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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Hope this gives UAE the shove to use actual fighters based from Egypt against Libya. Drones don't work in a environment with air defense systems.
Yep, they have Western bases that they will not mind to lend for UAE to use. Mirage-2000s with Al Tariq standoff weapons would be killer in Libya.

There's so much you can do, it's not the only one SOW. But first you need a big ***. You just heroize the countries you love in your dream world. Egypt is nothing but a poor desert country, those "superior" weapons procurement are only a deterrent to the 4th-class terrorist organizations. Not for anyone else
There's so much you can do, it's not the only one SOW. But first you need a big ***. You just heroize the countries you love in your dream world. Egypt is nothing but a poor desert country, those "superior" weapons procurement are only a deterrent to the 4th-class terrorist organizations. Not for anyone else
I'm talking about the UAE m8, read everything I wrote again and go research the things I discussed please.
I'm talking about the UAE m8, read everything I wrote again and go research the things I discussed please.

I read and understood very well what you wrote. However, Egypt will be finished at the end of the business. Countries like Bae - Qatar do not have the chance to fight as a first person.
I read and understood very well what you wrote. However, Egypt will be finished at the end of the business. Countries like Bae - Qatar do not have the chance to fight as a first person.
You won't dare fight Egypt bud. USA will gank you, afterall Egypt is a very, very good friend of USA, and of course a major Non-Nato Ally.

And again, UAE would be attacking GNA not Turkey directly.

Cleaned areas...

Bu hava üssü bize lazım.
You won't dare fight Egypt bud. USA will gank you, afterall Egypt is a very, very good friend of USA, and of course a major Non-Nato Ally.

And again, UAE would be attacking GNA not Turkey directly.

Turkey 50 years ago, Cyprus was conquered. They imposed an "on paper" embargo on us. Dude, you just think it matters, you never matter to the west, you are a robed desert bedouin with dark skin and white beard for westerns, you shout "Allah - u Akbar" for them, only those with oil are a little richer. The only difference between the government and the ignorant western people is that some Arabs have too much money, according to the governments.
We are waiting for the Turks to put the Arabs back under control. UAE are a people who side with absolutely anyone to try to defeat an enemy. One minute they are anti Iran, next minute they are supporting Assad and Hafter both who are backed by Iran. These people are the absolute scum of the Earth.
And we have arabs here that side with scum just because they are arabs.
Remember when RTE didnt let Turkey join in on bombing libya, arguing france and gang were fucking up the country, infra structure and what not. 10 years later still civil war because this is what the west does rape a muslim country when your usefulness comes to an end. Or your leaders. In the end only the population suffers. Democracy might put an end to corrupt leadership, but it takes time to build up the necessary institutions.
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