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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Why Russian hardware facked up so badly? Please, dont say, because of superior turkish UAV?
@Austin Powers
Because war equipment aren't designed to work in silos with idiots manning them. These systems (actually all systems) are designed to work together and interconnected.

If you have a a2d system doing it's own thing while flying drones doing their own thing and literal idiots acting as spotters doing their own thing this is the result.

Also Turkey deployed EW systems in Libya and and Syria, both of these battles proved lethal to Russian AA batteries, which - even though you don't want to hear it - practically means because of superior Turkish technology.
2 Horizon Class frigates from Italian Navy has positioned off Misrata.
Apparently Italian Navy has been patrolling in the perimeter since 2018.
While Italian and Turkish ships operating such close in the area, Haftar's threats on a naval strike becomes meaningless.
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2 Horizon Class frigates from Italian Navy has positioned off Misrata.
Apparently Italian Navy has been patrolling in the perimeter since 2018.
While Italian and Turkish ships operating such close in the area, Haftar's threats on a naval strike becomes meaningless.

What's the mission of those two Italian frigates off Misrata ? A part providing air defence to their troops there ?
What's the mission of those two Italian frigates off Misrata ? A part providing air defence to their troops there ?
Controlling the human trafficking, and preventing air strikes in misrata and maybe in tripoli for humanitarian reasons.
Since they seem affirmative with Turkish ships approaching to their positions, despite of the threats by Haftar-to Turkish naval assets, we can speak of a gentleman's agreement.
GNA is getting butchered. Turkey threatens to join in directly to help out GNA.

EDIT belongs in Libya thread.


Turkey said on Sunday it would deem the forces of Libyan General Khalifa Haftar "legitimate targets" if their attacks on its interests and diplomatic missions in Libya persisted.

Turkey backs Libya's internationally recognized Government of National Accord (GNA). It has signed a military cooperation deal with the GNA, which has been trying to fend off an offensive by Haftar's forces, on the capital Tripoli.


Ankara views Haftar's forces, which are backed by the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Russia, as "putschists".

"If our missions and our interests in Libya are targeted, we will deem Haftar's forces legitimate targets," Tuekey's foreign ministry said in a statement in which it also slammed the United Nations for not taking action over Haftar's attacks.

"It is unacceptable for the United Nations to remain silent against this carnage any longer," it said. "Countries providing military, financial and political aid to Haftar are responsible for the suffering that the people of Libya are enduring and the chaos and instability the country is being dragged into."

It also said attacks on Tripoli's Mitiga airport early on Saturday, part of an intensified barrage of artillery fire on the capital, were war crimes.

On Thursday, Turkey and Italy said the area around their embassies in Tripoli had been shelled. A spokesman for Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA) denied that the force was responsible for that bombardment.

The LNA has been fighting for more than a year to capture Tripoli from the GNA, with frequent shelling of the capital. The United Nations said four-fifths of the 130 civilian casualties recorded in the Libyan conflict in the first quarter of 2020 were caused by LNA ground fighting.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday the LNA was in a "period of regression" after NATO member Turkey threw its support behind the GNA.

"Even the efforts of countries that provide him (Haftar) with unlimited financial support and weapons will not be able to save him," Erdogan said.

Pro-GNA forces have retaken some territory from the LNA around Tripoli during an escalation of fighting in recent weeks with the help of Turkish-supplied drones.

The LNA says Turkey has established a military drone base at Mitiga, but the GNA denies this.

(Cover image: Libyan Transport Mminister Milad Matouq walks as he inspects damages at Tripoli's Mitiga airport after it was hit by shelling in Tripoli, Libya, May 10, 2020. /Reuters)

Source(s): Reuters
Is GNA still getting butchered?
Interesting to note the increasing air cargos between Turkey and Libya instead of cargo ships. Wonder why....
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