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DG ISPR press conference

The most pathetic press conference by a so called professional army. Look at their faces and ull know. These mofos think ppl are stupid and they can keep fooling them forever.
It was Kashmir day, india gave statement that they will take Pakistani Kashmir and GB back but our lumber 1 didnt even mention Kashmir and instead tried to malign the most popular party and leader of the country. Man i now even hate to look at their laanti faces. I pray Allah give them the worst zalalat ever.
In the entire press conference they kept saying that they are non-political .... But during the entire conference all they did was swear and tell at Imran Khan like mad men ... Basically being political.

Couldn't they see the blatant irony and the contradiction in their speeches???
This is what happens when you recruit officers from all rungs of society. In our quest to make a "national" army, we forgot the cardinal rule for any military. Recruit your officer corp from the right stock or else (leaders always shape the standards). Pakistan's army experiment to become a national army has destroyed this institution. In the early days of the institution proportionally Pushtuns represented a far larger segment of the officer corp, whereas the proportional majority of the soldiers were from Punjab. As that proportion changed along with the "class" (you can hate me for saying this), the overall quality of the institution dropped. There was a strong line of families that fit the bill, of either good officers or good soldiers. Many Pashtuns (generally those that settled in Punjab), who could easily straddle the Pushtun-Punjabi line were the best crop to get the officer corp. Whereas the NCO came from certain areas of Punjab and KPK. That changed and with that the caliber. Combine that with consistent Martial Laws, Cantts in the middle of cities, the entire military industrial complex, along with the system of military and retired military patronage, and today Pakistan finds itself in a position that we have these two represent two of the more critical functions the Pak Army. We are royally "screwed". Allah is the only one protecting us. What a complete disaster.


You used the term 'right stock' - well, the definition of it can vary.

Martial race concept / warrior race concept should have been buried right after 1971.

It is called "PAKISTAN ARMY" for a reason.

Unless you think Pakistan starts from Punjab and ends with KP.

Punjab and KP have been ruling Pakistan for quite a decades...Result is there for everyone to see.

Take a step back and allow others to take control - enough mockery of country has been made.

Pakistan is lot more than Punjab and KP.
The futile attempt and desperation to prove IK wrong, is too much.

IK has done what India couldn't do, WITHOUT FIRING A BULLET.

That too, just before the long march, when our calling ringtone in cell phones is narrating the 75 years of occupation of IOK by India 🇮🇳, shows what kind of priorities, the servants of the people have.

It was the last ditch effort, to convince the public not to join IK, but the ground reality is different.
Terrified within, Pakistan's spy chief holds press conference pleading not-guilty before investigations started, or he was blamed by any family member for killing top National journalist Arshad Sharif

No one told new spy chief what mistake he was making. This is an institutional collapse. Few people on the top chairs do what they will, make and bend rules as they go with no accountability. These people have taken liberty to violate National Constitution, then Institutional Constitution and finally a common sense. Mind it, there is a bull in a China shop.

Couldn't they see the blatant irony and the contradiction in their speeches???

They can, but they don't care. Criminals believe in power, not logic.

"Power is Power"

... And it demands it's expression. That is what Criminal Mafia of army is precisely doing at the moment.
Like fucking hell. Pakistan hai to Army hai. What are they smoking? Murree ki sasti ghas?
That's true unfortunately
Terrified within, Pakistan's spy chief holds press conference pleading not-guilty before investigations started, or he was blamed by any family member for killing top National journalist Arshad Sharif

No one told new spy chief what mistake he was making. This is an institutional collapse. Few people on the top chairs do what they will, make and bend rules as they go with no accountability. These people have taken liberty to violate National Constitution, then Institutional Constitution and finally a common sense. Mind it, there is a bull in a China shop.

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Were they violating constitution when they were bringing Imran khan to power?

Does this mean Direct confrontation with PTI
No more hide and seek
Why do u care. as per you thats already happening.
I honestly never thought we would see a sitting DG ISI say these sort of words, in such casual language, reading from a parchi, sucking the balls of a sitting COAS, and saying such confrontational words against an ex-PM who was recently removed.

"Raat ki khamoshi main band darwazon main aap ham say milain", "gher ayeni batain bolain", "aap ki baton main tazad hai", and select journalists there towing the same estab line and asking planted questions directed at IK and PTI.

Bajwa sahab kdhr pauhauncha dia hai fauj ko aap nay? Ab yeh fauj karay gi?
It's like this dear.... when a guy in neighborhood or least favorite family member abuses it doesn't feel much but when the beloved child, one most invested upon starts calling his own father Mir Jafar and Mir Sadiq.(instead of showing patience). that's when the night falls.
And since the 90's there has been a general rot and decline in all institutions and matters of the state and military hasn't been immune to this development. With the ascension of the likes of BB and Sharif to the corridor of powers, nepotism and wholesale recruitment of unskilled and incompetent jiyalas and niralas in state institutions has put the cherry on the top.

An astute observation.

The cherry on top is actually two fold. When IK came into office, the country thought it was a chance for a course correction, and with his ouster the last hope for that have been dashed.

The demoralizing effect that caused may in term have a negative effect on attracting the best and the brightest into the future officer corp, causing a further brain drain and making it harder for the institutions to ever regenerate from within. The ramifications of 2022 will echo through Pakistani history for generations to come, perhaps even more profoundly then what happened to ZAB, considering the state of the nation’s finances and the convergence of interests between India and the US (over China), both of which were more in Pakistan’s favor post-ZAB, during the Cold War against the Soviets. :(

p.s. the only silver lining to what has happened this year (and generally since ZAB and the changes society has gone through over the last 40+ years) is the awakening across the majority of the political spectrum and the financial and talent potential of the majority of the competent domestic middle class as well as the diaspora to support them.

Perhaps this moment will lead to real change in politics as the nation’s finances force the issue. The current individuals in the leadership, political and establishment, may retire soon or in a few years, but if the status quo continues, the society will no longer continue to accept business as usual and remain productive.
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Yes. Every violation is a violation. You do not have "good crimes" and "bad crimes".
Can you tell me one national level party that was not formed by establishment in last 70 years? No national party came up organically..why?
If we run country on auto pilot small nationalist and sectarian parties would remain. Can a country stay intact if bipartisan people rule territories of a country?
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It is not a martial race issue. I for one don't believe in martial race concepts, especially in modern warfare, where being a good gamer is better than your ability to hit a 12x12 plate with iron sites.

What I am saying is that generational occupation has with it a weight of history, ancestry and family name. It has a bearing on how people comport and handle themselves in situations of weakness or in trying times. It is not iron clad, and many will still succumb. But generally speaking there is a greater weight of history, tradition, and family that cannot be overlooked.

Even in modern European and North American families, to this date this is still considered.
Officer corp especially is a family oriented profession, not an economic or social ascendency play.

Now the British in their European war fighting days were very push pegged to this notion. However with the Empire growing they found a shortage of manpower. So then they enabled people of lower "stature" join the officer corp. This was one of the only ways in colonial England for men to move within their social class. Even today go look at the core staple of men who pass their academies. And see how many are multi-generational. It is not by accident. It is by design.
Are you serious.

So u r saying if a person father was a clerk then he should remain clerk and if someone father was a fighter his son should remain a fighter no matter how capable he is ...

Sorry but buhut hi giri hoi sooch hai aapki ... Still living in colonial age ... Angraiz chalay gay aap jaisy chor gay ...

Sorry but the marshal rave u r talking about r those who were actually traitor and foght for the invaders against the local population ... So cut this bull shit of marshal race who actually surrender to invaders and start working for them

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