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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Actually those Mig 29 and other aircrafts can represent a threat for civilian aircrafts + Turkish/Qatari military transport aircrafts.....

France Navy Stops Libya-Bound Tanker After Embargo Warnings


What a dick move by the Europeans and especially France, considering that most arms are delivered to Hafter over the land border with Egypt. Now let's see you stop the flights.

What do you think about Macrons appeasement politics with Russia that have now led to Russian aircrafts on Europes and NATO southern Flank?
I can understand the eastern mediterannean countries because of the pipeline project but why is Russia so invested in this conflict?
What a dick move by the Europeans and especially France, considering that most arms are delivered to Hafter over the land border with Egypt. Now let's see you stop the flights.

What do you think about Macrons appeasement politics with Russia that have now led to Russian aircrafts on Europes and NATO southern Flank?

Right now, France follows only his own interest and don’t care EU. Sad.
No, the whole of south tripoli is fully mined, they cant rush. The remaining LNA elements however will be gradually eliminated- that would also include any remaining wagner pmc´s tho im sure all of them are aware of it and have retreated.
So here we are . After one week of Russian aircraft's deployed in Libya and US Africa command just tweeted about it and EU didn't condemns this move, same mistake happened in Syria will happen in Libya but I hope this time that we don't give up even if we are alone, we should take steps faster than Russia to protects our interests. Al Watiya should be available for operation as soon as possible. Russia landed these aircraft's just to check EU and US if they will do something about it, now I thing after a silence from both of them Russia will move to the next step. I hope I'm wrong !!
^for the euros its worse actually, the reason why the Russians continue to "expand" is because they are emboldened by their recent adventures in Ukraine, Georgia, Syria and now Libya, its just a matter of time till they make their moves towards the Baltics and Scandinavia as well.

Regarding Libya, we are acting differently then 5 years ago and will continue to widen our influence in that country, so far things are moving.
^for the euros its worse actually, the reason why the Russians continue to "expand" is because they are emboldened by their recent adventures in Ukraine, Georgia, Syria and now Libya, its just a matter of time till they make their moves towards the Baltics and Scandinavia as well.

Regarding Libya, we are acting differently then 5 years ago and will continue to widen our influence in that country, so far things are moving.

Don't waste your time. Some people believe that a real-life civil war is just as easy to win as an online video game. Not a day went by without the GNA making progress on the battlefield but then again some armchair generals on PDF know better.
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