’ ” a Chinese diplomatic source said.

“China has no political methods to return the situation to the (pre-nationalization) state. Therefore, there are no other ways except for looking for a new framework,” the source said.

In a symposium held on Dec. 28, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun said, “China and Japan should find crisis management methods through dialogue.”

With the comment, Zhang showed willingness to establish a framework for preventing possible clashes between vessels or aircraft around the Senkaku Islands from escalating into a military conflict.

As a precondition for establishing the framework, an executive of a think tank said, “Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should not take actions that heighten the tensions further.”

Since the days before Dec. 26 when the Abe government was formed, Beijing has been paying close attention to Abe’s hard-line remarks, such as stationing public servants on the Senkaku Islands or making visits to Yasukuni Shrine, which honors not only Japanese war dead, but also Class-A war criminals.

“It is the same as a game of go. If Japan escalates the conflict, China will be prepared to respond to the move,” the executive said.

Gao Hong, deputy director of the CASS’s Institute of Japanese Studies, said, “It is necessary for Japan-China relations to return to the original point of the two countries seeking long-term profits in their relationship.”

The warmongers need to calm the hell down before all hell breaks loose.
Because of her very wrong moves, Chinese is surrounded gradually by both friends and un-friend of US. When the princer movement by US is done, late of 2013 maybe, something will happen :flame:... not at SCS but ECS. Not WW3 because this time there are not 2 sides ( like WW2 ) but 1 nation vs the rest of the world :hitwall:
i sincerely hope that this does not turn into a world war.
at the first place,i hope that is no such war.
I don't think they will go to any military conflict. Swords may get drawn but both nations know the fallout of this. China is on right track economy and technology wise, they won't like to disrupt it as it may affect their catching up with US. Japan's economy is not that great right now. Conflict wil make things worse for them.
well there's alrdy conflict..but i dont see any war in the near future..also this issue is going to be prolonged for a long time.if at all theres a war..its going to be a world war..and no nation can afford it..
That because China is seeking for peaceful cooperation thru economy and development. Unlike US who seek for military support to start another war. If China do what US do, Vietnam will be surrounded too, so does US and Europe.

US play a military game in East Asia, but China doesn't do the same thing in Latin America against US. Nor Africa and Middle East against Europe.

It's different between peaceful country vs military country, who spend 50% of world total military spending.
USA has all ready indicated those islands are covered by the treaty of peace.China doesn't have balls to take on might of USA and Japan both at a time in conventional war.
If China gets somehow drawn into that war then it would disrupt her economy to an extent that it would take 5-10 years to recover.
USA has all ready indicated those islands are covered by the treaty of peace.China doesn't have balls to take on might of USA and Japan both at a time in conventional war.
If China gets somehow drawn into that war then it would disrupt her economy to an extent that it would take 5-10 years to recover.

Go read about the Korean War kid. Your fuzzy head will explode. It's actually the other way around, the US can bark all it wants, they know what a full scale war with the PLA means, they found it out the hard way in the Korean War. It is they that will NEVER go to war with China. Read history, not the anti-Chinese propaganda fed up your government.
Go read about the Korean War kid. Your fuzzy head will explode. It's actually the other way around, the US can bark all it wants, they know what a full scale war with the PLA means, they found it out the hard way in the Korean War. It is they that will NEVER go to war with China. Read history, not the anti-Chinese propaganda fed up your government.
High IQ Chinese uncle ,if you want to go by history then don't you remember what only Japan did to your country in second Sino-Japanese war and how can you forget Nanking.

Don't draw pretexts from past .Fighting as auxiliary is differnt than fighting on it's own and on it's own land too.
You couldn't have imagined bombing of your Bejing in Korean war ???But here is a situation my dear uncle! when squadrons of F-22 would come unchallenged and go unchallenged after bombing your shining newly developed infrastructures.Now don't argue you are able to stop F-22s .

And try to refrain from getting to the levels of personal attack or it can get really spin out of control. Take your aggression somewhere else.
High IQ Chinese uncle ,if you want to go by history then don't you remember what only Japan did to your country in second Sino-Japanese war and how can you forget Nanking.

Don't draw pretexts from past .Fighting as auxiliary is differnt than fighting on it's own and on it's own land too.
You couldn't have imagined bombing of your Bejing in Korean war ???But here is a situation my dear uncle! when squadrons of F-22 would come unchallenged and go unchallenged after bombing your shining newly developed infrastructures.Now don't argue you are able to stop F-22s .

And try to refrain from getting to the levels of personal attack or it can get really spin out of control. Take your aggression somewhere else.

we do read history, i distinctly remember that japan was fighting china at its weakest in centuries, and boasted that china would be overrun in 6 months, funny how nearly a decade of war and china was still around and still fiercely resisting and millions of crack Japanese troops were tied down.

lol f-22 going to bomb Beijing lol sure they'll go unanswered cause it not like china is developing its own stealth aircraft. or yo know have nuke or anything.

oh fyi, those units were not auxiliary units in korea
we do read history, i distinctly remember that japan was fighting china at its weakest in centuries, and boasted that china would be overrun in 6 months, funny how nearly a decade of war and china was still around and still fiercely resisting and millions of crack Japanese troops were tied down.

lol f-22 going to bomb Beijing lol sure they'll go unanswered cause it not like china is developing its own stealth aircraft. or yo know have nuke or anything.

oh fyi, those units were not auxiliary units in korea
I know that war dragged on for decade but it was not in your capacity to halt Japanese superior military power, you were aided ( militarily ) immensely by Germans and later USA.

Your fifth generation fighter is not going to hit production lines before 2018 and that is long time to go from now.Please see my post no. 8 I have clearly mentioned conventional war since your country adheres to the policy of no first use in case of war has to achieve nuclear dimensions.

By auxiliary I meant you were in supporting role not in lead role as stakes were not high for you since war was not being fought on your mainland.
I know that war dragged on for decade but it was not in your capacity to halt Japanese superior military power, you were aided ( militarily ) immensely by Germans and later USA.

Your fifth generation fighter is not going to hit production lines before 2018 and that is long time to go from now.Please see my post no. 8 I have clearly mentioned conventional war since your country adheres to the policy of no first use in case of war has to achieve nuclear dimensions.

By auxiliary I meant you were in supporting role not in lead role as stakes were not high for you since war was not being fought on your mainland.

Funny how CHinese member always only focus on the fact that their strong army push american back to the south. If the Chinese was as good as they claim, they should have pushed the American back into the Sea of Japan and conquered the south, which is a fact that i still have not hear any Chinese member acknowledging.

Do bear in mind everyone's intention withint the UN and United States in Korea War is just to push the NOrth back, with the exception of one person, that's General Macarthur. Even the president were against going to the North in the first place. As people with a mind not just balls will see if we do push into the North, we will stretch our supply line so thin that the column are going to break down like the North Korean do just some month before. A defending army are in no way no how invading another country and fight in a different term. That's basically Military Tactics 101 we are taught in Military Academy.

Back on topic, i also don't think war are going to break out between China and US now, border conflict in low scale may happen from time to time Between China and Japan, but it will be just pissing action, not more than any aggression.

Do remember, this is not Korea anymore, where China fought on friendly ground( Chinese Troop were never south of Seoul at any time during the war. If War broke out between Japan and China, the war will happen in Japanese Soil. Unless China wanted to ge tbogged down by a thousand years war, there are no way China can win a regional wars with their peer in the region, in their land, on their term.

Invading a foreign land is not the same as defending friendly land, not at all. People know that, that's why tension as high as it might even as of now, There are still no war, and i believe there will not be a war in the near future.
Three China ships in waters around disputed islands: Japan


TOKYO: Three Chinese government ships on Monday entered territorial waters around East China Sea islands at the centre of a dispute with Tokyo, Japan's coastguard said.

One of the surveillance ships entered waters around the islands known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China at around 1:32pm (0432 GMT), while another followed about 20 minutes later, the coastguard said.

The third vessel entered the waters around the islands, controlled by Tokyo but claimed by Beijing, at about 2:35 pm (0535 GMT), it said.

The ships were spotted by coastguard aircraft which were patrolling the region, and were later ordered by a Japanese patrol vessel to leave the area, the coastguard said.

In response, the third Chinese vessel reiterated Beijing's claim.

"The ship responded in Chinese by saying in essence that Diaoyu and related islands are an inherent part of Chinese territory," a Japanese coastguard spokesman told AFP.

The three ships were still inside what Japan claims as its territorial waters as of 3:50 pm (0650 GMT), the Japanese coastguard said.

China has repeatedly sailed into waters around the disputed islands since Japan nationalised the chain in September.

Beijing sent its ships into the area as recently as December 21, after the conservative Liberal Democratic Party swept to a landslide election victory in Japan.

Newly elected Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said he wishes to mend Tokyo's ties with Beijing.

But analysts predict that China is unlikely to change its claim to the islands and will probably continue to send its ships into the surrounding waters to bring the world's attention to the dispute.

Earlier in December, a state-owned Chinese plane breached Japanese airspace over the islands. Tokyo responded by scrambling fighter jets and said it was the first time Beijing had breached its airspace since 1958.

Three China ships in waters around disputed islands: Japan - Channel NewsAsia


China adds destroyers to marine surveillance: report


Chinese missile destroyer

BEIJING: China has transferred two destroyers and nine other ex-navy vessels to its maritime surveillance fleet, reports said on Monday, as it moves to beef up its position in bitter territorial rows with Japan and other neighbours.

Beijing renovated the ships and transferred them to surveillance operations to "alleviate the insufficiency of vessels used to protect maritime interests", said a report on Tencent, one of China's major news portals.

China is embroiled in a maritime dispute with Japan that has seen tensions between the two Asian giants, the world's second- and third-largest economies, at times reach fever pitch.

It is also engaged in a simmering row with its southern neighbours over its claim to vast swathes of the South China Sea.

Beijing has been sending maritime patrol vessels into waters around the East China Sea islands it claims as Diaoyu, which Japan controls and calls Senkaku, since Tokyo nationalised the chain in September.

China is apparently seeking to prove it can come and go in the area at will and on Monday a pair of Beijing's ships were spotted in the waters, according to Japan's coastguard, in the latest perceived incursion.

Two of Beijing's newly-refurbished vessels are destroyers, with one each to operate in the East and South China Seas, with the others including tugs, icebreakers and survey ships, according to the Tencent report.

It was not clear whether it was the first time the maritime surveillance fleet has acquired destroyers, or when the transfers took place.

The report was first published in the International Herald Leader, a Chinese-language newspaper linked to Beijing's official news agency Xinhua, and the author said the operation had been given significantly more capacity.

"The maritime surveillance team's power has been greatly strengthened and its capacity to execute missions sharply improved, providing a fundamental guarantee for completing the currently arduous task to protect maritime interests," wrote Yu Zhirong, of the government's Research Centre for Chinese Marine Development.

Since 2000 the maritime surveillance fleet, which is tasked with "protecting China's interests and executing law enforcement missions", has also received a total of 13 new vessels, the report said.

Daily patrols have been stepped up from six vessels before the disputes heated up to "more than 10" Yu said, adding authorities planned to build another 36 surveillance ships by 2015.

A Chinese plane overflew the islands in the East China Sea earlier this month, in what Japan said was the first time Beijing had breached its airspace since at least 1958. Tokyo scrambled fighter jets in response.

Yu added in the report: "I believe Chinese maritime surveillance authorities will build and buy many ships and planes in the future with strong capabilities and advanced equipment."

Funny how CHinese member always only focus on the fact that their strong army push american back to the south. If the Chinese was as good as they claim, they should have pushed the American back into the Sea of Japan and conquered the south, which is a fact that i still have not hear any Chinese member acknowledging.

Do bear in mind everyone's intention withint the UN and United States in Korea War is just to push the NOrth back, with the exception of one person, that's General Macarthur. Even the president were against going to the North in the first place. As people with a mind not just balls will see if we do push into the North, we will stretch our supply line so thin that the column are going to break down like the North Korean do just some month before. A defending army are in no way no how invading another country and fight in a different term. That's basically Military Tactics 101 we are taught in Military Academy.

Back on topic, i also don't think war are going to break out between China and US now, border conflict in low scale may happen from time to time Between China and Japan, but it will be just pissing action, not more than any aggression.

Do remember, this is not Korea anymore, where China fought on friendly ground( Chinese Troop were never south of Seoul at any time during the war. If War broke out between Japan and China, the war will happen in Japanese Soil. Unless China wanted to ge tbogged down by a thousand years war, there are no way China can win a regional wars with their peer in the region, in their land, on their term.

Invading a foreign land is not the same as defending friendly land, not at all. People know that, that's why tension as high as it might even as of now, There are still no war, and i believe there will not be a war in the near future.

very simple, the Chinese supply lines problems and new American/UN reinforcements, along with the lack of support from the Russians means that china was unable to take over the entire south. in fact china being unable to takeover SK against the Us should have been the expected result, i mean china in the 50 vs the US? who woulda thought.

what is incredible however, is that china and once-shattered nk forces was even able to push back from the Chinese boarder and reach a stalemate at the 38th parallel against the US led UN force. heck even being able to sneak hundreds of thousands over the river initially without alarm was amazing, even if at the time there were no drones and sats to watch you.

now as you say most people were against even going north and even fewer would wanna enter china that is true, but even with your "thin" supply line, the American forces were 10 times better supplied than similar Chinese forces which add all the more amazement that we ended up settling at the 38th.

and yea chances of war currently is low to very low, both sides are refraining from sending military forces and are just bumping around with civilian agencies.

even if war broke out though, i dont think it will be as you say, china doesnt plan on invading japan, any war stemming from the island disputes will be a naval and perhaps economic war, at any rates most people would agree that, as things are now, time is on china's side.
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