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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

The attack failed. Unclear whether GNA pulled all the way back to the coastal cities or remains in the encampments outside the airbase.

Erdogan said that they will not allow anymore harassment in safe zones(it is warning for both pkk and assad) if you follow the pattern after idlib operation immediately we had turkish increased involvement in Libya also there’s pending large scale operation against pkk in northern Iraq we all know pkk will try to attack in Syria as divertion tactic hence the erdogan’s announcement/warning

As for the Northern Irak, the Turkish Forces are at the gates of Kandil!! Consider it a done deal...

As for Syria in general, the Russians are done with the Esed regime. They want booties. It's time for a grand bargain now - Great Powers ("sick man of Europe" is now the "healthy man of Europe", thanks to the coronavirus) style....
The attack failed. Unclear whether GNA pulled all the way back to the coastal cities or remains in the encampments outside the airbase.
It has not failed. They are just using caution for any ambush. Also allowing the mercenaries to flee the area
GNA had a gag order for this operation. But several tweets mention the failure to capture the airbase. With proper air support maybe the goal can still be attained.
GNA had a gag order for this operation. But several tweets mention the failure to capture the airbase. With proper air support maybe the goal can still be attained.
The main problem is that watiya airbase is situated in flat land (desert) TB2 are doing great damage but their payload isn’t enough for sustainable conquest
Lna forces have different objects within the airbase from which they can comfortably shoot at gna forces they simply can’t redirect all TB2s for one battle in short they need either better air support or they should put lots of tanks and/or artillery and/or t-300 kasirga mlrs or they should starve them until lna surrenders
In the end of the day let’s not forget that if LNA is an incompetent and unorganized bunch the GNA is not anything special too. We know what is the level of the Armed forces South of Turkey’s border except for Israel... Even the best equipped and supplied Arab Armies are unreliable so don’t expect some wonders from GNA.

In the end here the side that has more money and weapons to waste will win it all. It’s not about Military tactics, strategy and art of war... things like that don’t exist in those parts of the world.
I dont understand why the negativity after hearing any hint of perceived failure. Capturing the air base is no easy task especially after the backers of haftar invested heavily there since 2014. Its not going to be a walk in the park for the GNA and neither can they employ similar onslaught as isis use to do when overruning bases. GNA have to use tactics and strategies in order to minimise costs and lives and they will have to play this game of forward and reverse few times before overuning the base.
In the end of the day let’s not forget that if LNA is an incompetent and unorganized bunch the GNA is not anything special too. We know what is the level of the Armed forces South of Turkey’s border except for Israel... Even the best equipped and supplied Arab Armies are unreliable so don’t expect some wonders from GNA.

In the end here the side that has more money and weapons to waste will win it all. It’s not about Military tactics, strategy and art of war... things like that don’t exist in those parts of the world.
It smells of arrogance in your post against the Arabs. This is a war´everything may not always go as planned. And do not glorify Israel in your head too much. We saw what Israel did in 2006.
It smells of arrogance in your post against the Arabs. This is a war´everything may not always go as planned. And do not glorify Israel in your head too much. We saw what Israel did in 2006.
Your post smells of islamism. But I won’t be trashing your post like a troll.

Saying the truth only hurts those with minority complex. Having the best equipment and training is part of being among the best. Israel being surrounded by enemies have been training nonstop every israeli is conscripted to setve in the military for more than 2 years if I recall correct. Libya hasn’t had a decent army for many decades.

It smells of arrogance in your post against the Arabs. This is a war´everything may not always go as planned. And do not glorify Israel in your head too much. We saw what Israel did in 2006.

His right modern day Arab armies are bad.

Arabs are good at guerilla and unconventional means of warfare especially in modern times but in conventional ways they are bad.

Your post smells of islamism. But I won’t be trashing your post like a troll.

Saying the truth only hurts those with minority complex. Having the best equipment and training is part of being among the best. Israel being surrounded by enemies have been training nonstop every israeli is conscripted to setve in the military for more than 2 years if I recall correct. Libya hasn’t had a decent army for many decades.

Im not taking anything away from Israel but Israel is overrated and nothing special they only beaten incompetent armies and barely faced a proper opponenet. Still Israel humiliated a lot of these Arab countries pretty badly so no contest there.

Arab armies are bad due to a wide range of factors like corruption, cronyism, morale, awful organisation and disunity. This is all covered up by buying the best equipment even when they buy that equipment they dont know how to use it. A lot of third world countries have these problems I mean the Mexican army got humiliated by a bunch of Cartels which led to El Chapos son getting released. In Africa various African armed forces melted away with ease when fighting. Argentina got humiliated pretty badly in the Falkland islands despite their enormous advantage.

Arab armies are not really used for fighting or protecting interests only for dictators to keep their people in check. Thr Army does not trust the Leader and the Leader does not trust the army because a coup can happen any time.

Same can be said for the Kurds too.
His right modern day Arab armies are bad.

Arabs are good at guerilla and unconventional means of warfare especially in modern times but in conventional ways they are bad.

Im not taking anything away from Israel but Israel is overrated and nothing special they only beaten incompetent armies and barely faced a proper opponenet. Still Israel humiliated a lot of these Arab countries pretty badly so no contest there.

Arab armies are bad due to a wide range of factors like corruption, cronyism, morale, awful organisation and disunity. This is all covered up by buying the best equipment even when they buy that equipment they dont know how to use it. A lot of third world countries have these problems I mean the Mexican army got humiliated by a bunch of Cartels which led to El Chapos son getting released. In Africa various African armed forces melted away with ease when fighting. Argentina got humiliated pretty badly in the Falkland islands despite their enormous advantage.

Arab armies are not really used for fighting or protecting interests only for dictators to keep their people in check. Thr Army does not trust the Leader and the Leader does not trust the army because a coup can happen any time.

Same can be said for the Kurds too.

Absolutely correct. We also have to take into account the gigantic financial assistance provided by the US. We're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars for a population that is barely the size of one city district in Turkey.

Israel is a strong nation and I accept this fact but all is not gold that glitters.
Absolutely correct. We also have to take into account the gigantic financial assistance provided by the US. We're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars for a population that is barely the size of one city district in Turkey.

Israel is a strong nation and I accept this fact but all is not gold that glitters.

Indeed I think what made Israel successful too is that they were willing to die and defend their lands.

A lot of the Arab armies all had ideological differences none of them were able to unite and form a single unit or army.

You cant have Pan Arabism, Socialists, Islamists, Secularists, Liberals or Christians all fighting together.

Arab armies were also too busy at each others throats to even give proper support. They were too busy hindering each other.

Even today this continues as you have Saudis and Emiratis supporting Israel rather than Palestine. Plo had lots of socialists and commies hence why to a lot Islamists they would rather see them destroyed.

Why hasnt Turkey ever declared the PLO a terrorist organisation?? When many plo trained pkk militants came back to Turkey?
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