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DG ISPR hinting at something ?? Tweets about surpise

"Best strategy or plan is not the one which enemy can predict", im not an expert to whether this is the best strategy or not, but I feel a DG ISPR (considering the honor that comes with such a position) not responding to a bollywood idiot on twitter would be a decent "strategy"
Basically we are bored little buggers who want to see some action.
Few probably genuinely feel about Kashmiris but don't realise it isn't anything new. These excesses have been worse and when we tried head on and by proxies we didn't succeed both times.
Now there is golden opportunity. Indians have singlehandedly made whole local population hostile. Lets plan properly and get this sorted rather than raging on like an angry bull.
Idk but I am getting feeling of, "Jo garajty hain barasty nhi". Too much talking and too little action. Maj. Gen Asif Ghafoor mujay lagta hy, sirf hawaii fire hi ker sakty hain.

Genghis, he is employed to do "Hawai Firing". To use the media to the benefits of PA.
How many complaints he gets from India, and millions of Indians pissed from him shows that his "Hawai Firing" is hitting the targets.
Is DG ISPR hinting at something?? I hope the plan he is talking about exists and it really work as surprise.

He is absolutely right.
Our "War Plan" is seen as cowardice and inaction.
On the contrary, if we go into war now we will be going in on the terms, place and timing of our enemy.
We will also once again become aggressors - which is what India and Israel want.
Remember! India is NOT the only enemy.

It is a complex situation.
Learn from Iran how to deal with complex situations.

Basically we are bored little buggers who want to see some action.
Few probably genuinely feel about Kashmiris but don't realise it isn't anything new. These excesses have been worse and when we tried head on and by proxies we didn't succeed both times.
Now there is golden opportunity. Indians have singlehandedly made whole local population hostile. Lets plan properly and get this sorted rather than raging on like an angry bull.

….And I can guarantee you that every bored little bugger, wanting the "jihad" today, will ask for the end of war within two weeks.
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Without India creating an opportunity, there's not much that can be done on the ground.
that is correct
the word I am getting from the people along LoC is that India might be preparing an assault. their shelling across LoC is very intense and regular and they are deliberately destroying all homes on our side.

their morale is very high after abolition of 370 they feel as if they have conquered Pakistan
that is correct
the word I am getting from the people along LoC is that India might be preparing an assault. their shelling across LoC is very intense and regular and they are deliberately destroying all homes on our side.

their morale is very high after abolition of 370 they feel as if they have conquered Pakistan
If your sources are correct then wouldn't it mean that their aim is to provoke so we do something stupid so we are seen as the aggressor? If they want to attack, I'm not sure why would they do intense shelling as if to announce they are coming, instead of using the element of surprise
Boring. Every effing strategy revolve around one rule, "Time is of the essence".

We waited to release the information about op swift retort, hoping it will lay further eggs, well, guess what, that has now become irrelevant.

They say, hit when iron is hot..

All the bafoons calling for the war or attack on India are exactly what I called them ..... baboons.

You attack India now when they want us, are prepared for it and want to show the world who the aggressor is then we will loose on day one.

This is not going to be a quick swift operation to liberate Kashmir. We need to think with cool head and strategize long term goal. The local population is the key. They are ready to fight and India knows that. That’s why their strategy is to starve them and destroy their will to fight. However they are dealing with Muslims . With every hardship we get harder and more willing to fight not less.

India is dying for to catch or kill someone from Pakistan in one of the attacks on their bases and then parade in front of the world for their randi Rona ....after all being a randi nation they are naturally good in their Rona .

We need cool heads to prevail. We need to fight by arming local population. World mood is against infiltrators going across and doing massive damage. We cannot go against world opinion and get sanctioned or worse full scale attack from India .

Let India bleed by thousand cuts and arm civilians by shopping weapons to Kashmir and khalistanis.
All the bafoons calling for the war or attack on India are exactly what I called them ..... baboons.

You attack India now when they want us, are prepared for it and want to show the world who the aggressor is then we will loose on day one.

This is not going to be a quick swift operation to liberate Kashmir. We need to think with cool head and strategize long term goal. The local population is the key. They are ready to fight and India knows that. That’s why their strategy is to starve them and destroy their will to fight. However they are dealing with Muslims . With every hardship we get harder and more willing to fight not less.

India is dying for to catch or kill someone from Pakistan in one of the attacks on their bases and then parade in front of the world for their randi Rona ....after all being a randi nation they are naturally good in their Rona .

We need cool heads to prevail. We need to fight by arming local population. World mood is against infiltrators going across and doing massive damage. We cannot go against world opinion and get sanctioned or worse full scale attack from India .

Let India bleed by thousand cuts and arm civilians by shopping weapons to Kashmir and khalistanis.

India is using Kashmir as a bait for war.
If Pakistan takes the bait, we derail our strategy - it is as simple as that.

These are very difficult and complex issues.
To not enter into a war at this stage is actually undoing both India and Israel.

Just look at Iran....how smart they really are.
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