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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya


Even some Turkish folks still think that it’s about Erdo’an...

still Haftar has control over the better half, and the Egyptian evil dictatorship is getting stronger, make no mistake about it, they can finish off GNA in less than a month, the real problem is Sisi, I still don't know what he plans to do, maybe he will take over the oil and stop the war
You’re asking the “Sisie” to do a “man’s” job!!! Even the Beni Israil finished them within a couple of hours...

By the by, the entire the Libyan ops are being run by junior ranking Turkish staff officers. And, the training is offered by the Turkish NCOs...

Salafi and Wahhabi terrorists are fighting for Haftar but no one in the West cares...where are the human rights activists from Europe and North America?

Haftar calls for international Jihad against Turks and fellow Muslim Arabs but Western snowflakes having a meltdown about Syrian nationals fighting for the UN-recognized Libyan government...hypocrisy at its best.

Commercial flights over Tripoli resumed.
Even some Turkish folks still think that it’s about Erdo’an...

You’re asking the “Sisie” to do a “man’s” job!!! Even the Beni Israil finished them within a couple of hours...

By the by, the entire the Libyan ops are being run by junior ranking Turkish staff officers. And, the training is offered by the Turkish NCOs...
Junior officers :rofl: that made me laugh.:-)
It's only going to speed up. The collapse is exponential.

It's like a boulder rolling downhill, the first push to get it going was hard and it fought back, but once it started rolling it's inevitable that it will continue to gain momentum by it's own weight.

The LNA collapsed such intensely that there are massive problems all along their command structure. The GNA will be at the doors of Bingazi sooner or later - but the forces that defend the city wont be Hafter - that looks like a prize multiple countries take turns defending.
i get your point. Not overestimating nor underestimating sissis army but in actual combat, they won't fair any better than Assad or Iranian Army. Army's who oppress their own people are nothing but cowards when their match come confronting them. You're right Turkey must be cautious of various scenarios but the end of the day your dealing with a Jihadi president erdogan and that sends shivers down sissi's spine:D:D
The army that conducts coup is destined to fail!! History is full of such incidences...

While intense military dispatch to Benghazi, LNA militias on all Tripoli fronts are drawn towards the base of Jufra. They will probably try plan B: split the country in two! Population balance favors Legitimate Libyan government. But Gulf of Sirte (= Libyan oil) is in the hands of the Khafter militias.
These types of tactics seldom work as seen in the history of warfare! They have already denigrated into the defensive mindset. It means a strong offense against them will tank their motivation very rapidly and shatter them into a panic mode. And, they're all mercenaries from the worst hell holes of the world, and paid by the worst sorts of the criminals in the history of mankind...
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France has refrained from condemning the latest Russian escalation, though Macron publicly condemned Turkey for doing the same back in January.

“Everything is not comparable in Libya,” the official in Macron’s office said.

He went on to say that “Turkey’s overall behavior,” including in Libya and on maritime borders in the Eastern Mediterranean, creates “facts on the ground at the borders of Europe that expose our security.”


How can you not hate this country?
the MBs are done, now most Egyptians follow/worship the regime (out of love or fear doesn't matter), what matters is that he's getting stronger and stronger everyday, meaning the opposition is not crippling Sisi, he is doing very well, maybe well enough to think of doing more outside his borders, even if Destroying the Egyptian main land is far easier than defeating its army (once you have a capable air force), but still if u put boots on the ground in Libya, and Sisi has enough political will he can wipe out GNA, that's why Turkey must work harder to strengthen its economy and neutralize the threat of Egypt, Sisi is a devil, maybe he is trying to draw Turkey into Libya then plot something out with Russia in Syria or support an invasion of Qatar by MBS ... Turkey must be very very cautious, not to mention Israel and Greece
that guy does not look that smart but we should be carefull..Norther african countries are our natural ally and brothers..

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