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Desert Tactical Arms, pulled out of a $15 Million Pakistani Sniper rifles order

It has been referred to in other postings! What happens on the range, stays on the range!
u tall me now.............................

First of all, have a respectful tone. Don't demand anything if the other person has already said it's been referred to.

@Michael M

Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy your stay. May I know why you're interested in this tender? Just curious.
In 2013 we faced a moral dilemma that I wanted to get some opinions on. The current US administration is sponsoring FMS arms sales to Pakistan forces. In 2013 We had been approached with a multi-million dollar opportunity to legally supply sniper systems to Pakistan. I was never in the armed services but we employ several military veterans. Our greatest fear was that our equipment might be used against US troops. I started this company to protect Americans not endanger them. In consulting with other arms companies the general responses I got was, if they don't buy it from you, then they will get it somewhere else, or money is money. After much internal review we elected not to sell to Pakistan. I wanted to throw this out to our military friends to see if our concern was legitimate and hear your thoughts on it.
Nick Young
they made two type of snipers

Hypocrisy at it's worst. If they'd be so bloody holier than thou than what about the bloody F-16's and C-130 and choppers and what not. Let them quit selling all of that as well. You dont need fighter jets for the "war against terror" You need bloody guns. They'll take your money for the F-16s without a thank you but wont sell you guns .....


To any student of the Law - Can we bring a defamation suit against them or something ?
Unfortunately not. Their company. Whether they want to do business is their prerogative. If a contact is signed and money exchanged hands then its a separate matter altogether.
First of all, have a respectful tone. Don't demand anything if the other person has already said it's been referred to.

@Michael M

Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy your stay. May I know why you're interested in this tender? Just curious.
den u tall me now.............
Let's clear something,because confusing news are spread all over web.

Desert Tech did not actually have the $15 million contract but had been approached by the Department of Defense (which handles military sales to foreign countries) about it and was considered one of the finalists for the contract. Desert Tech pulled out before it (and the Department of Defense) expended any more time and effort on evaluating the SRS rifle.

So, the contract will be awarded to someone else.....
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