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DG ISI again met PM Imran Khan - 6th May 2020 .

Right after we struck 6 military targets inside India and downed two of their jets, sharma and Varma on social media were foaming at their mouths that India will strike back - - - - - - - and we all see how it unfolded.

Your was an imaginery militant target and our was military ones. Seems like it's the skinny lil Pakistan who keeps on rising the bar for a 7 times bigger foe.

See how sure you are about your forces downing two Indian jets, while nobody buys the Indian version. Therefore Pakistan ISPR is much more competent and have already raised the bar which Indian PR can't fathom.
That is for sure.
This is not carona related. That is kashmir related. The intelligence is informing the government of Indian designs.
The media is not covering the situation. And the people don't know that situation is tense.
Even in this time of carona Indians are using their old tactics of blaming their problems on Pakistan.
This is the time where it can't be checked. Nobody would be interested as everyone is busy in their own affairs.

All their efforts of designating Pakistan as a terrorist nation goes down the drain. The recent Arab countries spat also rattled them. It seems the Indian Muslims now have someone legitimate to complain to.
And they are emboldened.
And at that kahamiri fight going on with the same vigor.
They are like a blind bull trying to find a way out of this mess.

Seems everything is going Pakistani way. DG ISI must have been congratulated by IK

Sequel is on the way.
If India is up to any misadventure against Pakistan then we should make sure that in case of war even in Kashmir, freedom fighters are enough capable to hit convoys, disrupt enemy communications, destroy key bridges so it becomes very costly in terms of human and material cost for India to continue war and occupation of Kashmir.
It has been reported in many circles esp on social media that during May-September 2020 LOC will be V Hot or even worse , we may see Indian drama like Feb 2019 fake Pulwama attack .Indian Media/Indians are creating an environment for it .
Inshallah we will prevail again and the indian designs will be put to rest again
With the way world elite is picking up speed in their designs. It may very well be possible.
In next 2 months world is gona be in shit like situation...while india will attack on pakistan...while on temple mount red heifer may br scraficed r third temple may start in cming mnths aftr the war

Indian Forces are not qualifying or have a level to fight with Pakistan Army. For the Indian army, Kashmir Mujahideen is enough to fight with them. Hizbul Mujahideen commander Riyaz Naikoo is killed by Indian forces will bring chaos in India and this incident has become what India long feared. I need my popcorn to watch and see how india breaking into pieces. show begin...
The Kashmiri freedom fighters don't seem very capable. Their idea is to wage sporadic suicide missions. They are not strategically organized and no long term game plan. Sure one mujahideen wil take down 2-4 Indians but he is not able to shoot and disappear. He will be KIA by Indian terrorist army. And alot more money and training resources would have to be spent for new mujahideen units. So in the long term it is difficult to justify the cost/keep the ops sustainable and this phenomenon will be a burden on logistics as well.
Apparently, and not reported by Pakistani media, Indian S.C. has declared Gilgit - Baltistan a part of India.

This decision of Indian S.C. provides legitimacy to any Indian attack on Karakorum highway and cut off Pakistan from China......this has always been their original plan.

A war in the North of Pakistan.
See how sure you are about your forces downing two Indian jets, while nobody buys the Indian version. Therefore Pakistan ISPR is much more competent and have already raised the bar which Indian PR can't fathom.

Screw the dg ISPR version , lets play neutral and count one mig , 6 stand off weapons ripping off the near by empty ground and lawns of the radical Hindutva army (camera footage is available) with an additional confirmation about all Pakistani f16's accounted for from the US side. Now how do you like that sneaky lil Paaki running circles around a big fat wannabe bully.

Wake up lousy, your was an imaginary militant target but where when and on whom did we empty our fire and lead in broad day light?
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