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Destroying USA without a single shot

Every country has its own limit, and a country that controls the entire world is overstretching its capability and cannot last long.

Look at the US after 1991, they became an unprecedented Hyperpower, but now it is just a little more than 20 years, look what they have became.

But a Socialist New Global Order is needed, China will indeed take the duty to support this order, so will Russia after rebuild the new USSR.

Soviet Union was also created from the same Powers which are behind the USA. Hell they did even create Hitler, let him rise and bombed him down again.

NWO can easily switch to any country and combatant they need. Its a big global war and we, the ordinary people, are always losing. And they are always winning!

In the future US Citizens will enjoy FEMA camps and second us civil war, while China and Russia will grow once again with the help of the Global Rulers.
You know who is a Joke? A country who gets his Ship destroyed from its "Main Ally"

Navy Blames Missile Accident On Bad Training - Daily Press

USS Saratoga killed several Turkish Officers in 1992 NATO Exercise.

You know who else is a joke, :-) a country who used nukes twice on civilians & yet keeps yapping about safety of others' nukes.(Post#4 Here) (Post#12311 Here).
Who lost control of it's nuclear weapons multiple times(Post#3 Here), and loads B-52 with 6 live nukes accidently.
Whose hydrogen bombs surveillance is taken off-line by aliens.
Whose NORAD stands down while 4 allegedly hijacked planes finish their job.
Who thinks it's working to protect their country, while they are sacrificial lambs serving only Israel.

You know who else is a joke, country where rate of "child" pregnancies is:

(.)Who read a holy book that preaches raping girls & killing of babies and smashing their heads against rock.

Numbers:31:17-18: Now therefore kill every male among the little ones(Kids\children) and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18 But all the women-children (female children) , that have not known a man by lying with him(Virgin Female Children) , keep alive for yourselves.

Psalm 137:8-9: O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us, he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

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usa is slowly coming towards its eminent fate, it is to rupture economically. Now very strong indications are erupting even after digesting capital of whole middle east and swiss banks picture is dark. only bigger elephant takes little more time. the Zionists and their hidden empire will also shatter with it mostly, remaining would not be that big dilemma.
usa is slowly coming towards its eminent fate, it is to rupture economically. Now very strong indications are erupting even after digesting capital of whole middle east and swiss banks picture is dark. only bigger elephant takes little more time. the Zionists and their hidden empire will also shatter with it mostly, remaining would not be that big dilemma.

The secret Zionist empire will move on, if world population dont massacre them one by one. Bilderburgers are some of them.

Very good.
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