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Dhaka costlier than Washington for expats, costliest in S Asia

To all BD guys, please note that @itsanufy is our Jamai. So, we must respect him as one of our own. No insult, please!!!

@bluesky bhai, shoshur-barir bodnam korley jamai shoshur-bari tey welcome thakey na. :lol:
The pictures above show what a foreigner or a rich Bangladeshi can expect to eat in hi-fi restaurants in Dhaka. Although these are not the common menu for consumption by common people like me, however, the kitchens and halls show how the Dhaka modern eateries have upgraded themselves with European cuisines.

However, I believe all the restaurants you have shown are inside International hotels.

High-quality restaurants are needed to change the typical local eating mindset as well as the image of the country.

There are plenty of private restaurants too, which have decor and cuisine in as high a standard as this, or frequently, better. There are few other avenues to spend money in Dhaka, people go out to eat and drop coin on eateries.

In fact - like I said, there are private restaurants (by invitation only) which have prix fixe buffet menus of Tk. 20~30,000 (USD400) or so per person where European Cordon Bleu haute cuisine chefs will cook you personal meals. I have known about these exclusive restaurants for a while, most of them are in Gulshan or Baridhara. Some friends of mine have frequented these establishments which obviously aren't part of hotels like Marriott or Intercontinental.
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@bluesky bhai Black Money white korar babostha korsey. Stock Exchange investments. They will charge heavy rate of interest though. This may not be bad in the long run and will stimulate the economy.
Making investments in the Stock Exchnage is OK. But, it is a lopsided method and will remain good for a short time. It does not solve the main issue of corruption and non-payment or underpayment of taxes.

Without the collection of taxes, the govt is unable to invest in infrastructure construction projects where millions of more people can get productive jobs.

If you excuse me, I would say that whatever money BD spends on infrastructure in 50 years with foreign borrowings is spent in one year in a developed country. Only the collection of a proper amount of taxes in BD would reverse the situation.

It is no wonder that the country is called a "Soft State" by economists like Gunnar Myrdal in his Asian Drama. He thinks and I personally think with a culture of corruption a country cannot develop to the status of any European country. And BD is only limping because of heavy corruption.

Note that the countries in Asia that developed so far have forcefully stopped this traditional Asian culture. Think of Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea, Singapore, or China how they have dealt with corruption. Against this, think of BD, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand, and all others.

These are all corrupt countries where govt people are allowed to take bribes with which they build mansions that people define as the progress of the country.
@bluesky bhai, shoshur-barir bodnam korley jamai shoshur-bari tey welcome thakey na.
জামাইরা একটু-আধটু শ্বশুরবাড়ীর বদনাম কইরাই থাকে। এইটা সম্ভবতঃ বৌয়ের উপর একটু রাগ দেখানোর জন্যও হইতে পারে। বাংলাদেশের উপর রাগ দেখাইয়া বৌকে একহাত দেখে নেওয়া আর কি !! স্বামী স্ত্রীতে যা খুবই স্বাভাবিক। তারপরও সে আমাদের জামাই। না কি মনে হয় ?
জামাইরা একটু-আধটু শ্বশুরবাড়ীর বদনাম কইরাই থাকে। এইটা সম্ভবতঃ বৌয়ের উপর একটু রাগ দেখানোর জন্যও হইতে পারে। বাংলাদেশের উপর রাগ দেখাইয়া বৌকে একহাত দেখে নেওয়া আর কি !! স্বামী স্ত্রীতে যা খুবই স্বাভাবিক। তারপরও সে আমাদের জামাই। না কি মনে হয় ?

ঠিক কইসেন ভাই। আমিও এইডাই কই। ... 8-)

আর দাদারে গাল মন্দ করবোনা। আমাগো বইনের ইজ্জত রাখলাম।
A long time ago I visited Lagos and Enugu of Nigeria two times on my labor job and It surprised me to see the food prices in the restaurants are more expensive than in Tokyo. Even with oil money, Nigeria was/ is a poor country without much industrialization.

Nigeria was awash with inflation money that its govt used to say was the symbol of development. This is the same with Dhaka. Everything is becoming expensive because of too much monetary inflation that our leaders say is the symbol of great economic development when industrialization is absent.

Do the prices in Dhaka say BD is a developed country like Japan when Dhaka is more expensive than even Tokyo?
Unemployment is also another factor here. Bangladeshi jobs have shitty salaries and most organisations have a shitty work culture. Even most Indian companies give better salaries than Bangladeshi ones. As a result many engineers, doctors, students leave Bangladesh and settle abroad. The ones who remain in Bangladesh with shitty salaries find it difficult to cope up with rising prices of commodities.
Unemployment is also another factor here. Bangladeshi jobs have shitty salaries and most organisations have a shitty work culture. Even most Indian companies give better salaries than Bangladeshi ones. As a result many engineers, doctors, students leave Bangladesh and settle abroad. The ones who remain in Bangladesh with shitty salaries find it difficult to cope up with rising prices of commodities.

Dude! WTF ??

Do you even know how to compare Indian salaries vs. Bangladesh salaries ?

Why are there so many Indian professionals working in Dhaka ? So Many Indian CEO's ? :lol:
Dude! WTF ??

Do you even know how to compare Indian salaries vs. Bangladesh salaries ?

Why are there so many Indian professionals working in Dhaka ? So Many Indian CEO's ? :lol:
I am not talking about salaries of CEO but salaries of mid and tertiary level officers. Salaries of mid level officers example executive or assistant manager is not too much.

CEO salary in Bangladesh is also not too too much. You can say in bangladeshi standards it is quite good.

Moreover Indians don't work in every Tom Dick and Harry organisation in Bangladesh. They can mostly be found in MNCs(both Western and Indian). MNCs generally pay good salaries but you cannot count them as they are not Bangladeshi organisations.
Pray, tell us where to build a new Capital, how many billions of dollars to spend, and where from the money will come?

Bangladesh remains a poor country. so, it is wiser to adopt a policy of moving out the industries, instead. With this and the implementation of MetroRail, Dhaka will be speedy. After the operations of MR starts, you will see a lesser number of people on the streets.

Once the bus services are systematized it will also help alleviate the crowd on the roads. I suggest, most of the bus services start from an MR station and moves through a non-MR route but destined for any other MR station.

This is how people in between any two stations can travel. You can be sure that good bus services and MR operations will automatically reduce the number of Rickshaws and three-wheelers.

And, more people will be using personal motorbikes, MR trains and Buses for daily commuting of the people. Dhaka has a large 21 million population but it does not have the correct infrastructure to transport even 5,000,000 commuters now.

We are already building a new city at Bangabandhu Shilpa Nagar on a 120sq kms land to accommodate 1.5million people, building a new capital is not an enormous task.

You just need to build the necessary infrastructures and govt offices/buildings while private sector would chip in to invest on further expansion. Few billion dollars allocated across 8-10 years wouldn't be a huge amount, rather it will create new employment opportunities, more space for urban expansion in the country and of course, releasing the pressure out of Dhaka.

About the site, the name of Trishal comes quite often in the opinion pieces but I think places near Padma Bridge like Shariatpur, Madaripur or Munshiganj could also be suitable sites as govt. is already planning to acquire more lands in these areas for economic zones/transportation projects.
We are already building a new city at Bangabandhu Shilpa Nagar on a 120sq kms land to accommodate 1.5million people, building a new capital is not an enormous task.

You just need to build the necessary infrastructures and govt offices/buildings while private sector would chip in to invest on further expansion. Few billion dollars allocated across 8-10 years wouldn't be a huge amount, rather it will create new employment opportunities, more space for urban expansion in the country and of course, releasing the pressure out of Dhaka.

About the site, the name of Trishal comes quite often in the opinion pieces but I think places near Padma Bridge like Shariatpur, Madaripur or Munshiganj could also be suitable sites as govt. is already planning to acquire more lands in these areas for economic zones/transportation projects.
Below is a photograph of a place in Shariatpur. Madaripur and Munshiganj will be no different. I do not think the GoB will accept your suggestion to build the newest Capital anywhere there because it must be on millions of river barges.

Barges can be kept floating to carry men and cattle, though. Not a bad proposition. The project may be materialized within $1,000 billion, I am not very sure. Please ask the govt.

Below is a photograph of a place in Shariatpur. Madaripur and Munshiganj will be no different. I do not think the GoB will accept your suggestion to build the newest Capital anywhere there because it must be on millions of river barges.

Barges can be kept floating to carry men and cattle, though. Not a bad proposition. The project may be materialized within $1,000 billion, I am not very sure. Please ask the govt.

View attachment 759224

That's a scene of pretty much the entire country during the monsoon. Dhaka itself is standing on a low-lying land, what's your point?

Increasing the elevation through land development, flood protection, drainage system are not new concepts.

The govt. is already planning to acquire land at Arial Beel to build the Bangabandhu Airport, yeah despite the protests.

I am not talking about salaries of CEO but salaries of mid and tertiary level officers. Salaries of mid level officers example executive or assistant manager is not too much.

CEO salary in Bangladesh is also not too too much. You can say in bangladeshi standards it is quite good.

Moreover Indians don't work in every Tom Dick and Harry organisation in Bangladesh. They can mostly be found in MNCs(both Western and Indian). MNCs generally pay good salaries but you cannot count them as they are not Bangladeshi organisations.

I don't know where you pull out your info from, but here are some definitive figures that say your info is dead wrong, please don't tag me anymore, this conversation is finished.

ঠিক কইসেন ভাই। আমিও এইডাই কই। ... 8-)

আর দাদারে গাল মন্দ করবোনা। আমাগো বইনের ইজ্জত রাখলাম।
tarpor o amake gali dao
ঠিক কইসেন ভাই। আমিও এইডাই কই। ... 8-)

আর দাদারে গাল মন্দ করবোনা। আমাগো বইনের ইজ্জত রাখলাম।
@itsanufy, দাদা তাইলে আমাদের দুলাভাই? যাক শুনে খুশি হলাম!
Ki korbo bhai, ardhangini ke nia Dakhay jete hoy.
দাদা, তার মানে আমাদের বোনের সাথে বাংলাদেশে শশুর বাড়ি আসা যাওয়া করেন আপনি।

আপনার এক পোষ্টে কিছুটা আঁচ পেয়েছিলাম।এখন সিউর হলাম।

মানে বাংলাদেশের সাথে একটা আত্মার যোগ আছে আপনার।
যাক জেনে খুবই ভাল লাগল দাদা, অনেস্টলি স্পিকিং।
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@itsanufy, দাদা তাইলে আমাদের দুলাভাই? যাক শুনে খুশি হলাম!

দাদা, মানে আমাদের বোনের সাথে বাংলাদেশে শশুর বাড়ি আসা যাওয়া করেন আপনি।

আপনার এক পোষ্টে কিছুটা আঁচ পেয়েছিলাম।এখন সিউর হলাম।

মানে বাংলাদেশের সাথে একটা আত্মার যোগ আছে আপনার।
যাক জেনে খুবই ভাল লাগল দাদা, অনেস্টলি স্পিকিং।
Bochore to akbar jai e.

Kintu Covid r chokkore ses 2 bochor jete parini. Ate wife r matha ...
Bochore to akbar jai e.
খুব ভাল দাদা।
Kintu Covid r chokkore ses 2 bochor jete parini. Ate wife r matha ...
খুবই স্বাভাবিক @itsanufy দাদা। মেয়েরা দুই বছর এক টানা বাপের বাড়ি না যেতে পারলে মাথা নষ্ট হবেই।দিদির জন্য আসলেই খারাপ লাগছে।এই করোনা আসলেই সবার জন্য একটা অভিশাপ বয়ে এনেছে।যাক আশা করি দ্রুতই সমস্যার সমাধান হবে, আর দিদি আবার বাপের বাড়ি বেড়াতে আসতে পারবেন। আন্তরিক শুভ কামনা রইল আপনার আর দিদির জন্য ( সাথে দুই পরিবারের জন্যেও) ।
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