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Denouncing Indira Gandhi

I did not denounce Indira Gandhi, to clarify the matter. I also said I thought she was overall a good leader. What I said was that I 'disagreed' with her if she actually said this. Disagree does not mean denounce. Like a poster said above, it might be hearsay. But I disagree strongly with this kind of sentiment, Pakistan has as much of a right to exist as India does

"Indira Gandhi at a public meeting on Nov, 30, 1970 observed, “India has never reconciled with the existence of Pakistan, Indian leaders always believed that Pakistan should not have been created and that Pakistan nation has no right exist”.
Indira Gandhi was of a generation that saw the partition. It is quiet natural for people of her generation to feel that Pakistan should never have been formed. Today's generation to which you belong to or to which I belong to are happy with today's India. 21st century India has not ambitions over Pakistan.
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Indira Gandhi was of a generation that saw the partition. It is quiet natural for people of her generation to feel that Pakistan should never have been formed. Today's generation to which you belong to or to which I belong to are happy with today's India. 21st century India has not ambitions over Pakistan.

Previous used to think of direct action.Nowadays generation is using the monkeys Trap and Cold start doctrines
Since she is dead, technically everything is based on 'heresay'.

Kissinger and others could be lying and fabricating (for whatever reason) I suppose, but what is more important is toi denounce the comments and the ideology they represent.

If at some point in the future they are shown to be incorrect, then IG will stand exonorated, but the ideology represented by the comments will remain condemnable - at least for those Indians who claim 'peace with, and acceptance of, Pakistan'.

So go ahead and condemn the comments, and Indira Gandhi for making them, with the caveat of 'if she did indeed make them' if you so desire. The latter is what InExile did.
Funny way of playing with words!!!
with all due respect sir,
here is an analogy:-
few terrorists blow up the building in the name of islam killing 3000 people.
now tell me you being a muslim :-
1.)will you blame islam which teaches people to blow building??
2.) will you blame those stupid terrorists who hid behind islam to kill 3000 people???
now kissinger or nixen (sorry dunno remember the name) makes some accusation on indira gandhi and you are telling fellow indians to blame indira gandhi!!!!
Shame on you sir!!!
let me tell you personally what i feel:-
i feel it was bad attempt on part of american to malign indira G
and corner some soft spot in heart of pakistan.
and let me tell you personally being an indian i feel except kashmir rest of territory belongs to pakistan
insallah if we become friends in future we should be helping pakistan stablize these regions and help them integrate better with pakistan!!!:pakistan::pakistan:
P.S.:- where is indian flag???
@ AgNoStIc MuSliM
To get some sense of perspective on this, please ALSO refer to Richard Nixon (Tricky Dick) and Kissingers views about Indira Gandhi as 'recorded' and published.
And that was simply based on their intense personal dislike of Indira Gandhi. What was that dislike based on ? Among other reasons; the fact that she was reluctant to "rollover and play dead" in front of them. How dare she attempt to do that ? Well she did that simply because she had managed to get the redoubtable Leonid Brezhnev (assisted by Andrei Gromyko) to bat for her. And the USSR did not only exist then but had some clout (to put it mildly).
Kissinger's views and opinions can be rather "Machiavellian" to say the least. So his views are best taken with a "truck-load" of salt.
But Indira Gandhi was no less "Machiavellian" than the pair in the White House; and she did'nt even try to pass off as Mother Teresa!
As for the other 'source' that you mention, History is not likely to refer or quote that to understand that period ! But, its your choice.
As for me, the subject of your dissertation was a very complex personality. She made major contributions to the history of India; at the same time she attempted to drastically and detrimentally change/damage the system. So while Indians admired some of her achievements, they unhesitatingly and decisively did what seemed to be unimaginable. They gave her the BOOT !
I speak with first-hand knowledge of that time, and my family's association with the movement against her.
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