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Desperate US wants to be part of India’s first manned space mission

R sure, then why US is urging india to play a more active role vis-a-vis china. if they had collaborations all around the world they wouldnt do that. the fact is indian and US interests are converging and US has recognised it.

All right fine, India is super duper important to USA. I am sure Pakistan is/was too vis-a-vis Russia and know Afghanistan.
If you can make some bucks off of India, why not rush?

OK tell me with how many countries US seeking such 'trade'? What they will sell? India already has a collaborating agreement with Russia and India is not buying anything. So what US will sell?

But if India doesnt want it, thats fine too.. =P

Fine for whom?
No way..
There will be no collabaration between nasa and isro..
Nasa please be far cray from isro
US needs india more than india needs US. lets remember that and work towards achieving our goals.

There are always mutual interests, but I sincerely doubt America needs India more than India needs the states. For starters, they sent men to the moon over 4 decades ago while India hasn't even managed to build a cryogenic engine yet, let alone carry out a space walk. Budget constraints are just a temporary setback, but if its enough to induce them to collaborate with ISRO then India should jump at the opportunity to learn from the best.
All right fine, India is super duper important to USA. I am sure Pakistan is/was too vis-a-vis Russia and know Afghanistan.

:lol: Here you goooo.... :lol: You never keep away from posting funny comments! No one seeking to be important to USA. India and US need each other is natural way of development and strategy.
OK tell me with how many countries US seeking such 'trade'? What they will sell? India already has a collaborating agreement with Russia and India is not buying anything. So what US will sell?

I dont know, but they have the expertise to help/guide India put a man/men into orbit right? They have been doing this for 50 years, right? I think India needs its expertise more then USA needs India's cash....

Here you goooo.... You never keep away from posting funny comments! No one seeking to be for important to USA. India and US need each other is natural way of development and strategy.

Pakistan has.. When the Soviets was getting close they seek to be important to USA. And USA used them in the Soviet era and know with Afghanistan.
Whatevr makes this mission succesfull ,there's no problem in JV as this will be win win situation for both country .. But as this is indian space mission so the ratio of collabration must be say 70:30 with major chunk of technology should be desi... :cheers:
Whatevr makes this mission succesfull ,there's no problem in JV as this will be win win situation for both country .. But as this is indian space mission so the ratio of collabration must be say 70:30 with major chunk of technology should be desi... :cheers:

Don't let emotions blind you. Even if it isn't desi, it will be from there on in wouldn't it? At the end of the day India will leap frog at least a decade of research and development so how does it matter?
Chunk of technology will be desi, especially the human capsule will be based on the SRE experiments. US can help us to expedite setting up vyomnauts training facilities etc.
I dont know, but they have expertise to help/guide India put a man in orbit right? They have been doing this for 50 years, right?

Russia doing that earlier than USA. BTW that 'help/guide' doesn't mean 'buck off' of India for those they should 'rush'!!! So how they gonna make bucks? Why they are eager to 'guide/help' though it doesn't bring much bucks?

As I said on my first reply to your post, you got opposite meaning from the news.
india should utilise this opportunity to extract critical space technologies and i am sure indian space programme will be greatly benefitted from US technologies.
Russia doing that earlier than USA.

Can be doing in longer, but clearly NASA is way ahead of Russia or anyone else for that matter.

Bro it has rovers in mars..



It would be nuts not to work with America. What India is going know it has do in the early 60s..
india should utilise this opportunity to extract critical space technologies and i am sure indian space programme will be greatly benefitted from US technologies.

I don't think ISRO will be interested. If they are than also it will be minimum. Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2 indicate this.

But I think India should go if it beneficial in terms of technology as well as economically not just because US offered them. We already have a road map for manned mission.
Will the joint venture be used to launch American astronauts as well? For all we know all manned American launches are gonna be grounded for a decade or so before the next carrier craft is inducted.
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