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Destroying USA without a single shot

RIP to your officers. They are just another innocent victims of global US Imperialism.
As Russia who pacified quickly Crimea without a fireshot, can we destroy the US domination easily and without bloodsheds?

If countries stop using dollars, USA won't be able to play anymore as they intend, they won't be able to print at will

They will have to play fairly with other people. All their artificial financial domination will collapse and the rest will follow quickly

People will he able to see that they crooked everybody during decades

Its strange to read a post like this from someone who lives in the EU.

The world is not flat and its not equal. Some countries will forever be more equal than others.

If its not the US, it will be Russia, China, GB , France or someone else.

If as said by someone here China & Russia seem better its because they are biding their time . The world often gets a glimpse of the cards they have and the hands they play.
Its strange to read a post like this from someone who lives in the EU.

The world is not flat and its not equal. Some countries will forever be more equal than others.

If its not the US, it will be Russia, China, GB , France or someone else.

If as said by someone here China & Russia seem better its because they are biding their time . The world often gets a glimpse of the cards they have and the hands they play.

USA is not a country defending its Rights. USA is a global tool to secure natural and human resources. Nobody knows the real Identity of the secret Rulers of the US Government. The President is just a replaceable puppet. The Power to elect a US President comes from the Money and Media Control of the Zionist Lobby. They even had the power to get a unknown black man elected as President against a Military Hero/veteran of Vietnam Mr. McCain!

Second Gulf/Iraq war was not the missmanagement of a puppet called Bush. It was a well planned and organized move from US think tanks to destabilize Middle east and secure a huge part of global resources for US industry and Military. Saddam had to be replaced because he was pro Russian.
American warmongering and aggression can be stopped in one day, but there are far too many puppet leaders in the world without any dignity, honour and sense of justice. That's the sole reason why the enormous global suffering and rampage continues. It's not because of America's might, but solely because of treasonous and corrupt leaders in most other countries.

Its strange to read a post like this from someone who lives in the EU.

Why strange? Do all Europeans have to be pro-American aggression and imperialism, why is that? There are many Europeans who fiercely oppose American crimes against humanity,media lies, hypocrisy, non-stop propaganda and wars of aggression. The U.S. has waged 50 wars of aggression in the last 50 years alone. Why would anyone in the world support that?

Also, your logic is fundamentally flawed. Just because you're Indian for example, are you going to support Indan crimes aganst humanity and other wrongdoings by the Indian government?
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American warmongering and aggression can be stopped in one day, but there are far too many puppet leaders in the world without any dignity, honour and sense of justice. That's the sole reason why the enormous global suffering and rampage continues. It's not because America's might, it's solely because of corrupt and treasonous leaders in most other counries.

Why strange? Do all Europeans have to be pro-American aggression and imperialism, why is that?

Do you think they can be elected without kissing the asses of the rich zionist lobbies?
@Fukuoka @LordTyrannus

There are 2 lives of USA. One is the country in general, it's people, it's systems etc. Other is the zionist-controlled-&-enslaved government\military of USA, serving interests of israel.

There is no need to destroy the prior, that can rather be put to a good use.

But the latter reality of USA that has destroyed peace of the world, to pave the way for expansion ambitions of Israel, must be destroyed. This zionist-controlled-beast was symbolically prophecised as Dajjal; the anti-christ; the left-eyed-great-deceiver. This beast of Dajjal can be silenced just by vaporizing israel... With israel no more, the evil-possessed USA will have no god to serve. It will be exorcised of the demon that has it possessed.

I think it was in Arabian-Nights(?); there was a Jinn(Genie) so powerful and evil no one could kill it. But Jinn's life was in a parrot. To kill the Jinn, parrot has to be found and it's neck strangled. Killing the parrot killed the genie too.

Israel is the parrot.
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USA is not a country defending its Rights. USA is a global tool to secure natural and human resources. Nobody knows the real Identity of the secret Rulers of the US Government. The President is just a replaceable puppet. The Power to elect a US President comes from the Money and Media Control of the Zionist Lobby. They even had the power to get a unknown black man elected as President against a Military Hero/veteran of Vietnam Mr. McCain!

Second Gulf/Iraq war was not the missmanagement of a puppet called Bush. It was a well planned and organized move from US think tanks to destabilize Middle east and secure a huge part of global resources for US industry and Military. Saddam had to be replaced because he was pro Russian.

This is what I meant when I wrote that we live in an unequal world.

The part in red above would apply to any democracy world wide.
Its strange to read a post like this from someone who lives in the EU.

The world is not flat and its not equal. Some countries will forever be more equal than others.

If its not the US, it will be Russia, China, GB , France or someone else.

If as said by someone here China & Russia seem better its because they are biding their time . The world often gets a glimpse of the cards they have and the hands they play.
Russia & China are not parasited by satanists leaders making satanist plans in their capital

Israel is the parrot.
Israel is the master
This is what I meant when I wrote that we live in an unequal world.

The part in red above would apply to any democracy world wide.

Thats the problem. They use this system called democray for their secret Agenda. Lets be realistic, most of the Human population is dumb, selfish and ignorant.

For example look at this Video. This is what i call brainwashing.

The Millions of sheeps need entertainment, cheap food and Sex. Than you can do everything to them.
Thats the problem. They use this system called democray for their secret Agenda. Lets be realistic, most of the Human population is dumb, selfish and ignorant.


I dont agree with the part in red.

Thats the problem. They use this system called democray for their secret Agenda. Lets be realistic, most of the Human population is dumb, selfish and ignorant.


I dont agree with the part in red.
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