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DG ISPR press conference

Bhai.. sorat pa na jayo... You know serial killers play very innocents.. Anyway, what a life. I am not proud of anything in my country. There is nothing left. Not Islam, not intellect, not defence, not cricket, nothing ...
Absolutely right. Heinrich Himmler bhe aisee he shakal ka thaa. Reichsführer-SS
The fact that he had to come out of his comfort zone and do the presser himself, shows that how much under pressure he himself is. Spies dont reveal themselves but he himself and his Mr X and Mr Z ( Dirty Harry) are being named and shamed in public with their real names just depicts their failure as spies professionally as well. But as it seems, his job is more of a political watch dog than external threats, he will get away with this. I hope the new upcoming COAS chooses right person for the right job.
I believe DG ISI thought it necessary to come out himself largely because this time instead of being blamed for a nobody's abduction, they are being blamed for a well known journalist's murder. The usual name-calling is just politics.
This is concept of hindu based on cast system ... U r entirely wrong here ... There is no such thing that preference should be given on family ...

And sorry if your generations are in armed in forces then u r one of those who sold motherland and its honour to foreign occupiers just for money ...
How you became an analyst on this Forum blows my mind.

How I or my generations sold our motherland as per your comment does not warrant a response but just the following.. One was one of the most decorated officers in PA History, who left after amazing accomplishments in two wars (his tactics against a larger force are still taught in war colleges). Another two lost their lives while serving. Not all were of similar caliber - some better than others. And a few were superstars. And their accomplishments were theirs and in no bearing have anything to do with me. nor do I wrap myself around what they did.

I do for PK whatever I can do in my capacity. Lets leave it at that.

Again your analyst brain is so tightly wound that you are unable to understand that family, tribal, occupational history has a bearing on how one perceives ones place within an environment, especially within the code of armed forces. Your failure to understand basic human psychology should be enough to warrant you to consider respectfully resigning from your achievement of being an analyst on a web forum.
This is concept of hindu based on cast system ... U r entirely wrong here ... There is no such thing that preference should be given on family ...

And sorry if your generations are in armed in forces then u r one of those who sold motherland and its honour to foreign occupiers just for money ...
Also in terms of selling to foreign occupiers as you claim. More often than not, my family members in the armed forces lost out because they did not sell their souls and their imaan and their sanctity of our national sovereignty. Where did that thinking come from: the heavy weight of history and who our family is, and its association with the struggle of muslims in the sub-continent, and its ancestral history of Pushtuns (not exclusive to this ethnic group) not willing to allow others to overlord them. You'll never understand that I suppose.
This is concept of hindu based on cast system ... U r entirely wrong here ... There is no such thing that preference should be given on family ...

And sorry if your generations are in armed in forces then u r one of those who sold motherland and its honour to foreign occupiers just for money ...

You have totally missed the point and what he was trying to say.
this is what they have put into the minds of the people. by calling institution a unity which certainly is but we have also heard of uprising snubbed immediately. There was news of some officers being taken care of due to same unrest.
Yes, dissent shall be there and bajwa and his loyalists going to sort them out.
Either we are doomed by this traitor gang or live again.
After that restructure of army is must.
It's simple, ISI used Imran Khan to gain trust and facilitate Taliban in Afghanistan. This was achieved, that ex DG ISI is now now where seen he fooled Imran Khan.

The new DG ISI brought in Shareefs to begin appeasing the US. If Shareefs don't listen to them they will bring the Zardari's and later Imran will be made ready.

It's a mischievous circle and staged darama by Mr. X and Mr. Y always.
I had written about this a while back in hidden words, and have heard this countless times from serving and ex-servicemen (see my post in the other thread), but I fully agree with you.

This does come off as crass, and rude, and frankly unethical as well. But it is the reality. The efforts by the military (army especially, and navy, PAF not as much) to recruit from all corners of the country and somewhat lower the barriers has created this problem. Now you might say, we need a national army and officer rank from all parts of the country, and that is true. But you have to weigh the pros vs the cons. Again, I do not want to hurt anyone's sentiments, I myself am from a pind :P, but this is becoming apparent day by day. You cannot expect a person who has been raised for 18 years in Layyah or Noshki to just transform after getting into PMA. The roots remain. Whether we like it or not, standards were dropped in certain cases.

On the flip side of the argument you can quote Kayani and how he carried himself, but that was the exception I believe rather than the norm. Pichlay 4/5 salon main jo jo harkatain dekhi hain (not only the COAS or DG ISI mind you), you are led to believe something needs to change. Compare the lineage and upbringing of let's say Tariq Khan with some of the current crop, and you will realize the issue.

But perhaps this is a viewpoint of the older generation fauji, and not the new one.

Mind you, this is the result of efforts in the past 15 years or so. Ab jo aur nayi generation arahi hai (Instagram fauji as I like to call them), inhain Twitter or IG par larkion kay DM say nikalnay ki fursat hi nhn mil rahi. Hi, I am Maj XYZ from Armored Corps, can I take you out for a coffee? Yes, that is a real message that a relative of mine received.

PA needs to up the Recruitment criteria Just by Upping the educational Criteria a lot of dirty eggs could be removed from the basket.


Just look at the Minimum Criteria in Term of Education. This needs to be pushed to at least 80 percent. A person even from any backward area who is good at academics would be the best of the available population pool.

PS: 80 Percent is not a lot these days.

Power of Promotions needs to be taken from COAS and given to a Board of Senior officers.
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The army is not going to cede power easily. Before regime change, there were doubts about army involvement in politics. Some people said they are involved. Other said they dont intefere anymore.

With DG ISI press conference yesterday, its proved beyond doubt they dont just interfere, they are totally involved in politics. There is this arrogance in army top command which hate so much. DG Anjum was a personification of that arrogance. He owes his rank, uniform and privileges to the nation. He is a state servant. He has no right to assume he rules the country.

If PTI is serious in kicking out the army (I literally mean kicking out), it will have to take tough legal and administrative steps when it returns to power. If PTI stays cool that army will back out itself, it never will.
The army is not going to cede power easily. Before regime change, there were doubts about army involvement in politics. Some people said they are involved. Other said they dont intefere anymore.

With DG ISI press conference yesterday, its proved beyond doubt they dont just interfere, they are totally involved in politics. There is this arrogance in army top command which hate so much. DG Anjum was a personification of that arrogance. He owes his rank, uniform and privileges to the nation. He is a state servant. He has no right to assume he rules the country.

If PTI is serious in kicking out the army (I literally mean kicking out), it will have to take tough legal and administrative steps when it returns to power. If PTI stays cool that army will back out itself, it never will.
LaatoN kay colonial bhoot baatoN say nahi maantay...
You have totally missed the point and what he was trying to say.
Please explain

Also in terms of selling to foreign occupiers as you claim. More often than not, my family members in the armed forces lost out because they did not sell their souls and their imaan and their sanctity of our national sovereignty. Where did that thinking come from: the heavy weight of history and who our family is, and its association with the struggle of muslims in the sub-continent, and its ancestral history of Pushtuns (not exclusive to this ethnic group) not willing to allow others to overlord them. You'll never understand that I suppose.
If u r not british soldier then u r right and i apologize ...

But reality is the soldiers of british army, the land lords, chaudhry and all position holders awarded by british empire were actually traitors except for few
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