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DG ISI again met PM Imran Khan - 6th May 2020 .

Strategically and tactically both...this is the right time for any adversary to initiate misadventure with Pakistan.
Pakistan is dealing with weakest economy since 1947, political instability, Pandemic crisis, internal unrest (PTM,SIndh etc).
Over this, Pakistan's allies/friends are too in doldrums. With China and West readying for a showdown in south China sea (P5 will be busy among themselves), Gulf states, Turkey, Malaysia reeling under COVID situation and Collapsing economies, ...for India, this would be a good opportunity to do a misadventure in Azad Kashmir/ GB, besides taking advantage of unrest in KPK with the support of Afghanistan....
I know we can defend but we need to be very careful and vigilant in the coming months.
They are not discussing Corona. Something big and serious is being discussed most likely related to Kashmir
If that was the case, you would think that the broader military leadership would be present as well.

Apparently, and not reported by Pakistani media, Indian S.C. has declared Gilgit - Baltistan a part of India.

This decision of Indian S.C. provides legitimacy to any Indian attack on Karakorum highway and cut off Pakistan from China......this has always been their original plan.

A war in the North of Pakistan.
They claim the whole of AJK. As we claim IOK.
Why does some cooked up Indian SC decision afford them legitimacy all of a sudden.
He is right to a certain degree about Uncle minded afsars who lack the foresight to formulate long term grand strategies and to not only run a country but to take it forward.

Wonder what his views are these days especially about Bajwa? :cheers:
It has been reported in many circles esp on social media that during May-September 2020 LOC will be V Hot or even worse , we may see Indian drama like Feb 2019 fake Pulwama attack .Indian Media/Indians are creating an environment for it .

We are looking at an all out war not a skirmish. India has been on a weapons buying spree for a purpose and it is a Nazi evolutionary step we have seen it so many times before: feed the masses hatred, give them the taste of the blood of the weak and then feed the populace with the lies of strength and use them to attack the enemy with the newly bought weapons. Pakistani population should start stocking up on food and water. Pakistan government and military need to face reality and start preparing and educating the public. We need to go on a war footing, the hindnazis are about to attack be prepared.
This looks way more serious than last week's fake ISI HQ coronavirus stunt.

I am actually a bit concerned if this really is about national security.

12 Indian soldiers just got killed in last 2 days, is that enough for India to try and pull some kind of misadventure?
I don't think LOC and India was the main topic, this was something else , a depressed non performing master piece wants salvation ,
If that was the case, you would think that the broader military leadership would be present as well.
They claim the whole of AJK. As we claim IOK.
Why does some cooked up Indian SC decision afford them legitimacy all of a sudden.

Sir! your question needs to be looked at from a wider perspective.
When Indian S.C. provides legal cover, it is providing the cover to ALL the Indian Armed Forces and also the Indian Govt.
India, entering into the theatre of war, will not be entering alone. A lot of world powers will be supporting her (openly or secretively).
This legal cover is required for the post-war scenario. One simply needs to look at the Nuremberg trials, after the WW-II, to understand.
I hope the trillion $ rss nazis finally grow a pair and attack us instead of finding blonde crutches. Don't they get tired of their constant whining and sob stories? I mean look at the resources and man power at their disposal?
They cannot "grow a pair" anymore..
They got castrated when Pak came into being in 1947 !
They cannot "grow a pair" anymore..
They got castrated when Pak came into being in 1947 !
I dont know if this picture is true but what is writen under the picture it is totally true
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