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Demoralisation Mounting in India as the Disengagement Process is Falling Apart


Sep 26, 2018
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Contrary to the Modi media propaganda apparatus, more and more Indians are feeling demoralised and unhappy as they see China not withdrawing from the previously held Indian territories. Loss of vast chunk of Eastern Ladakh and loss of many soldiers in the front has raised eyebrows of many on the incompetence, cowardice and pin drop silence of their MACHO man Nirender Modi.

Even on their mainstream media a sense of defeatism is prevailing, as the clouds of war are looming closer and closer every day. The Chinese are now well dug in and have no intentions of moving out, much to the DISMAY of the Indians.

As the HEADLESS chicken, the Indians are running across the globe in all directions to pick up fancy toys, as they have no confidence in their current abilities. Surely GOLDEN opportunities like these dont come to often, hopefully we will settle our old scores in not so distant future.:pakistan::china:
Indians illegally in Chinese areas and need to be kicked out. Indians are trespassing on the land of a powerful country and will regret it.

Have patience. This is Chinese salami slicing.

One slice of Indian land would be taken every week without a fight.

India will keep withdrawing and disengaging for fear of being killed by the advancing PLA forces.
Will the Nepali Gorkhas fight for India when their ministers(Army Chief too) insulted Nepal...


So are the Sikhs and other ethnic groups...considering the region and religion divide, the caste divide and hatred there...

Sikh are leaving Indian Military in droves for Khalistan 2020

Sikh soldiers in Indian army to refuse orders of fighting against Pakistan: WSP

China is scared to pullback 40,000 troops stationed near LAC as it knows India has no intention of pulling back the 60-80K troops we now have on LAC.
If we take the Gorkhas and the Sikhs out of the IA, the only thing left in them will be BOLLYWOOD. I am sure huge work is in progress to neutralise the fighting elements of the IA.

Indian Army Chief is having an emergency meeting with Bollywood directors for some epic flick to win the war of narrative, for Indians, media war/fake vibes are more worthy than the actual wars.
If we take the Gorkhas and the Sikhs out of the IA, the only thing left in them will be BOLLYWOOD. I am sure huge work is in progress to neutralise the fighting elements of the IA.

This is what Indian Army is good at. :rofl:


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