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Despite terror strikes, peace talks with Pak on: India

the stance of GOI is right. the talks must continue.
the stance of GOI is right. the talks must continue.

we could invite Zardari or Bashir to Shimla and enjoy a hot cup of cocoa with them but still doesn't do anything whats the point of peace talks if we already know nothing solid will come from them? its time to recognize LOC as IB get something done for once otherwise expect more attacks and bombings
What a shitty piece of analysis done by u... sorry for my language. But isn't that reflect the incompetency on his part ? How he deserves to be PM of India and continue with his post ? He is morally corrupt doesn't have conscience to see what is wrong and what is right. Isn't his duty to act as a whistle blower and spill the beans about the corruption in India ? He is a complicit and a accomplice in the corruption happening in in India. I don't understand how do u people give him clean chit on corruption ? He may be the mastermind behind all this corruption issues... who knows !!!

and... how old are you son??? two may be .....
are not you the one who was saying that we should declare a war with pakistan...170 died in mumbai attacks... thousand soldiers will die in conventional war if that happens ....and millions if nuclear war happens.....
you are critisizing him because of the soft stand with pakistan.........having a war with pakistan is not going to effect the politicians including mms who are going to hid away in a nuclear shelter away from everything...only common people and soldiers are going to die...thankfully, mms knows this..
believe me retards like you will be the first ones to piss in their pants and runaway when war happens.....its is easy to brag about war then to actually endure it
What a shitty piece of analysis done by u... sorry for my language. But isn't that reflect the incompetency on his part ? How he deserves to be PM of India and continue with his post ? He is morally corrupt doesn't have conscience to see what is wrong and what is right. Isn't his duty to act as a whistle blower and spill the beans about the corruption in India ? He is a complicit and a accomplice in the corruption happening in in India. I don't understand how do u people give him clean chit on corruption ? He may be the mastermind behind all this corruption issues... who knows !!!
shitty piece of analysis huh boy.....people like you are reason the country is going down the drain.....who cannot comprehend and decide what and who is right for the country....and what is not
and... how old are you son??? two may be .....
are not you the one who was saying that we should declare a war with pakistan...170 died in mumbai attacks... thousand soldiers will die in conventional war if that happens ....and millions if nuclear war happens.....
you are critisizing him because of the soft stand with pakistan.........having a war with pakistan is not going to effect the politicians including mms who are going to hid away in a nuclear shelter away from everything...only common people and soldiers are going to die...thankfully, mms knows this..
believe me retards like you will be the first ones to piss in their pants and runaway when war happens.....its is easy to brag about war then to actually endure it

If our mental state is like this, then we have already lost the war. Whether due to MMS's brilliant strategy or just plain lazy inaction, not attacking Pak after 26/11 was an excellent decision !

Now we have reports confirming that 26/11 was clever ploy, meant to unite all the disparate groups in Pak (which are currently killing each other), and turn their attention away from western sector.

We should be ready for war, but only the ones which we can decisively win ;)
and... how old are you son??? two may be .....
are not you the one who was saying that we should declare a war with pakistan...170 died in mumbai attacks... thousand soldiers will die in conventional war if that happens ....and millions if nuclear war happens.....
you are critisizing him because of the soft stand with pakistan.........having a war with pakistan is not going to effect the politicians including mms who are going to hid away in a nuclear shelter away from everything...only common people and soldiers are going to die...thankfully, mms knows this..
believe me retards like you will be the first ones to piss in their pants and runaway when war happens.....its is easy to brag about war then to actually endure it

thats true but when hundreds of innocents die because of another country's proxy war and apathy to take on terrorists who infiltrate Indian Kashmir with support of ISI and Pak army what else is there to do? sit there and take it??? or surgical strikes or using RAW to go and dismantle the Pakistani terror infrastructure through covert means?

some times being Gandhian does not work in the famous words of RFK "don't get mad get even"
and... how old are you son??? two may be .....
are not you the one who was saying that we should declare a war with pakistan...170 died in mumbai attacks... thousand soldiers will die in conventional war if that happens ....and millions if nuclear war happens.....
you are critisizing him because of the soft stand with pakistan.........having a war with pakistan is not going to effect the politicians including mms who are going to hid away in a nuclear shelter away from everything...only common people and soldiers are going to die...thankfully, mms knows this..
believe me retards like you will be the first ones to piss in their pants and runaway when war happens.....its is easy to brag about war then to actually endure it

Kindly refrain from making personnel attacks. I may be age of your father so it doesn't look good to talk like this. And your response is highly diverted form the points that I have made about his complicity and incompetency.

I didn't say that we could have attacked Pakistan, there are other ways to deal with Pakistan with a fist hand, we had fallen miserably on that front. Still all the attackers are enjoying their stay in Pakistan. What I was looking for the outcome of this kind of meeting. For our past experience it is evident that this meetings are futile and we are at the receiving end. U should also read my previous posts about the utter failures of him as a PM before making your opinion about me.

As far me running or not during a war will tell the future, But I can see U are running from your identity by putting a US flag.
If our mental state is like this, then we have already lost the war. Whether due to MMS's brilliant strategy or just plain lazy inaction, not attacking Pak after 26/11 was an excellent decision !

Now we have reports confirming that 26/11 was clever ploy, meant to unite all the disparate groups in Pak (which are currently killing each other), and turn their attention away from western sector.

We should be ready for war, but only the ones which we can decisively win ;)

a brilliant post. i remember that when Hannibal was killing romans, a roman general said , " the best way to deal with Hannibal is to not fight with him."

the best way to deal with Pakistan is increasing co operation with Afghanistan.

once our foothold in Afghanistan is strong and Afghanistan becomes stable; Pakistan can not use afghan to increase strategic depth.

however we must not send our troops to afghan. we should give massive aid to afghan.

even then if Pakistan continues misadventures...........................well we can give helping hand to the decedents of motherland of SARHAD Gandhi. ;)
thats true but when hundreds of innocents die because of another country's proxy war and apathy to take on terrorists who infiltrate Indian Kashmir with support of ISI and Pak army what else is there to do? sit there and take it??? or surgical strikes or using RAW to go and dismantle the Pakistani terror infrastructure through covert means?

some times being Gandhian does not work in the famous words of RFK "don't get mad get even"
i believe covert action like mossad does could be the answer..neither a full blown war or nor air strike..in fact this is going to unite these pakistanis and the terrorists groups against india leading to more attacks.......not to forget our adversary is nuclear armed
but i believe pakistan has recently understood the implications of providing safe havens to terrorist groups .....we should at least give them one more chance with talks......mms is thinking long term ......13 july attacks are proabaly not the work of Pakistan based groups..but if they are then GOI should take a hard line ...may be go for some covert actions...
Kindly refrain from making personnel attacks. I may be age of your father so it doesn't look good to talk like this. And your response is highly diverted form the points that I have made about his complicity and incompetency.

I didn't say that we could have attacked Pakistan, there are other ways to deal with Pakistan with a fist hand, we had fallen miserably on that front. Still all the attackers are enjoying their stay in Pakistan. What I was looking for the outcome of this kind of meeting. For our past experience it is evident that this meetings are futile and we are at the receiving end. U should also read my previous posts about the utter failures of him as a PM before making your opinion about me.

As far me running or not during a war will tell the future, But I can see U are running from your identity by putting a US flag.
i regret those comments brother. .....i kinda lost my cool ......you are entitled to your opinions and i am to mine ...let us not argue anymore:coffee:
even then if Pakistan continues misadventures...........................well we can give helping hand to the decedents of motherland of SARHAD Gandhi. ;)

infact we the proud Pakistanis from Northwest Pakistan had already shove that helping hand of our enemy up there at our enemy so bharatis should not commit that mistake again as this time we will not only repeat the action but also break break that hand thousand times.
infact we the proud Pakistanis from Northwest Pakistan had already shove that helping hand of our enemy up there at our enemy so bharatis should not commit that mistake again as this time we will not only repeat the action but also break break that hand thousand times.

First break the hands of terrorists which are there in your country and then dream about breaking our hands.
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