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Destruction of Bangladesh - Awami League see Bangladesh and india as same country

Illegal ones would be taken to task.:enjoy:

Dream on, they are going no-where, the corrupt indian babus see to that, I have heard one comes, gets the right legal documents, and brings ten others, whole states demographics are being changed, in a decade or two, you will go beyond the point of no return. :)
@AbidM I said you were Awami who hates Muslim.

Sub-continent was under sharia during Muslim rule. Do they teach Awami version of Indian history in BD?

@Bong You sound like an Raw sponsored awami thug. I can make accusations too.

FYI every sane practising Muslim will crave for sharia.

Genius, what was Sharia-compliant about a monarchist rule?

Do you think the rulers throughout those times were angels? The world is running on more fair and 'Islamic' principles than ever today. Do some reading before opening your mouth.

Also in those days slavery was a major part of society maybe we should bring that back too?
Those of us Bangladeshis residing in the West have it lucky. If Bangladesh were ever to be part of India or have an open border with them, we can simply decide to end our ties with the country. But it's the 10s of millions of Bangladeshis in Bangladesh whom I'd feel sorry for. My family goes back and forth to Bangladesh but that would cease if any of the above mentioned scenario was to transpire. The pride of building Bangladesh up economically, socially into a vibrant Muslim country would no longer be a dream to aspire to.
Why does the Awami League want to destroy their own country?

Because, Awami League does not care about Bangladesh sovereignty. Awami League consider india to be their political master and india is keeping Awami League in power by using genocidal force against people. Awami League from history is an indian political arm in Bangladesh.

That being said, just look one example - Bangladesh needed a deep sea port and China was ready to help with that for last 6 years. BUT Awami League with active indian instigation prevented that project.

indians will be like that and will not change.
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Those of us Bangladeshis residing in the West have it lucky. If Bangladesh were ever to be part of India or have an open border with them, we can simply decide to end our ties with the country. But it's the 10s of millions of Bangladeshis in Bangladesh whom I'd feel sorry for. My family goes back and forth to Bangladesh but that would cease if any of the above mentioned scenario was to transpire. The pride of building Bangladesh up economically, socially into a vibrant Muslim country would no longer be a dream to aspire to.

Come on - do you really think that'll ever happen? You think every power broker in BD will give up their position by ceding authority to India? Come on kid this is the real world, BD is going nowhere.

These are scare stories told to little children to make them insecure so that you will vote for certain 'protector' parties, who in turn want us to join Pakistan again!
These are scare stories told to little children to make them insecure so that you will vote for certain 'protector' parties, who in turn want us to join Pakistan again!

Here is your typical Awami bs falls aprt, Who told Awami League to state that Bangaladesh and india is same country? not those vote seeker. So do not spread typical indo awami deception that people can smell stink from thousand miles away.

  • Awami league made BDR to take training from indian BSF.
  • Awami League asked Bangladesh district administrator to coordinate their work with indian counterpart. In what sovereign country will coordinate internal admin work with another country?
  • Today, whole country is out of electricity because of Awami desire to provide electricity corridor.
NOT counting all other Awami League acts in favor of india BUT against Bangladesh.

indian dalals are destroying the country and surrendering Bangladesh sovereignty while using 40 years old incidents as deception tricks.
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We no longer share the same blood of our Muslim forefather. Our blood has been water down. We do not mind to be rule by Maloon.
Come on - do you really think that'll ever happen? You think every power broker in BD will give up their position by ceding authority to India? Come on kid this is the real world, BD is going nowhere.

These are scare stories told to little children to make them insecure so that you will vote for certain 'protector' parties, who in turn want us to join Pakistan again!

Did the opposition tell your malaun minister to make that statement ?:unsure:

As for voting malaun Hasina already stripped people of their voting rights so its news to me that u malauns still worry about votes. o_O
Destruction of Bangladesh - Awami League see Bangladesh and and india as same country

Awami League since came to power with indian money and interference continuously surrendered Bangladesh sovereignty to india.

Over last 6 years, Awami League imposed virtual indian rule over Bangladesh including killing 58 army officers, thousands of Muslims in point blank shooting. Even indian troops were sent to Bangladesh to kill and contain demand for free and fair election.Thousands of Bangladeshis were killed in last one and half year by india backed genocidal force.

Now influential Awami League home minister unveiled Awami League plan ahead - surrender Bangladesh sovereignty completely and call it "india".

Here is report in Bangla:

বাংলাদেশ-ভারত তো অভিন্ন দেশ

01 Nov, 2014
বাংলাদেশ-ভারত সম্পর্ক ও সংস্কৃতির বিষয়ে কথা বলতে গিয়ে স্বরাষ্ট্র প্রতিমন্ত্রী আসাদুজ্জামান খান কামাল বলেছেন, ‘আমরা অভিন্ন দেশ, আমরা কথা বলি এক ভাষায়, আমাদের খাদ্য একই। আমাদের দুই দেশের নাম ভিন্ন হতে পারে কিন্তু আমরা তো এক।’

শুক্রবার সন্ধ্যায় রাজধানীর সুপ্রিম কোর্ট বার অ্যাসোসিয়েশন মিলনায়তনে বাংলাদেশ সার্ক কালচারাল সোসাইটি আয়োজিত মৈত্রী উৎসবে বিশেষ অতিথির বক্তব্যে তিনি এসব কথা বলেন।

বিডিটুডে.নেট:বাংলাদেশ-ভারত তো অভিন্ন দেশ

E gu Khan er bacha na. E geeder Maloon ner najayeez aulad. E gu dhekte chamar er mothon. Lanat on this haramkoor for imposing his wish on us Muslim.
Oh so that's what you're crying about.

You have a problem with Horus, the site administrator, and you want him to ban you (yet again). :rofl:

Sorry you're not important enough to even report. You can't even understand the basic sentences that are coming out of your mouth.

I'll give you another thanks for making me laugh again. :D

No I like actually when a chini do a$$ liking of pakistanis, in real its opposite though.

I appreciate this forum admins for making so atleast in virtual world.

Chini logic :lol:

And yes you started this thread with trolling intentions. :lol:
As if I care of the title and power you get from a$$ licking and wasting your whole day on this forum to help admin earn some bucks.

You start this thread with troll intentions and end up getting fcked up. Keep laughing under your umbrella. Chini logic :lol:

This negative rating is just a tool which TTA use to get shoved in their own a$$ to get whatever pleasure they can feel by feeling some sort of supremacy.

Chini logic - sitting under umbrella and giving negative ratings is life!! :lol:

Sarcastic shitposting isn't exactly the equivalent of "fcked up". Indian trash does it all the time on this forum, and people just think of it as a normal Indian past time. "Fkiing someone up" would be destroying someone with logic or actually physically beating them up. You are obviously doing neither.
@AbidM Another Bangladeshi Awami Muslim hater.

India sub-continent under sharia was the most wealthiest and powerful nation in the world. Good to see a so-called Muslim preferring western man-made immoral law over sharia.
It was indeed. But not for the predominance of any religion but for its unchallenged monopoly in exporting high quality cotton to Europe from the days of the Romans.
It seems that you've surveyed these 100m bangladeshis just yesterday.....
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