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1.The subject is serious and deserves cool dissertation. Not only BD but peoples living in eastern subcontinent need to take note. So let's come back to the topic.
2. In BD cadet colleges are the best / elite pre-university institutions. The product joins the military heavily. But they are present in bureaucracy, academia, politics, commerce - everywhere. That is not all; they lead wherever they are. That is how they have been brought up. So why are they suddenly joining up with the jihad movement? They are highly educated and thinking people, quite rational. So what has driven them to take this extreme step? Can we try and find out the causes?
@Ehtesham96 On topic, what do you think about the educated young muslims joining ISIS?
They are brainwashed by internet propaganda and mislead in the name of religion. What groups like ISIS want is power and money. Like in the Levant their objective is to get control over Syria and Iraq, two oil rich states. The leaders of that group want power, and for that use religion as a tool. They are utilizing terrorism as a strategy to provoke "Christian West" into a war in the "Muslim Middle East", which will them give them justification for combative jihad, resulting in more Muslims joining their cause against "Christian invasion of Muslim lands". They are basically trying to replicate the situation of the Crusades. Once its done and over with, and "the Christian invaders" are driven out of "the Muslim lands", those foreign Muslim recruits will have no use anymore and will be discarded. Those who are smart enough to realize this won't fall for the trap. Those who aren't, one can only wait for them to come to their senses or be taken care of by security agencies. Or better still die in the Syrian desert.

Teenagers are most vulnerable to such propaganda. They are easily brainwashed. One of the taglines of ISIS is "Christians are invading Muslim lands. This is declaration of holy war and it is duty of every Muslim to fight against the invaders and defend Muslim lands". So they are made to believe they are fighting some sort of holy war, and ISIS's claim of "re-establishing the glorious Caliphate" is used to further bolster them to their cause. If ISIS was truly Islamic organization it wouldn't have killed innocent Christians so horribly, only for sake of provoking the West. Christians, Jews are our fellow monotheists, why should we fight among ourselves? Makes no sense. End of the day, what matters is power and money. Sooner people realize the better.


Muslim Christian Jewish brothers
So does Hindus, Muslims may not know, but all the gods and goddesses are manifestation of Parambrahma. End of the day it's one.

Yah but its up to individual belief in Hinduism case. There is no dogma at its core.

But saying "we" Muslims should celebrate Christian festivals but not Hindu ones is not something I agree with.

It's free speech. If he does not violently enforce it, it doesn't matter.

Also, I'm really ignorant of religious things. I know Christians have something like holy trinity and sometimes they are not considered pure monotheist by some Muslims and Jewish. The word polytheist is the the wrong wrong word to use in that context. I ask for forgiveness to whomever I might've offended with my post.

There's no offence I took at all (or anyone reasonable would for that matter). Helping educate is only a good thing.

He who asks a question may look dumb temporarily....but he doesn't remain ignorant like the one that doesn't ask at all.

I learned quite a bit from your posts on various topics too. Its information flow, its good.
First of all what is ISIS? Some say it is the Israeli Secret Intel Service.

Some morons, Islamist and terrorist apologists do say all these nonsense, but I am sure you being a 'professional' do not believe in such crap, right?
Some morons, Islamist and terrorist apologists do say all these nonsense, but I am sure you being a 'professional' do not believe in such crap, right?

He believes that Gulshan was "enlightened resistance".

I reported that to the Canadian police and thus his activity is very limited these days compared to before.

You are welcome.
This guy had quite an awakening or was it ? He thought he was doing something good !!!

I think cops should keep a close eye on him considering what motivated him, and how easily he got talked into leaving everything behind to go to Syria.
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He believes that Gulshan was "enlightened resistance".

I reported that to the Canadian police and thus his activity is very limited these days compared to before.

You are welcome.
I heard Khalistanis as well as Canadian Mounties have been looking for you. You should get back to no-toilet India and hide with Aghori sadhus.

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