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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Egypt can't help haftar from the ground , air support is more logic, even this can't stay for long time above the area so won't make a huge difference
If Turkey takes Sirte, I will never talk to @AustinPowers again.
Don't you ever try to tag him! He may return from the dead!

at 12 o clock, we will have the 15th of July ... so?
4 years ago the coup was done with undeniable UAE support
Remember how they celebrated that night(12-03 am)
Now 4 years later at 12 o’clock 15th July 2020 this day will mark the beginning of the end for these desert dictators and their little pet(Sissy)
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You people are so horney at war. Whats wrong with you.

Are we wrong to wish for freedom and justice for our people? Tyrants do not go by themselves, they need to be removed. Can't wait till the oppression of our Egyptian brothers ends.

I understand you don't like it. These puppets do benefit your countries.
You people are so horney at war. Whats wrong with you.
For the Turks, war is like a wedding... or like dinner - like trump said...
but anyway... nobody loves war or death and things like that... trust me... what has to be done has to be done ... turkey has no other choice, otherwise, TR would only be harassed, used, excluded and cheated and in the end the people will suffer ... you are not a Turk - you don't know where the Turks went through after Cyprus, even though they were right...
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