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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Shoot them down with what? F-16? Drones don't have air to air weapon.
Hawks, Hisars... Also, you think this jets will fly all the time? When they land, and they will land, Bayraktars can bucher them easly.
Ps; There is also F16s thought, but we can manage even without F16s...
Hawks, Hisars... Also, you think this jets will fly all the time? When they land, and they will land, Bayraktars can bucher them easly.
Ps; There is also F16s thought, but we can manage even without F16s...

Jufrah airbase is heavily guarded with S-400, Buk, Tor, what have you. It's also far enough from Tripoli / Misrata for TB2 to reach there. Not to mention there be plenty of Orion attack drones patrolling around looking for Hawk and once Hawk is spotted they use Msta-B to pound Hawk using long range laser guided Krasnopol rounds. All in all, Jurah is no Watiyah.

Besides, if Erdogan does go after Jurah I wouldn't be surprise of Russian frigates in the Med lobbing Kalibr missiles at Mitiga airbase.
Jufrah airbase is heavily guarded with S-400, Buk, Tor, what have you. It's also far enough from Tripoli / Misrata for TB2 to reach there. Not to mention there be plenty of Orion attack drones patrolling around looking for Hawk and once Hawk is spotted they use Msta-B to pound Hawk using long range laser guided Krasnopol rounds. All in all, Jurah is no Watiyah.

Besides, if Erdogan does go after Jurah I wouldn't be surprise of Russian frigates in the Med lobbing Kalibr missiles at Mitiga airbase.

You seriously do treat things like its wwe.

Indigenous kamikaze drone KARGU by STM appears in Libya

Developed by Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş (STM), a prominent Turkish defense industry company, KARGU Autonomous Tactical Multi-Rotor Attack UAV was spotted on Wednesday, May 27 in Ain Zara, south of Tripoli, Libya.

A number of social media accounts supporting Haftar alleged a drone/UAV departing from Mitigar Air Base was downed. Yet, as a result of the first examinations of the photos of the platform allegedly downed made by Defence Turk, it was revealed that the platform was not downed. Instead, what was seen on the photo indicated they were only some parts of the drone after attacking.

Detection of KARGU from photos
Kadir Doğan, author of Defence Turk, stated after his examinations that the parts in the photos belonged to KARGU.


According to Doğan, the parts in the photos;

  • Foldable rotor,
  • Foldable arms and legs
  • Colour
  • Metal battery compartment
case structure and dimensions of the structure are the parts of KARGU by STM that was spotted in Libya.

Why is KARGU still intact despite being hit?

When the structure of KARGU kamikaze UAV is examined, the condition of the front side, where the explosive and the camera are set, can be distinguished.
In the first examinations by Kadir Doğan, it turned out that the guided warhead and camera were not visible and these parts became separated from the rear side after burning / exploding. As a consequence, the explosive on the front side detonated while acquiring the target. However, the rear side remained structurally intact. Said to be the explosive head on various social media accounts, the silvery parts wrapped with folio were indeed the battery blocks.

Pro-Haftar forces claimed a number of Bayraktar TB2 were downed

The forces affiliated to putschist Khalifa Haftar disinform people on social media. In the previous months, Haftar supporters claimed they downed 26 Bayraktar TB2, which is a made-up story. When the images were analyzed, it came to light that some UAVs downed in the region were being carried to various locations in trucks and rephotographed and share as if they had been recently downed.

More details at: https://en.defenceturk.net/indigenous-kamikaze-drone-kargu-by-stm-appears-in-libya/
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