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Demoralisation Mounting in India as the Disengagement Process is Falling Apart

Look at the difference India!!

Pakistan has been successfully fighting a neighbour many times its size since inception. Never gave up. Kicked your ars3 again last year. Ready to do it again.

You finally fought someone your own size and have done nothing but make excuses, beg other countries for help, and are already on the verge of giving up.

China killed your men and took what you claim as your territory! How have you responded?

You killed our trees and we bombed your military basis and shot your jets!

Yeh hai tumhari aukaat!
Look at the difference India!!

Pakistan has been successfully fighting a neighbour many times its size since inception. Never gave up. Kicked your ars3 again last year. Ready to do it again.

You finally fought someone your own size and have done nothing but make excuses, beg other countries for help, and are already on the verge of giving up.

China killed your men and took what you claim as your territory! How have you responded?

You killed our trees and we bombed your military basis and shot your jets!

Yeh hai tumhari aukaat!

what do you call successfully fighting?
twitter war?
headless UN speech?
losing half country?
losing all wars?
this list is endless.... i can go on and on and on.....

We , OTOH, won in 1965, 1967, 1971, 1975 and 1986 ( if you dont know about the years then talking to you is useless) .... both diplomatically and militarily.
mention of pakistan is only for the elections in India, we dont care about pakistan as much as what pakistan cares about India. dont try to give too much of self importance .....

and what you are doing is a fight for you (may be), its just a mosquito bite for us. Our problem is solved just in one stroke, which was pending because of political will.... but it was solved in 1947 actually.

coming to china, 15th June fight had casualties on both side. chinese dont have guts to admit, just like they never admitted casualties in war with Russia in 1959, with India in 1967 and Vietnam in 1979.... since then they were gathering courage to fight a war. chinese work on propaganda, but with one article their entire propaganda falls apart like the mengshi incident .... even a armored vehicle cant protect their wimps from the fury of our soldiers.....

there is more to come in next few days, watch out and dont fall asleep .... you must be awake to know what is coming your way in the middle of the night:lol::lol::lol: (you need to know few things to understand this joke)
its been seen that some threads are made based on some twitter accounts and hold no credibility. many such accounts were specifically followed by pakistani twitter users... thus they get such useless news first....

then there are some members who can put a post but when confronted, cant reply with any credibility at all....

and another type of users will only copy some useless twits and post on some threads....

all part of misinformation campaign, which is carefully dismantled now....
what do you call successfully fighting?
twitter war?
headless UN speech?
losing half country?
losing all wars?
this list is endless.... i can go on and on and on.....

We , OTOH, won in 1965, 1967, 1971, 1975 and 1986 ( if you dont know about the years then talking to you is useless) .... both diplomatically and militarily.
mention of pakistan is only for the elections in India, we dont care about pakistan as much as what pakistan cares about India. dont try to give too much of self importance .....

and what you are doing is a fight for you (may be), its just a mosquito bite for us. Our problem is solved just in one stroke, which was pending because of political will.... but it was solved in 1947 actually.

coming to china, 15th June fight had casualties on both side. chinese dont have guts to admit, just like they never admitted casualties in war with Russia in 1959, with India in 1967 and Vietnam in 1979.... since then they were gathering courage to fight a war. chinese work on propaganda, but with one article their entire propaganda falls apart like the mengshi incident .... even a armored vehicle cant protect their wimps from the fury of our soldiers.....

there is more to come in next few days, watch out and dont fall asleep .... you must be awake to know what is coming your way in the middle of the night:lol::lol::lol: (you need to know few things to understand this joke)
I see the sense of helplessness in your replies, typing so long but it only shows you guys are desperate. Lol. Covid battering you and starvation looming from unemployment, India is fcked. Indians likes to use vedic math and increase death figures to feel better, but after 60 years, we still occupy AKSAI Chin, no a single Indian action to retake it. That's what we call cowardice.. Lol

Numbers are always conveniently doubled up to make up for the loss of face and bruised ego. 60 captured and yet we release them just like that? What about the 5 tied up bitches? You forgot about that too? Lol. You are talking and talking and only talking like all Indians do, WHEN ARE YOU TAKING BACK YOUR 60SQKM. Your dumbfck Modi even said NOT AN INCH LOST! Lol. Yet look at the despair and panic engulfing India now,like some headless chicken running around
I see the sense of helplessness in your replies, typing so long but it only shows you guys are desperate. Lol. Covid battering you and starvation looming from unemployment, India is fcked. Indians likes to use vedic math and increase death figures to feel better, but after 60 years, we still occupy AKSAI Chin, no a single Indian action to retake it. That's what we call cowardice.. Lol

Numbers are always conveniently doubled up to make up for the loss of face and bruised ego. 60 captured and yet we release them just like that? What about the 5 tied up bitches? You forgot about that too? Lol. You are talking and talking and only talking like all Indians do, WHEN ARE YOU TAKING BACK YOUR 60SQKM. Your dumbfck Modi even said NOT AN INCH LOST! Lol. Yet look at the despair and panic engulfing India now,like some headless chicken running around

India is truly a fools paradise.
Contrary to the Modi media propaganda apparatus, more and more Indians are feeling demoralised and unhappy as they see China not withdrawing from the previously held Indian territories. Loss of vast chunk of Eastern Ladakh and loss of many soldiers in the front has raised eyebrows of many on the incompetence, cowardice and pin drop silence of their MACHO man Nirender Modi.

Even on their mainstream media a sense of defeatism is prevailing, as the clouds of war are looming closer and closer every day. The Chinese are now well dug in and have no intentions of moving out, much to the DISMAY of the Indians.

As the HEADLESS chicken, the Indians are running across the globe in all directions to pick up fancy toys, as they have no confidence in their current abilities. Surely GOLDEN opportunities like these dont come to often, hopefully we will settle our old scores in not so distant future.:pakistan::china:

these tweets are not from indians .
I see the sense of helplessness in your replies, typing so long but it only shows you guys are desperate. Lol. Covid battering you and starvation looming from unemployment, India is fcked. Indians likes to use vedic math and increase death figures to feel better, but after 60 years, we still occupy AKSAI Chin, no a single Indian action to retake it. That's what we call cowardice.. Lol

Numbers are always conveniently doubled up to make up for the loss of face and bruised ego. 60 captured and yet we release them just like that? What about the 5 tied up bitches? You forgot about that too? Lol. You are talking and talking and only talking like all Indians do, WHEN ARE YOU TAKING BACK YOUR 60SQKM. Your dumbfck Modi even said NOT AN INCH LOST! Lol. Yet look at the despair and panic engulfing India now,like some headless chicken running around
looks like you reply without reading.... you are even losing on pdf dude.... how can you win in real world?

you cant even beat me, and getting beaten daily here.... but i can see that pdf is taking toll on you.... language is the first thing you lost .... where is your arrogance? where is your confidence? why are you losing cool? because you lost with me? :lol: :lol: :lol:

bring the best this time, we wont let you run now. its now and not tomorrow..... no mengshi... no J15.... the best.....
looks like you reply without reading.... you are even losing on pdf dude.... how can you win in real world?

you cant even beat me, and getting beaten daily here.... but i can see that pdf is taking toll on you.... language is the first thing you lost .... where is your arrogance? where is your confidence? why are you losing cool? because you lost with me? :lol: :lol: :lol:

bring the best this time, we wont let you run now. its now and not tomorrow..... no mengshi... no J15.... the best.....

Poor little indian, obsessed with Pakistan, and crying constantly on a a Pakistani site like a little bitch.
Indian has only a few options to reclaim its lost territories.
Honestly occupying territory elsewhere will just lead to a tit for tat Chinese response on some other sector. The reason why India hasn't done so already is because this is exactly what the Chinese want, which is for India to pull another Doklam. This way, they can open up several new fronts on the LAC, relieving pressure and also destroying the Indian narrative that China is occupying Indian territory. And given the huge strength disparity between China and India, the Chinese can press their claims much more strongly.

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