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Denmark bans kosher and halal slaughter

The community is a small number in Denmark but if this were to take place in UK (which it never would) there would be mass riots and demonstrations I can be sure of that.
In the short term, muslims can cause havoc and destruction in Europe. In the long-term, Europeans will go genocidal on their asses if it continues. Be sure of that too. Europeans didn't build all this so that a bunch of dogmatic peasants can turn it into a Bedouin village. If Muslims keep going like this, a cultural war will begin and everybody will be against Muslims, Eastern and Western. Everybody's had enough.
very good decision. India and whole world should follow it. killing in the name of god is very barbaric and cruel.

That is hippie non sense. God is God, He is King of the universe, He can command whatever He wants. And being peaceful has nothing to do with what kind of relationship you have with livestock.
so your god is king of universe???
very good decision. India and whole world should follow it. killing in the name of god is very barbaric and cruel.
Its not killing if you are going to eat it afterwards.

Every one knows that you are troll with extreme Islamic ideologies.

By the way you should notice that it is Denmark that banned halal slaughter and not India. Bringing in India where it is not required shows how foolish your posts look. :lol:
Every one knows that you are troll with extreme Islamic ideologies.

By the way you should notice that it is Denmark that banned halal slaughter and not India. Bringing in India where it is not required shows how foolish your posts look. :lol:
@Horus @Jango Please take note of personal insult here.
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