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Denmark bans kosher and halal slaughter

If god is love and peace, why do you kill something in his name? Seems hypocritical to me.

Well, here, we are talking about Animals that humans eat. The method of actual cut to drain the blood out, can be debated. I see pretty much all Indian members on here to bash (again) Islam and all.....

How about minorities killings in India and forceful violent conversions of Christians, Muslims and Sikhs to Hinduism? If you are getting so ticked off at the method of animal killing.....shouldn't humans come first and you guys should be telling us what are you planning on doing to save your minorities lives? To stop the government sponsored terror and murders of innocent people sleeping in their homes, burning down of entire villages populated with Christians and Muslims IN the name of your Gods????? How is killing of innocent men, women and children ok but here, you people are too busy bitch*ing about animals being killed so meat can be consumed by people???
@Horus @Jango Please take note of personal insult here.

By the way if 73 denotes your year of birth, I should be half your age. Why would I say your are foolish (you know, I respect elders), please read again I said your posts would look foolish if you bring in material when not required.
Since when does Halal mean that Muslims kill to please god?
first let me clear you i am not talking about only Muslims. i am talking about every religion where animals are killed to please god. that includes my religion(Hindu) also.
why Muslims Pray Allah hu Akbar while killing animal? what is logic behind this?

Dhabīḥah (ذَبِيْحَة) is a prescribed method of ritual animal slaughter; it does not apply to most aquatic animals. The animal must be slaughtered by a Muslim while mentioning the name of God (Allah in Arabic).
first let me clear you i am not talking about only Muslims. i am talking about every religion where animals are killed to please god. that includes my religion(Hindu) also.
why Muslims Pray Allah hu Akbar while killing animal? what is logic behind this?

Dhabīḥah (ذَبِيْحَة) is a prescribed method of ritual animal slaughter; it does not apply to most aquatic animals. The animal must be slaughtered by a Muslim while mentioning the name of God (Allah in Arabic).

As a reminder that it is God who takes and gives. You are correct, that in almost every religion there is sacrifice rituals for animals, not to please God, but to thank the God, or in some cases, the Earth or even the animal for providing them with precious food.

I am amazed that noone stops for a moment and thinks about WHY should the animal be conscious.
I can only think of one reason, and that is that You want the animal to be healthy,
and not a maggot infested carcass, who died from a contageous disease a week ago.

Since modern law is in place to guarantee the quality of food,
there is no reason to allow animals to suffer for no apparent sane reason.

How about ANIMAL SEX---I think it is legal in Norway or is it Sweden-----? Are they going to ban that as well!

No, all animals are allowed to have sex with each other.
Some are neutered of course...
I am amazed that noone stops for a moment and thinks about WHY should the animal be conscious.
I can only think of one reason, and that is that You want the animal to be healthy,
and not a maggot infested carcass, who died from a contageous disease a week ago.

Since modern law is in place to guarantee the quality of food,
there is no reason to allow animals to suffer for no apparent sane reason.
As per Jewish and Islamic dietary laws, the meat of an animal is permissible but not the blood. The main reason behind keeping the animal conscious and cutting only the jugular arteries is to ensure that as much blood is drained off from the body as possible.
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This Is What Humane Slaughter Looks Like. Is It Good Enough? - Modern Farmer


It happens at the slaughter houses in the US---the animal is stunned----it is hung by its legs----its throat is slit---the blood drains out----the animal stays hung for awhile.

3 out of 4 things have happened---the meat is for human consumption---the animal is halal---its throat has been slit and blood drained-----.

You can say your prayer on it---.
This Is What Humane Slaughter Looks Like. Is It Good Enough? - Modern Farmer


It happens at the slaughter houses in the US---the animal is stunned----it is hung by its legs----its throat is slit---the blood drains out----the animal stays hung for awhile.

3 out of 4 things have happened---the meat is for human consumption---the animal is halal---its throat has been slit and blood drained-----.

You can say your prayer on it---.
Physiologically it is not possible to drain the blood from the body by simply hanging it upside down. Stun guns are used to physically incapacitate a person (or animal) by discharging controlled electrical energy into the body, thereby preventing effective muscular activity. Stun guns can stimulate cardiac muscle in addition to skeletal muscle, thus potentially promoting lethal cardiac arrhythmias (abnormal heart rate (pulse) or heart rhythm. The heart can beat too fast (tachycardia), too slow (bradycardia), or irregularly). As soon as the animal is stunned, the heart rate either slows down (heart is pumping irregularly) or speeds up, which effectively alters the blood pressure in the arteries. Now when the throat is slit, some blood does come out but most is retained within the body that can easily be noticed while cutting the meat.
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But point is like humans these animals too want food security offsprings etc ..Why a God will command one to sacrifice other ??Either God must be crazy or animals must be having some other God to pray about their food and security ..
God made these animals for us. Secondly, if you think that then apply that rule to all species. Start by starving to death all carnivores, including spiders. Lets see how that works out. Thirdly, we have been made in such a way that we need to eat meat otherwise we might suffer from malnutrition of various sorts. So take your animal rights crap somewhere else.
so your god is king of universe???
Yes. What point are you attempting to make?
By the way if 73 denotes your year of birth, I should be half your age. Why would I say your are foolish (you know, I respect elders), please read again I said your posts would look foolish if you bring in material when not required.

And how would you know that @syedali73 isn't 73 years old ? :D

I was told that halal and kosher methods of slaughter were accepted as both humane and medically sound practices of killing an animal and preventing the spread of disease back in the days when they were implemented. I don't know whether they still serve a purpose and frankly speaking I don't really care. Most of the red meat which I consume is halal meat in any event. If people are happy with a particular method of slaughtering an animal then so be it. Whether you slaughter an animal by slitting its neck at one go or by shooting it or by halal or kosher methods, it is going to die in any event and it will be eaten. If God didn't want animals to be eaten then God shouldn't have made them so tasty when he created them. If the lion had to worry about karma, it would be eaten by the hyena whilst it starved. So unto each his own and God (by whatever name) for us all :D
God made these animals for us. Secondly, if you think that then apply that rule to all species. Start by starving to death all carnivores, including spiders. Lets see how that works out. Thirdly, we have been made in such a way that we need to eat meat otherwise we might suffer from malnutrition of various sorts. So take your animal rights crap somewhere else.

Yes. What point are you attempting to make?
sorry I dont believe in all those religious right crap..
I guess what I want is an Islamic perspective on why they do it and the justification in Islam for it. Maybe you can tell me?
we want to eat meat. Can we ????????????????????????????????

Why you so insecure about your belief? I was asking why you do it and gave you my opinion on the matter.
Religous talks are banned otherwise I would gave you the answer
"Animal rights above religion"? This is some kind of true Diabolical logic.
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