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Dhaka Stock Exchange picks China's bid for stake over India's

Yawn. Clearly, you can neither express yourself nor are capable of grasping what is written. What a surprise! Or not. Tsk tsk.

No, I didn't lie - clearly the Chinese posting here have comprehension issues. A trait common in many Chinese. The Chinese refugees had to beg to come in. Once they were in, they no longer had to beg. There is a difference. Or is it too complicated to understand?
You can try to sell as much of your Communist propaganda as you like - no one in the civilized democratic world buys it. You have a problem with the Chinese refugees in India - take it up with the UN and the Indian Govt - instead of hyperventilating on Internet forums, grow a backbone and if you really believe it - do something about it.
ah, not surprisingly. It's hard to understand international jokes for low IQ and illiteracy.
But I am wondering why you put India into the "civilized democratic world". this is a new international joke?

The illiterate country also has democracy and civilization? Oh, consider your low IQ. You may not understand.

Maybe someone should translate this for you in Chinese - ask around.

1. Why don't you take it up with the UN if the poor refugees are "insurgents" or "criminal fugitives" instead of clowning around here?

2. Bangladesh is free to do what it wants. It is their country. That's how things work.

LOL - Return South Tibet? No such place exists. They are NOT beggars. They beg to come into India when they are still in China - once they come here, they lead a much better life.
much better life???
Do you make this new international joke?

Children Are Hungrier In Modi's India Than In Kim's North Korea

India's Hunger Problem Is Worse Than North Korea, Bangladesh; Ranks 100 In Global Hunger Index

Now try to understand - international joke! :lol:
ah, not surprisingly. It's hard to understand international jokes for low IQ and illiteracy.
But I am wondering why you put India into the "civilized democratic world". this is a new international joke?

The illiterate country also has democracy and civilization? Oh, consider your low IQ. You may not understand.
View attachment 457395

much better life???
Do you make this new international joke?

Children Are Hungrier In Modi's India Than In Kim's North Korea

India's Hunger Problem Is Worse Than North Korea, Bangladesh; Ranks 100 In Global Hunger Index

Now try to understand - international joke! :lol:
View attachment 457396

Lol. Another rant by another member who can't answer a simple question. So much for "High IQ". Hahaha
Again, another nonsensical post. LOL. Is this also from a fortune cookie?
No, you don't know the world, but the world knows you. So you feel nonsensical.
From Thailand to Iran, they all know what country India is. But you don't know.

Please understand 印度(India) and Bihar.

No, you don't know the world, but the world knows you. So you feel nonsensical.
From Thailand to Iran, they all know what country India is. But you don't know.

Please understand 印度(India) and Bihar.
View attachment 457403
View attachment 457404
LOL - is this supposed to make sense? Well - not in democracies - it is not.
Nor in civilized nations.
LOL - is this supposed to make sense? Well - not in democracies - it is not.
Nor in civilized nations.
Now even pariah countries promote themselves as democratic and civilized?
But I still think —— the pariah is always a pariah.
Now even pariah countries promote themselves as democratic and civilized?
But I still think —— the pariah is always a pariah.
Pariah? Lol - according to whom? The country whose citizens beg India to give them shelter? Hahahahaha.
Pariah? Lol - according to whom? The country whose citizens beg India to give them shelter? Hahahahaha.
yawn. 400 million illiterate, 1 billion dalit. Low life expectancy, Low HDI...Pariah countries are always pariah countries.:azn:
yawn. 400 million illiterate, 1 billion dalit. Low life expectancy, Low HDI...Pariah countries are always pariah countries.:azn:

I always thought India and BD as a comparison makes sense perfect sense. But some Indians have clouded minds.
yawn. 400 million illiterate, 1 billion dalit. Low life expectancy, Low HDI...Pariah countries are always pariah countries.:azn:
Yes. Begging for asylum into India. Beggar countries will always remain beggars. Hahaha
Yes. Begging for asylum into India. Beggar countries will always remain beggars. Hahaha
I see a bright future for Dhaka Stock exchange now that the Chinese will help manage it.

Are you so intellectually starved with nothing in your brain except to regurgitate that fake refuge again ?
Stop parading those Indian instigated Tibetan rebel fugitives as refugees.

Info from Indian mainstream medias.
After years of guerrilla war between Tibetan rebels and the Chinese soldiers in a land that China considered to be its territory, the friendly overture seemed suspicious enough that, on the day of the performance, thousands of protesters surrounded the Dalai Lama’s palace in Lhasa to keep him from being abducted, arrested or killed. Over the following few days, the protests expanded into declarations of Tibetan independence and the mobilizing of rebel troops to fight the Chinese forces. The State Oracle, the Dalai Lama’s advisor, urged him to flee.

Whereas hunger staved Indian real refugees are in Hong Kong, China.
Indian officials say that Hong Kong has become attractive destination for asylum seekers from the sub-continent as it offered facilities for food and stay free of cost until the asylum requests are processed.

These lucky Starving Indian refugees SAVED from hunger death by the Chinese.
India tops world hunger list with 194 million people

Would anyone with a sane mind want to go STARVE in Gangadesh ?
Or die from their shyt filled air.
I see a bright future for Dhaka Stock exchange now that the Chinese will help manage it.

Are you so intellectually starved with nothing in your brain except to regurgitate that fake refuge again ?
Stop parading those Indian instigated Tibetan rebel fugitives as refugees.

Info from Indian mainstream medias.
After years of guerrilla war between Tibetan rebels and the Chinese soldiers in a land that China considered to be its territory, the friendly overture seemed suspicious enough that, on the day of the performance, thousands of protesters surrounded the Dalai Lama’s palace in Lhasa to keep him from being abducted, arrested or killed. Over the following few days, the protests expanded into declarations of Tibetan independence and the mobilizing of rebel troops to fight the Chinese forces. The State Oracle, the Dalai Lama’s advisor, urged him to flee.

Whereas hunger staved Indian real refugees are in Hong Kong, China.
Indian officials say that Hong Kong has become attractive destination for asylum seekers from the sub-continent as it offered facilities for food and stay free of cost until the asylum requests are processed.

These lucky Starving Indian refugees SAVED from hunger death by the Chinese.
India tops world hunger list with 194 million people

Would anyone with a sane mind want to go STARVE in Gangadesh ?
Or die from their shyt filled air.
LOL - Is English difficult to comprehend?

Why don't you take it up with the United Nations if India is harboring fugitives? I have asked this a 1000 times now - you just chicken out and keep your ridiculous rants going.

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