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Deng Xiaoping - the greatest, Chinese army force military drill 1981


May 22, 2012
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Chinese army force military drill 1981

鄧小平於1981 年在中蘇邊界主持了規模龐大的華北大軍演. 以下為當年珍貴片段.

DELHI: China's paramount leader, Deng Xiaoping, once said the basic principles of the Middle Kingdom's foreign policy should be "observe developments soberly, never claim leadership, bide our time and remain free of ambition". Pranab Mukherjee, who is fond of quoting the father of Chinese economic reforms.

鄧小平文治強, 武功亦強, 從二戰抗日的八年敵後作戰, 到國共戰爭時鄧小平大膽率領孤軍深入插進國民黨心臟地帶大別山, 從未打輸過仗, 80 年代蘇軍中國邊境陣兵百萬, 面對蘇聯咄咄逼人的攻勢, 成功打倒四人幫後正進行大膽改革開放的鄧小平, 在 1981 年於中蘇邊界主持了規模龐大的華北大軍演. 以下為當年珍貴片段.

1) 懲越戰爭, 美國越戰苦戰十年兵敗, 中共用 30 天便擊潰越軍, 震驚美軍. 片中部份軍隊曾參加懲越戰爭

2) 70, 80 年代蘇軍在中國邊境陣兵百萬, 部署大量精兵於中國西北, 如箭在弦, 鄧小平透過文武兼備手段, 包括此次華北大軍演. 打敗蘇聯馬仔越南, 介入阿富汗戰爭反牽制蘇聯, 直至蘇聯後來崩潰.

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Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations

Arguably, Deng Xiaoping was the greatest Chinese leader to have ever lived.

Though it may appear paradoxical, Deng Xiaoping relegated military modernization to last place among the Four Modernizations enacted in 1978. This took courage in the face of American military power (which just left Vietnam in 1976 after a decade of warfare on China's doorstep; you never know, those crazy Americans could have come back for another war on China's doorstep (e.g. Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Burma, etc.)), potential Soviet threat, obnoxious Japanese, and let's not forget our subcontinent friends who are still occupying South Tibet.

Deng understood that true long-term military power rests on a foundation of solid economic strength and mastery of fundamental science and technology.

Order of the Four Modernizations

1. Agriculture
2. Industry
3. Science and technology
4. National defense

China Military Modernization in the 1970s - Flags, Maps, Economy, History, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Political System

"the re-ordering of priorities in the Four Modernizations, relegating national defense modernization from third to fourth place (following agriculture, industry, and science and technology)
Four Modernizations

The core of a development strategy aimed at turning the country into a relatively advanced industrialized nation by the year 2000. The modernizations are those of agriculture, industry, science and technology, and national defense. The concept was embodied first in the Third Five-Year Plan (1966-70), launched in earnest by Zhou Enlai at the Fourth National People's Congress (1975), and adopted as the official party line at the Third Plenum of the Eleventh Central Committee (December 1978)."


Let us grade Deng Xiaoping's reforms and results.

1. Agriculture - Chinese agricultural production has been on an upward march. Mr. Yuan Longping deserves special mention for his outstanding achievements with hybrid rice.


The chart flattened out a bit, because less land was being cultivated to produce the same amount of food.

2. China is the world's largest manufacturer. (See China Passes The US As Largest Manufacturer)

3. Chinese progress in science and technology has been spectacular. (See http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...10-worlds-most-cited-scientific-research.html)

4. China's military budget is $106 billion, which is second only to the United States. Chinese military technology has closed the gap with the United States. This is clearly seen in the Type 052C AESA-equipped destroyer, KJ-2000 AWACS, WZ-10 Attack Helicopter, and the prototypes of the J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth fighter.


The success of Deng's Four Modernizations alone would have earned him a prominent place in the pantheon of Greatest Chinese Leaders. In addition, Deng reclaimed Hong Kong (by 1997) from Britain's Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher.

Deng established stability for China's political leadership by handpicking Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao as China's next successive generations of leaders. Deng established the custom of orderly political transition.

Deng had the foresight to declare Shenzhen as China's first special economic zone (SEZ) in 1980. Today, Shenzhen is among China's wealthiest cities with a per-capita GDP of US $16,212.

In conclusion, China was extremely fortunate to have Deng Xiaoping as its leader. All Chinese owe a tremendous debt to Deng for leading them to a glorious and promising future.


Shenzhen rising!

Wish Deng could have seen taikonauts in space. In honor of his service to the Chinese people, I predict pictures of Deng will grace important Chinese government buildings located on faraway planets in the centuries and millennia to come.

Sounds like you are an important figure as well. :woot:

Not really my friend. I was a young officer in Pakistan Air Force stationed in Peshawar at the time. I was deputed to be part of his security apparatus at the time and fortunate enough to meet the gentleman. I remember he brought his own liqour supply with him and he offered me some, but I politely declined because I don't drink alcohol. He was very kind to me.
I loved Deng Xiaoping. He was a great leader. I met him in 1974 when he visited Pakistan ( this was before he became the top leader - I think at the time he was considered no.2 or No.3 )

I wish I had gone to see him, but he died when I was still in secondary school.

He was a great man. One of China's greatest leaders in modern times.
Martin it's seems your forgetting about Mr. Jiang Zemin on China's Military Modernization he might have been corrupt but if it wasn't for him China military would have been behind. We have Grandpa Wen and Hu Jintao not as great as Deng Xiaoping however ok.
India inverted Deng's Four Modernizations

To appreciate the genius of Deng's Four Modernizations, it is useful to compare Indian policy and contrast the results.

Essentially, India has followed a different path and inverted Deng's Four Modernizations.

Indian policy prioritizes their goals as:

1. National Defense - For a small economy like India, a $40 billion annual military budget is focused on mega-purchases like 126 Rafale fighter jets, Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier, hundreds of T-90 tank purchases, etc. It doesn't matter if India is running out of foreign exchange. It's okay if Indian citizens are starving and malnourished as long as the mega-weapon purchases are completed.

2. Science and technology - India pays through the nose for limited military technology transfers. It is difficult to see the actual military technology transfer. India still has not obtained the military technology for the Brahmos engine. Similarly, India cannot build a T-90 indigenously. However, you have to give India credit for its attempts to obtain foreign military technology.

3. Industry - Indian industry is obviously lagging, because India has to issue tenders to foreign companies for carbines and howitzers. The domestic content of the LCA and Arjun Tank are also below 50% by value. The general level of Indian industry is low. However, credit is given to Tata for its ability to build competent cars and trucks.

4. Agriculture - You know India doesn't care much about agriculture, because most of the Indian land is not irrigated.

Agricultural irrigated land (% of total agricultural land) in India

"The Agricultural irrigated land (% of total agricultural land) in India was 35.12 in 2009, according to a World Bank report, published in 2010. The Agricultural irrigated land (% of total agricultural land) in India was reported at 34.66 in 2008, according to the World Bank. Agricultural irrigated land refers to agricultural areas purposely provided with water, including land irrigated by controlled flooding."


The contrast between the results of Chinese and Indian economic policies are shocking.

Chinese are growing taller with an average of 5'8" for men and 5'4" for women. Modern Chinese are basically as tall as Americans. However, most Indians are malnourished and stunted.

China has a roaring economy with annual trade surpluses and a large foreign exchange war chest. India has a collapsing rupee with no end in sight. However, credit is given to hard working overseas Indians who remit hard currency back to their country. Without this lifeline, India would have been finished a long time ago.

Regarding military technology, China is developing a F-22 competitor in the J-20 Mighty Dragon. The Indians have selected their best option and they're paying the Russians for the T-50/Pak-Fa (which needs to be completely redesigned to be competitive with the J-20 and F-22).

In conclusion, Deng's Four Modernizations are extraordinary when contrasted with other country's ordinary economic policies and priorities. It is unfathomable that any Indian prime minister would have the audacity to elevate agriculture as his country's top priority and relegate national defense into an afterthought.

Since India or another country would never follow Deng's Four Modernizations in the proper order, I predict that we will never see another country explode economically and militarily like China in the last 30 years.
More so than Mao, Sun, or any of the other leaders, Deng can claim the title of "Father of Modern China". He modernized China and took away poverty, and made peace with the West.

Deng's done more for China than any other leader in memory. He turned away an obviously non-functional economic system and is directly responsible for leading millions out of poverty and starvation. The Man is a modern-day hero. His picture should be in Tiananman Square, not Mao.
China had been static for thousands of years. What changed? Deng Xiaoping


China's economic progress has been linear for thousands of years. Why the exponential growth after 1978? Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations were enacted and implemented as government policy. Without Deng's reforms, China's 2005 GDP would have been 2,000 billion RMB instead of 18,000 billion RMB.

By the way, I did give Mao credit in another thread for the atomic (1964) and thermonuclear (1967) bombs. Also, I gave Mao credit for the ICBM (1971) that kept China safe from foreign invaders.

China needed both Mao (to keep foreign armies out of China) and Deng (to enact and implement spectacular economic reforms) to create the Chinese economic miracle. No one besides Deng would have dared and followed through on placing "national defense" as the last of the Four Modernizations. It was a stroke of brave leadership and genius.

How do you create a modern high-tech military? Starve the military of funds and reallocate it to agriculture and industry. After a period of time, allocate the surplus funds (taken from national defense) and direct it at "science and technology" modernization. Finally, after decades, devote sufficient resources to "national defense." The plan is ingenious and counter-intuitive.

Only Deng could have followed through on it. He created China's first SEZ in Shenzhen. Afterwards, he created more SEZs. In the end, most of China looks like a giant SEZ. It's all Deng.

To the detractors of Deng, show me another large country with hundreds of millions of citizens that have industrialized as quickly as China. You can't? I thought so. Chinese economic and military technological progress in the last thirty years is without precedent in world history.


Deng earned his place in world history. I am not the only person who thinks Deng is the "greatest man of the 20th century."

Amazon.com: Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China (9780674055445): Ezra F. Vogel: Books

"Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China
Ezra F. Vogel

Book Description
Publication Date: September 26, 2011

Perhaps no one in the twentieth century had a greater long-term impact on world history than Deng Xiaoping. And no scholar of contemporary East Asian history and culture is better qualified than Ezra Vogel to disentangle the many contradictions embodied in the life and legacy of China’s boldest strategist.

Once described by Mao Zedong as a “needle inside a ball of cotton,” Deng was the pragmatic yet disciplined driving force behind China’s radical transformation in the late twentieth century. He confronted the damage wrought by the Cultural Revolution, dissolved Mao’s cult of personality, and loosened the economic and social policies that had stunted China’s growth. Obsessed with modernization and technology, Deng opened trade relations with the West, which lifted hundreds of millions of his countrymen out of poverty. Yet at the same time he answered to his authoritarian roots, most notably when he ordered the crackdown in June 1989 at Tiananmen Square.

Deng’s youthful commitment to the Communist Party was cemented in Paris in the early 1920s, among a group of Chinese student-workers that also included Zhou Enlai. Deng returned home in 1927 to join the Chinese Revolution on the ground floor. In the fifty years of his tumultuous rise to power, he endured accusations, purges, and even exile before becoming China’s preeminent leader from 1978 to 1989 and again in 1992. When he reached the top, Deng saw an opportunity to creatively destroy much of the economic system he had helped build for five decades as a loyal follower of Mao—and he did not hesitate. (20110715)"

Deng Xiaoping One of Greatest Men of 20th Century: Kissinger

"Deng Xiaoping One of Greatest Men of 20th Century: Kissinger

The late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping was one of the greatest men of the 20th century, who contributed a great deal to China's development, said former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in a recent interview with Xinhua on the occasion of Deng's 100th birthday.

"In current China, it is unimaginable without Deng Xiaoping. It is a case where one man makes a decisive difference. Almost everything that is happening in the current reform, I have heard him saying at some point 15 years ago. Of course, it has evolved in a way that was unimaginable even when he was still alive. His contribution to current China is decisive," the US statesman said.

"The reform in China was initiated by him. I had the honor of hearing him explaining to me on many occasions. I had the honor of being able to compare what he said to me in 1974 and again in 1979 with what actually happened. Very few statesmen can say they achieve their own predictions," he said.

As one of the foreign guests who met Deng most often, Kissinger said he was impressed by Deng's charisma as a statesman and as an ordinary person. He described Deng Xiaoping as "a man of few words who had the great ability to sum up a subject and reduce it to a few sentences, so he got a lot of businesses done in a limited period of time."

Kissinger also recalled how Deng Xiaoping invited him to his favorite dish, Mongolian hot pot, in a restaurant. "It is not often done by Chinese leaders to invite a guest to a restaurant," said Kissinger, noting that though they had an exclusive room, it was in a regular restaurant, not a state guesthouse. This indicates that Deng took him as a friend and treated him in an informal manner, he added.

On another occasion, said Kissinger, he happened to be in Seattle when Deng Xiaoping was traveling through the city during his visit to the United States. Kissinger left a note at Deng's hotel, asking to visit him in his hotel room.

"I got the message back, saying since I already called him in Washington, now he owed me a visit. He walked from his hotel to my hotel, to my room, creating absolute chaos among the security people," Kissinger said.

On US-China relations, the former secretary of state said a strong and prosperous China would make huge contribution to the development of the world.

"As long as I know Deng Xiaoping, he was a strong advocate of close relations with the United States and friendship with the United States. I think the current Chinese leaders, the third generation of Chinese leaders and the fourth generation of Chinese leaders also carry this legacy of Deng Xiaoping," he said.

He noted that as the world is faced with a host of new problems and new situations, such as terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and the emergence of countries as new major international players, it requires a change in the traditional ways of looking at foreign policy.

"But at the same time I think the solution of all problems is greatly eased when China and the United States work together. The development of US-China relations benefit not only the two peoples, but people of all Asia and the world," Kissinger said.

(Xinhua News Agency August 8, 2004)"

CNAS conference hits: Was Deng Xiaoping the greatest man of his time? - By Tom Ricks | The Best Defense

"CNAS conference hits: Was Deng Xiaoping the greatest man of his time?
Posted By Thomas E. Ricks Friday, June 3, 2011 - 10:54 AM


[Picture of young Deng Xiaoping from] Wikimedia Commons

Yesterday was the CNAS annual conference day. Lots of interesting things said, much of it from the platform, some of it in the hallways.

Robert Kaplan, my well-travelled officemate, had several very interesting lines. One was that Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping might be the greatest man of the 20th century, for bringing hundreds of millions of people into a quasi-middle class existence.

He also suggested that Malaysia's shopping malls, with their mixture of Muslims, Indians, Chinese and Malayans, challenge Samuel Huntington's notion of the clash of civilizations."
Well, Mao did keep Chinese territory intact for the most part. For that he is to be commended.

That said, Territorial integrity is great, but bringing millions out of poverty and strengthening China and putting it in a position to compete with the US today is a cut above in my book.

Mao gave China its territory, but Deng gave Chinese people dignity and progress.
Well, Mao did keep Chinese territory intact for the most part. For that he is to be commended.

That said, Territorial integrity is great, but bringing millions out of poverty and strengthening China and putting it in a position to compete with the US today is a cut above in my book.

Mao gave China its territory, but Deng gave Chinese people dignity and progress.
Disagree. Everyone knows Chairman Mao gave China the real dignity. Deng led China to prosperity, but on a base created by Mao.
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