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Demoralisation Mounting in India as the Disengagement Process is Falling Apart

Are you sure you have 80k soldiers in Ladakh? [emoji2957]

Good to see you sticking to formula used by Modi govt and the fake news Indian media..

Chinese deaths = (Indian deaths X2) + 6

Chinese deployed soldiers = Indians soldiers/2 at LAC

China is scared to pullback 40,000 troops stationed near LAC as it knows India has no intention of pulling back the 60-80K troops we now have on LAC.
Contrary to the Modi media propaganda apparatus, more and more Indians are feeling demoralised and unhappy as they see China not withdrawing from the previously held Indian territories. Loss of vast chunk of Eastern Ladakh and loss of many soldiers in the front has raised eyebrows of many on the incompetence, cowardice and pin drop silence of their MACHO man Nirender Modi.

Even on their mainstream media a sense of defeatism is prevailing, as the clouds of war are looming closer and closer every day. The Chinese are now well dug in and have no intentions of moving out, much to the DISMAY of the Indians.

As the HEADLESS chicken, the Indians are running across the globe in all directions to pick up fancy toys, as they have no confidence in their current abilities. Surely GOLDEN opportunities like these dont come to often, hopefully we will settle our old scores in not so distant future.:pakistan::china:

India is busy making Bollywood movies about how they smashed the Chinese.
Additionally, so far no one in India has published how much facing the Chinese has cost them with the rush deployment of troops and how much extra they will need to spend to keep them there over winter.

A figure, we would all like to hear!
too much obsession with twitter... soon we dont have to visit twitter but only pdf will do its job :lol::lol::lol:
China should take all her territories occupied by Indian colonial forces.

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