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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

through the port
Detected ships are A frigate and A replenishment tanker. If Turkey didnt invent a new way of loading unloading tanks on frigates or tankers, those 2 tweets do not correlate.

Twitter fanboys both on GNA and LNA sides really are laughable sometimes.
Especially LNA's master minds have recently thought them some photoshop and disinformation techniques instead of teaching strategies. I even doubt if this picture is taken in libya.
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The "Horizon class" is Italian actually,can't be French. The "Forbin" is on its way back from the Persian gulf while the "Chevalier Paul" is still at her homeport,she was seen yesterday in Toulon when the "Jean Bart" came back home after the Irini deployment. The two Italian Horizon were already seen in Libyan waters few days ago,so definitely Italians.
If SU34 are deployed then Russia cannot use the excuse that it is returning repaired/upgraded aircraft. Russia is the only operator of the SU34 so why paint over the signs? Once they are on the ground in Syria, the Turks will have no choice but to deploy the F16s. But the problem then is will they be willing to shoot down Russian Jets. Well if there is no insignia they must be aircraft belonging to Wagner. :)
Right now, France follows only his own interest and don’t care EU. Sad.

I don't understand the silence of the other European countries or should we say appeasement. Russia will be on the Southern Flank of NATO for decades if they succeed. France is sabotaging European and NATO interest for the sake of what exactly? That I dont understand.
Guys did you notice something. We are the only NATO country who's playing a role against Russia interventions nowadays (Yes of course, first we are trying to protect our interests but at the same time we're pushing against Russia not like France for example). US can't go blind anymore , they should corporate with us and stop what they are doing in north Syria.
US can't go blind anymore , they should corporate with us and stop what they are doing in north Syria.

Maaan, Us and Russia already agreed on something in Syria. Libya is another story tho... Forget Us help in Syria, we are on our own.

Russian Su-25 and Su-34 in Syria with painted-over signs

Be sure they'll be soon in Libya...

As a twitter comment below, photo is from 2016. Maybe the ones already sent to Libya

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