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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Egypt's President al-Sisi announces peace initiative in Libya with General Haftar

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announced Cairo's plan for a ceasefire in Libya, beginning June 8, after meeting with Libyan National Army (LNA) Gen. Khalifa Haftar on Saturday.

Libya's security is an extension of Egypt's security, said al-Sisi. The LNA is fighting against the UN-recognized, Tripol-based Government of National Accord (GNA) for control of Libya.

Al-Sisi said that the political initiative, which he called the “Cairo initiative” would pave the way for a return to normal life in Libya and warned against using military tactics to resolve the crisis.

A political solution is the only way to resolve the crisis in Libya, he added. The “Cairo Initiative” will address all previous international initiatives and decision that have been made in regards to bringing unity to Libya.

All Libyan parties have been asked to partake in the ceasefire, al-Sisi said. Under the guidelines of the ceasefire, all foreign fighters must withdraw from Libya, he added. LNA Chief Gen. Haftar and the eastern parliament head Aguila Saleh are committed to protecting the Libyan people’s best interests, al-Sisi said


Egypt's President al-Sisi announces peace initiative in Libya with General Haftar

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announced Cairo's plan for a ceasefire in Libya, beginning June 8, after meeting with Libyan National Army (LNA) Gen. Khalifa Haftar on Saturday.

Libya's security is an extension of Egypt's security, said al-Sisi. The LNA is fighting against the UN-recognized, Tripol-based Government of National Accord (GNA) for control of Libya.

Al-Sisi said that the political initiative, which he called the “Cairo initiative” would pave the way for a return to normal life in Libya and warned against using military tactics to resolve the crisis.

A political solution is the only way to resolve the crisis in Libya, he added. The “Cairo Initiative” will address all previous international initiatives and decision that have been made in regards to bringing unity to Libya.

All Libyan parties have been asked to partake in the ceasefire, al-Sisi said. Under the guidelines of the ceasefire, all foreign fighters must withdraw from Libya, he added. LNA Chief Gen. Haftar and the eastern parliament head Aguila Saleh are committed to protecting the Libyan people’s best interests, al-Sisi said



These are the same guys who literally walked out of a peace conference months ago simply because they had the upper hand.
Hafter fled to the Russians and then to Egypt. However, none of them could save him. Whichever hole it came out, it will return there. There is no question of dividing Libya by 2. Because the Russians are afraid to show the flag directly. Their powers are not enough to flag the US and the British.
Sisi should revaluate his position before the Turks reach his border. Once that happens I believe that the psychological effect of having the Turks close by will embolden the masses of Egypt. If Sisi wants to divide his neighbours country, God will divide his country and remove his head before it is united again.

The wild fire will rage Eastward and will be met by one from the North and one from the East.

It times like this that people make seriously stupid mistakes. If Egypt joins in the conflict officially, then they will be targets in their own territory until there is a regime change.
Sisi is the real problem, his true power is spreading misinformation, he has a strong media, he already mind controls most of his people, he keeps fooling the ignorant Libyans of the east into believing in the " Turkish Nato invasion of an Arab land" propaganda . All that Turkey should do to win is focus on attacking Sisi on a media level, even if he resisted 7 years and getting stronger , this war is against the evil dictator opressor Sisi and his ponies , keep this rhetoric , Sisi is the main problem !!
QA-44, 6 June 2020, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hami Aksoy, in Response to a Question Regarding the Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt on the Accusations of Egyptian Foreign Minister against Turkey
We reject the unfounded accusations of Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry against Turkey within the context of Libya in the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat DAESH/ISIS Small Group on 4 June 2020. In fact, Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Sedat Önal gave the necessary response to the Egyptian Foreign Minister during the meeting.

As we have stated in the meeting, putschist and pirate Haftar, who attempts to create another authoritarian regime in the region by overthrowing the legitimate government, as well as his backers including the Egyptian administration, constitute the major obstacle to the establishment of peace and stability in Libya. It is not surprising that those who have taken over their administration by coup d’état support a putschist. Egypt’s years-long military support to putschist Haftar constitutes a clear violation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. The Libyan people will always hold accountable those supporting putschist Haftar, who does not even see harm in oppressing his own people and threatens the unity and future of his country, for the chaos and instability in Libya.

Turkey, the only country which neutralized thousands of terrorists by engaging in hand-to-hand combat against DAESH in Syria, will maintain its support to the legitimate government in Libya upon its request and pursuant to the relevant UN resolutions, and continue its efforts for the establishment of peace, prosperity and stability in the country.


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