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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya


What was the tweet??
It’s unavailable

that twitter account was one of the Turkish side insisting that the airstrike was real. Now they have deleted the tweet, people should think twice when other side make a propaganda. Like retared old women coming to the forum is it treu is it treu? How the fak would we now it? Be patient and wait for a official statement.... Or you would be a victim of troll army:-)...
As long we dont do anything the uae will continue to harass us.

Seriously im sick of people playing the ummah card whoever fcks with Turkey should be annilated i dont care if they are Muslims to be honest.
Turkey can supply houthis with some goods but they are under strict iranian control...
Iran always threatens saudis but never UAE
so another more reliable actor should be armed that will actually fire towards air-conditioned desert towns
Turkey can supply houthis with some goods but they are under strict iranian control...
Iran always threatens saudis but never UAE
so another more reliable actor should be armed that will actually fire towards air-conditioned desert towns

We could directly strike the UAE and say it was the GNA. Not we could- we should.
Apparently some of our defense systems got hit

How much is this account reliable??

We could directly strike the UAE and say it was the GNA. Not we could- we should.
Honestly speaking jufra must be flattened with a combination of long range Trg-300 MLRS and bora khan ballistic missiles if TAF doesn’t want to involve F-16s
Dream scenario would be to see all of these three assets obliterating the shit out of al jufra
thats a AA journalist so rather reliable.


Well I am puzzled about the damage but now we can say that watiya was indeed striked
Gerjon the osint guy said that the spot where the air defenses are located is covered by clouds
He will release tomorrow sentinel pictures and we will know for sure what exactly happened

If true, it means the air defence systems present can't detect the fighters?
If one air defense system was damaged then maybe they weren’t active or they were and failed I guess we will never know the reason
Also we heard several claims about the type of aircraft from Mirage 2000 to as far as Rafale
AFAIK, Iran already produces its own SSMs.
But has the same quality as our system :D ?

It's shame if it is confirmed that UAE attacked the base where we're deploying our equipment, it's very shame. Nowadays you don't need to get attacked to take an action because the cost of this maybe will be very expensive, and this what we learnt in Syria by Asaad-Russia, you should take the first action but because we are repeating the same mistakes , UAE has grown balls and attacked us !!!!. I still don't believe this is true
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People talking about harming UAE indirectly should be ashamed! What is this nonsense? the monkeys from UAE dares to attack Turkey directly, and you are talking about indirect retaliation?

Turkey should start bombing UAE directly. A long-range ballistic missile programme must be a top priority.
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