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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Your post smells of islamism. But I won’t be trashing your post like a troll.

Saying the truth only hurts those with minority complex. Having the best equipment and training is part of being among the best. Israel being surrounded by enemies have been training nonstop every israeli is conscripted to setve in the military for more than 2 years if I recall correct. Libya hasn’t had a decent army for many decades.

If this is Islamism, Islamism is more logical. Thinking logically away from ideology is more mentally peaceful. I'm not a fan of Arabs, but I hate stupidity. This is a War, and everything possible for everybody, even we Turks.
Are we 100% sure these aren't Egypt's?

They are clearly from UAE air force.

time for F-16s to wipe the shit out of tarhouna&watiya airbase

Here’s for English speakers what’s going on
Looks photoshopped. If you zoom in it seems it is the same plane with same shadows even on the plane facing a different direction.

Also it has the same distortion in the pictures with all four planes above the tail fin. These idiots are trying to give Turkey a reason to deploy airforce first.
Looks photoshopped. If you zoom in it seems it is the same plane with same shadows even on the plane facing a different direction.

Also it has the same distortion in the pictures with all four planes above the tail fin. These idiots are trying to give Turkey a reason to deploy airforce first.
No need for the airforce, they could deploy kasirga missile off the sea and ruin entire airbase.
Turkey is nothing agricultural and tourism hub ? maybe you are living in MARS

Turkey has exported $105 billion industry finished product in 2019

-- Turkey's automotive industry exports in 2019 over $28 Billion ( Germany was the top destination for automotive exports , followed by France and Italy )

-- Turkish machinery industry’s exports reached $17.1 billion in 2019 and reaching $34 billion in 2023

-- $11 billion export was realized in the field of Electronics ( TV , Refrigerator, Washing Machine , etc ) in 2019

-- Turkey is ranked 4th in the global list for healthcare tourism in terms of the number of patients it serves and comes 3rd in terms of the revenue it generates from healthcare tourism

Turkey eyes around 2 million medical tourists and $20 billion revenue are expected by 2023

-- Turkey brought in $5 billion from residential property sales to foreign buyers every year
-- Turkey ranks 2nd in Europe for steel producing after Germany
-- Turkey ranks 3rd exporting Countries of Textile and Apparel Industry in Europe after Germany and Italy

-- Chemistry, Iron, Furniture, Air Conditioning, Cement, Defense, Carpet and Ship and Yacht sector exports tens of billions of Dollars

-- Turkey has a total of 3.3 billion tons of Boron ( $1,4 trillion ) equating to 73% of the world's total reserves, which puts Turkey as the world's number one country holding the biggest boron reserves and controls about 59% of the boron market in the world

-- Turkey develops its own Cars including SUV and Indigenous Cars to add $56 Billion to Turkish economy in 15 years

-- Turkey develops its own weapons and working with the US and the UK for military projects

-- Turkey buys oil and gas from Russia,Iran,Azerbaijan,Qatar,Algeria,etc , not from Europe

and American AN/TYP-2 Radar in Kurecik Radar Base in Turkey which is most important part of NATO's Air Defense to protect Europe from Iranian and Russian Ballistic Missiles

also Europe should say thanks to Turkey who saved Europe from 4 million Syrian refugees

and GDP PPP by Countries

-- The UK $2,97 trillion
-- France $2,86 trillion
-- S.Korea $2,3 trillion
-- Turkey $2,25 trillion
-- Italy $2,24 trillion

so attack on Turkish Economy , that means attack on European companies which invested around $150 billion in Turkey

also attack on Turkish Economy , that means attack on French , Italian , Spanish , German and British Banks

European Banks have an $161 billion exposure to Turkish debt

Spain : $80,9 billion
France : $35,1 billion
Italy : $18,5 billion
UK : $16,9 billion
Germany : $12,7 billion

attack on Turkish economy will look certain to push the Turkish economy into recession and it may well trigger a banking crisis in Europe

This would be another blow for the Eurozone and the lights in Europen Banks turn off as well as

the EU is broke since 2008 , still European Economy is not a revival
and Germany can not save Italy , Spain , Greece and others

-- €145 billion for Turkey
-- €700 billion for Italy
-- €750 billion for Spain

I am saying again , attack on Turkish economy will look certain to push the Turkish economy into recession and it may well trigger a banking crisis in Europe

so Europe can do nothing against Turkey
Turkey has the longest coastlines in the Eastern Mediterranean and Turkey never will allow Bandit Countries to steal oil/gas reserves from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean

if the EU is smart , then the EU should work with Turkey

no need to copy paste this crap from Wikipedia. Here is the reality

Think about it. “strong and powerful” textile and automotive parts exporting Turkey has just 25 billion in cash reserves. Default is on the horizon unless you borrow from evil western financial institutions or unless Qatar offers financial assistance which I doubt.
Hence, there is Wiki and then there is bitter reality
no need to copy paste this crap from Wikipedia. Here is the reality

reality is your cheap propaganda wont work

Turkish Economy under attack by the US since 2013 ... and Turkish currency dropped by 320% since 2013
so what ? still losers dreaming about that will Turkey allow bandit countries in Syria , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean ? keep dreaming dream is free

Think about it. “strong and powerful” textile and automotive parts exporting Turkey has just 25 billion in cash reserves.

not automotive parts , but Cars

I am saying again attack on Turkish Economy , that means attack on European companies which invested around $150 billion in Turkey

Turkey produce million motor vehicles.
European automotive manufacturers such as Fiat , Renault ,Opel, Mercedes-Benz and soon VW , also global companies Ford , Hyundai , Honda and Toyota produce automobiles, vans, buses and trucks in their Turkish factories

-- Turkey's automotive industry exports over $28 billion in 2019
-- Turkish machinery industry’s exports reached $17 billion in 2019
-- Turkey's Electronics exports over $11 billion in 2019
-- Turkey's Textile exports over $10 billion in 2019

You said that Turkey is nothing agricultural and tourism hub

Turkey has exported $105 billion industry finished product in 2019

and Turkey develops over 2600 projects to reduce annual imports by $130 billion

and Turkey central bank’s reserve is $88 billion
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But it does nor change that our economy is under pressure because of massive spendings. I am not sure that we need more hospital at the moment. So why not allow ataturk airport to function as it has. Many capitals around the world have several airports. Of course I understand there may be certain competition since there is a new airport that needs to be financed/ pay off its debt so to speak.

In short in these times where the economy is severelly restricted we should be more cautious on what we spend pur money on. Projects in process requires cashflow to be completed and I imagine these makes it more difficult. Btw the Enron scandal is a damn good example of what you shouldn’t do.
But it does nor change that our economy is under pressure because of massive spendings. I am not sure that we need more hospital at the moment. So why not allow ataturk airport to function as it has. Many capitals around the world have several airports. Of course I understand there may be certain competition since there is a new airport that needs to be financed/ pay off its debt so to speak.

In short in these times where the economy is severelly restricted we should be more cautious on what we spend pur money on. Projects in process requires cashflow to be completed and I imagine these makes it more difficult. Btw the Enron scandal is a damn good example of what you shouldn’t do.
Yeah yeah! Typical chp bs.
The whole world is bracing for the worse economic recession in living memory and yet turkeys problems are some how is unrelated and allegedly another enron. Anti akp fanaticism shouldnt cloud your judgement
reality is your cheap propaganda wont work

Turkish Economy under attack by the US since 2013 ... and Turkish currency dropped by 320% since 2013
so what ? still losers dreaming about that will Turkey allow bandit countries in Syria , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean ? keep dreaming dream is free

not automotive parts , but Cars

I am saying again attack on Turkish Economy , that means attack on European companies which invested around $150 billion in Turkey

Turkey produce million motor vehicles.
European automotive manufacturers such as Fiat , Renault ,Opel, Mercedes-Benz and soon VW , also global companies Ford , Hyundai , Honda and Toyota produce automobiles, vans, buses and trucks in their Turkish factories

-- Turkey's automotive industry exports over $28 billion in 2019
-- Turkish machinery industry’s exports reached $17 billion in 2019
-- Turkey's Electronics exports over $11 billion in 2019
-- Turkey's Textile exports over $10 billion in 2019

You said that Turkey is nothing agricultural and tourism hub

Turkey has exported $105 billion industry finished product in 2019

and Turkey develops over 2600 projects to reduce annual imports by $130 billion

and Turkey central bank’s reserve is $88 billion
In the meantime, earlier, TL jumped to 7.5 mark:lol:
In the meantime, earlier, TL jumped to 7.5 mark

The United Kingdom based banks attacks Turkish TL

We kicked all of you in Syria ... Rojava is died
and now we are kicking all of you in Libya ..... keep crying losers
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Looks photoshopped. If you zoom in it seems it is the same plane with same shadows even on the plane facing a different direction.

Also it has the same distortion in the pictures with all four planes above the tail fin. These idiots are trying to give Turkey a reason to deploy airforce first.

Turkey has it's own observation satellites, I'm sure Turkey won't initiate anything without being certain :-)
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