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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Are we wrong to wish for freedom and justice for our people? Tyrants do not go by themselves, they need to be removed. Can't wait till the oppression of our Egyptian brothers ends.

I understand you don't like it. These puppets do benefit your countries.

Maybe I just dont like war.
Egypt can't help haftar from the ground ,
pls why do you say this? possible and likely are 2 different things..

My money on the LNA running instead of fighting.
My money is on GNA not taking Sirte or Al Jufra....lets see how it turns out!

I think, you are lying, but why?
@cabatli_53 you are seeing all these irrelevant comments but when i respond your only comment will be "925 boy, no more offtopic"!

They might actually take the risk to attack Sirte and Jufra,thinking Egyptian threats were just a bluff. Remains to be seen if this strategy will pay out.
Egypt is not bluffing, and once Egyptian military surges into Libya, TUrkey will have to back off..no NATO will come, and Turkish military and most of its capabilities are far away from the Turkish mainland...

He’s american favorite pet so he can break any law with his hopeless adventure in Libya
he;s also a dictator..Egypt has been dictatorship since Mubarak, so his word(and the army's agreement) is good enough...
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I doubt those tweets are true. if they withdrew there would be more tweets and such showing the pull out.
pls why do you say this? possible and likely are 2 different things..

My money is on GNA not taking Sirte or Al Jufra....lets see how it turns out!

@cabatli_53 you are seeing all these irrelevant comments but when i respond your only comment will be "925 boy, no more offtopic"!

Egypt is not bluffing, and once Egyptian military surges into Libya, TUrkey will have to back off..no NATO will come, and Turkish military and most of its capabilities are far away from the Turkish mainland...

he;s also a dictator..Egypt has been dictatorship since Mubarak, so his word(and the army's agreement) is good enough...

Weren't you amongst these saying Turkey won't invade East of the euphrates and that Idlib would fall yada yada. You have been miscalculating the turks from the get go.

While others were saying recently I recall Tripoli would fall yada yada but they are in Sirte now and Hafter had no chance and Egypt have no dog-fight here in such major escalation and won't risk a direct confrontation
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