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Demoralisation Mounting in India as the Disengagement Process is Falling Apart

looks like you reply without reading.... you are even losing on pdf dude.... how can you win in real world?

you cant even beat me, and getting beaten daily here.... but i can see that pdf is taking toll on you.... language is the first thing you lost .... where is your arrogance? where is your confidence? why are you losing cool? because you lost with me? :lol: :lol: :lol:

bring the best this time, we wont let you run now. its now and not tomorrow..... no mengshi... no J15.... the best.....
Losing but yet the one occupying 60 sqkm are Chinese soldiers. Indians can whine can boast and can panic buy all you want. Lololol. Feel so sorry for your 20 dead soldiers and 60 captured and 5 tied up bitches.

Arrogance is not confidence. Indians are arrogant even after us occupying 60sqkm,you know the face saving reaction to appear confident? But the action speaks louder, panic buying and getting milked like all like a gaumata. Lolol
Losing but yet the one occupying 60 sqkm are Chinese soldiers. Indians can whine can boast and can panic buy all you want. Lololol. Feel so sorry for your 20 dead soldiers and 60 captured and 5 tied up bitches.

Arrogance is not confidence. Indians are arrogant even after us occupying 60sqkm,you know the face saving reaction to appear confident? But the action speaks louder, panic buying and getting milked like all like a gaumata. Lolol
no one is occupying anything other than the aksai china.... that will be taken back soon... while we do that we still have Arunachal and Sikkim with us... no one in china is talking about it.... just like you talked about Vladivostok and got a tight slap from Putin..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

what are you going to do? fire another missile in open water? ohhh... im scared dude... :lol::lol:
no one is occupying anything other than the aksai china.... that will be taken back soon... while we do that we still have Arunachal and Sikkim with us... no one in china is talking about it.... just like you talked about Vladivostok and got a tight slap from Putin..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

what are you going to do? fire another missile in open water? ohhh... im scared dude... :lol::lol:

Keep crying little indian, your tears will be used in cocktails, in the best bars.
India & China had a conflict.
May be it will escalate.
May be it will diffuse.
India officially admitted that it lost 20 soldiers.
China officially admitted that it faced casualties but wont reveal the number.
Irrespective of current ground reality, both countries are exchanging diplomatic pleasantries (like usually countries do during tensions).

Question: Name the country which is too much interested in "what is going on"? more than India & China themselves?

Can this country be likened to "begani shadi mein abdulla diwana"?

Or to the "newly web bride" who is more interested in "what is going on in the neigbour's house" than her own burning kitchen?

Or is there another more appropriate analogy out there?
Keep crying little indian, your tears will be used in cocktails, in the best bars.
by now you must know what i do with one liners.... ignored with utter disdain..... keep it up
what are you going to do? fire another missile in open water? ohhh... im scared dude... :lol::lol:
We are going to kill another 40 indian soldiers by just using our bare hand. And you can keep provoking Chinese only with no decent action in return. :enjoy:
no one is occupying anything other than the aksai china.... that will be taken back soon... while we do that we still have Arunachal and Sikkim with us... no one in china is talking about it.... just like you talked about Vladivostok and got a tight slap from Putin..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

what are you going to do? fire another missile in open water? ohhh... im scared dude... :lol::lol:
Sure sure not an inch lost. So we went in massacred some yindoos and went back, you are proud to crawl in like black rats? Pathetic.. Lol

Hey Russia is a respectable power and we settled our borders, Russia is not India btw, India is the lower than China in the food chain. We punch Indians invade and conquer your land, nothing happens, you just talk and talk and talk and buy 70bil$ of our goods as tribute, truly a meek and weak people. Lol.

A ballistic missile capable of sinking a carrier was fired in as a warning. We went in killed 20 yindoos and captured 60, and is sitting on 60sqkm,WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO? TALK? PRAISE US AND RUSSIA? LOL...
I AM STILL WAITING.... Cowards as usual. Lol
We are going to kill another 40 indian soldiers by just using our bare hand. And you can keep provoking Chinese only with no decent action in return. :enjoy:
The Chinese soldiers should just resort to the broadsword instead. No need to engage in fist fight or spiked clubs when you have a truly terrifying and efficient weapon. These swords proved quite effective in melee engagements with the Japanese during WWII ... compared to the Japanese, the Indians should be an absolute pushover.
If I remember correctly, someone with 56 inches breasts came on TV and bluntly said that Chinese haven't taken an inch of Indian territory. What happened @Indians?

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