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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

People talking about harming UAE indirectly should be ashamed! What is this nonsense? the monkeys from UAE dares to attack Turkey directly, and you are talking about indirect retaliation?

Turkey should start bombing UAE directly. A long-range ballistic missile programme must be a top priority.
I am sure you can cut down the research time if you get a headstart with Pakistani BM tech. I dont see a reason Pakistan would refuse request for a joint venture especially in current relations

People talking about harming UAE indirectly should be ashamed! What is this nonsense? the monkeys from UAE dares to attack Turkey directly, and you are talking about indirect retaliation?

Turkey should start bombing UAE directly. A long-range ballistic missile programme must be a top priority.

Why would the world accept you bombing UAE directly with all the businesses, money and importance going on over there

You should eat and play call of duty instead. Who gave this guy a keyboard.
Why would the world accept you bombing UAE directly with all the businesses, money and importance going on over there

You should eat and play call of duty instead. Who gave this guy a keyboard.

Do you understand that they have attacked a NATO country directly?

The entire economy of that monkey kingdom is smaller than Denmark? What business and importance are you talking about? They are in a state of decline anyway with collapsing real estate prices, oil prices and falling tourism.

I am sure you can cut down the research time if you get a headstart with Pakistani BM tech. I dont see a reason Pakistan would refuse request for a joint venture especially in current relations

Indeed. Having a capable air force, land force and navy are not enough to convey power. Like Iran, you'll need conventional ballistic missiles to drop on the head of rogue states every now and then.
Do you understand that they have attacked a NATO country directly?

The entire economy of that monkey kingdom is smaller than Denmark? What business and importance are you talking about? They are in a state of decline anyway with collapsing real estate prices, oil prices and falling tourism.

Indeed. Having a capable air force, land force and navy are not enough to convey power. Like Iran, you'll need conventional ballistic missiles to drop on the head of rogue states every now and then.

Is it confirmed that it's the UAE
Is it confirmed that it's the UAE

Officials from GNA has hinted it by saying that Mirage 2000-9 aircrafts were used in the strike.

Turkey hasn't commented yet regarding the incident. The Turks are most likely considering how to exploit this transgression to the fullest or they will respond by bombing Al-Jufra, Sirte and Benghazi tonight.
Calm the f down. Doesn't change anything on the ground. Let them have their "victory" for this symbolic bombing. We just squashed 6 7 countries dream siding with the legitimate side and they are really pissed. :D Turkey+GNA will choose the time and the place to respond when it sees fit. No need to hurry.
Fake news is also some sort of propoganda and could potentially be used to lul enemy into more airstrikes. You take them out once they’re really committed to something. And cause massive losses.
The UAE is getting very desperate. They are on the decline. Thing is that I have no idea what they are trying to achieve. They have no clear end goal. It's almost like they want to spend their remaining money on pointless conflicts that they can't win.
Calm the f down. Doesn't change anything on the ground. Let them have their "victory" for this symbolic bombing. We just squashed 6 7 countries dream siding with the legitimate side and they are really pissed. :D Turkey+GNA will choose the time and the place to respond when it sees fit. No need to hurry.

Most likely a message sent to Turkey and a prelude to something else.... if I were you,I would be really concerned about the safety of the future Turkish air force assets deployed to Al Watiya...
Most likely a message sent to Turkey and a prelude to something else.... if I were you,I would be really concerned about the safety of the future Turkish air force assets deployed to Al Watiya...
Ok. What Turkey have done will give you a clue to what Turkey will do when core interests are challenged. We are here to stay buddy. Too much winning going on its crazy.
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