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'Demographic flooding': India introduces new Kashmir domicile law

Illegally? No, if they are subjects of India, the Indian parliament holds authority over matters concerning what the constitution says and the parliament can amend the constitution through due process.

There is no day and night terror attacks in Uttarakhand or the presence of separatists unlike Kashmir, for the past few decades it has been a troubled region let's see how the removal of art 370 works out given now the Police and state machinery is in control of the central government.
India is a federal country and Kashmir had certain terms based on which they acceded to India and isn't just another state. And moreover the will of the people and their rights were trampled in Kashmir. And terror attacks didn't stop even after the removal of article 370, so I am not sure what this tadipaar taklu and his saheb were thinking when they planned to remove the article 370.

so there you have your answer. why do you ask me ? if they said you can't, you can't
So why does the government allow one to buy land in Kashmir but not in Himachal or other North Eastern states? Why is it being unfair with me?
The demographics changed a few hundred years ago too when the population was predominantly Shaivite. No one seems to be complaining about that. No one is forcing, coercing or giving incentives to anyone to convert either. It's as absurd as telling someone from NY not to love to Utah because Mormon culture and religion must be protected.
Nothing can move forward in Kashmir as long as there is overhanging threat of violence there.

It's a vicious cycle that surely we did not start. But cannot run away from either.

I have travelled a bit recently to Tier 2 cities in India and was floored completely by how developed they have become.

How much better the quality of life and infrastructure is than the bursting at the seams mega metros we live in.

All of this is possible for Kashmir and Kashmiris.

So what if they have to share it with other Indians as well?

Thats what nationhood implies and is built upon.

They get a lot from the rest of the nation. The rest of the nation has equal right to that land and those resources.

Like for any of us in any other state.

This needs to be done lawfully and not in a mob.

But that brings me back to my first point.

The violence has to stop.
The demographics changed a few hundred years ago too when the population was predominantly Shaivite. No one seems to be complaining about that. No one is forcing, coercing or giving incentives to anyone to convert either. It's as absurd as telling someone from NY not to love to Utah because Mormon culture and religion must be protected.
The demographics changed a few decades ago too when the population was predominantly Muslim in Jammu. No one from India remembers the massacres and genocide of Jammu muslims.

The killing fields of Jammu: How Muslims become a minority in the region

The demographics changed a few decades ago too when the population was predominantly Muslim in Jammu. No one from India remembers the massacres and genocide of Jammu muslims.

The killing fields of Jammu: How Muslims become a minority in the region
I agree. This created a lot of angst against the Maharaja and deservedly too.
Ain't no one going there. Jobs and industry are scarce and aside tourism the region does haven't much else. Now add brutal violence and not the mob type but the type of bang, bang many people dead in a second, that type, and people won't settle.
Aside a few retired army folks and of course the Pundits, as in the ones who want to go back, the youngsters are not as keen they're the only one being serious about it.
Another spanner in the works is that the Pundits and Dogras who don't want any population tsunami coming their way. It's sad that we lost the Dogra posters over the years, they were a hoot. Patriotic to India to the core, disliked Pakistan immensely, but mention anything about anyone settling that region i.e. not from Kashmir they would go nuts. I remember the good old says of separating them from the other Indian posters in the slanging matches.
India is a federal country and Kashmir had certain terms based on which they acceded to India and isn't just another state. And moreover the will of the people and their rights were trampled in Kashmir. And terror attacks didn't stop even after the removal of article 370, so I am not sure what this tadipaar taklu and his saheb were thinking when they planned to remove the article 370.
Many princely states had certain agreements when they acceded to India. Some states and their princes were given special privileges and positions in power. It doesn't mean these privileges are forever it's up to the country to change any rules or laws based on the current scenario. Article 370 has gone through a lot of changes in the past 70 years, nobody raised a voice then. The Kashmir at the time of accession is not the same Kashmir now. And terror attacks will not stop in a year or two, why do you expect changes to happen so fast under BJP? Unlike MMS who engages with Terrorists like Yasin Malik who openly flaunted attacks on the army, BJP is taking the no-nonsense approach. Let's see who wins, we are in no hurry.
Many princely states had certain agreements when they acceded to India. Some states and their princes were given special privileges and positions in power. It doesn't mean these privileges are forever it's up to the country to change any rules or laws based on the current scenario. Article 370 has gone through a lot of changes in the past 70 years, nobody raised a voice then. The Kashmir at the time of accession is not the same Kashmir now. And terror attacks will not stop in a year or two, why do you expect changes to happen so fast under BJP? Unlike MMS who engages with Terrorists like Yasin Malik who openly flaunted attacks on the army, BJP is taking the no-nonsense approach. Let's see who wins, we are in no hurry.
India is a federal country where the central government cannot just impose anything on the member states. The state government and the will of the people of that state have to be respected which hasn't happened in this case. Agreed that Article 370 has gone through many dilutions and isn't the same anymore. So when it existed just as a namesake, then what was the need for this high-pitched drama and bad press. BJP could have followed the Congress Government policy of further dilution without creating a ruckus. Terror attacks will stop post-August 2019 the same way as Black money vanished after Demonetization LOL. In fact, the stats speak a different story about how efficient the BJP government has been in handling Kashmir's situation.

Pulwama terror attack: In last 5 years, J&K saw 93% rise in death of security personnel in terror attacks

I know BJP only engages with terrorists like Sadhvi Pragya and Tadipaar criminals like Amit Shah...

BJP is taking the no-nonsense approach??:lol::lol:

It is for the first time that India became a laughing stock before the World because of the moronic antics of Gutterchaap Chaiwaala during the Feb-2019 India-Pak stand-off. The moron invites ISI to Indian military base to investigate a terror attack which could very well be the handiwork of ISI themselves.
The demographics changed a few decades ago too when the population was predominantly Muslim in Jammu. No one from India remembers the massacres and genocide of Jammu muslims.

The killing fields of Jammu: How Muslims become a minority in the region

That's what happens when you do direct action day and riots in Punjab
That's what happens when you do direct action day and riots in Punjab

The first organised partition violence was done by Sikh militant bands who derailed a train with a bomb carrying ex Indian civil servants to Pakistan. Three died. The BBC ran a program about this during their summer 2017 season of remembering the partition.


You obviously seem to agree with 'payback' and riots that happened. Do you also agree with the ethnic cleansing of Hindus and Sikhs out of Punjab, Sind, AJK as well? In your words '"that's what you get" right?
All partition violence was evil, but you don't seem to have any concept of right and wrong.
The first organised partition violence was done by Sikh militant bands who derailed a train with a bomb carrying ex Indian civil servants to Pakistan. Three died. The BBC ran a program about this during their summer 2017 season of remembering the partition.


You obviously seem to agree with 'payback' and riots that happened. Do you also agree with the ethnic cleansing of Hindus and Sikhs out of Punjab, Sind, AJK as well? In your words '"that's what you get" right?
All partition violence was evil, but you don't seem to have any concept of right and wrong.

First major hamla was in rawalpindi, muslims abducting sikh girls and killing Sikhs. Ask your conscience what is true and right and allah also. We know who did what and payback will always be there in one form or another
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So why does the government allow one to buy land in Kashmir but not in Himachal or other North Eastern states? Why is it being unfair with me?
they want to keep the contaminated zones under control
First major hamla was in rawalpindi, muslims abducting sikh girls and killing Sikhs. Ask your conscience what is true and right and allah also. We know who did what and payback will always be there in one form or another

Prove it.
At least the BBC reported it. I'll try getting hold of the clip but it will take time.
My conscience is clean and my ancestors (men who served in the British Indian army) escorted our Sikh and Hindu population to safety.
So you agree with "payback" on innocent people. Sick...
Ain't no one going there. Jobs and industry are scarce and aside tourism the region does haven't much else. Now add brutal violence and not the mob type but the type of bang, bang many people dead in a second, that type, and people won't settle.
Aside a few retired army folks and of course the Pundits, as in the ones who want to go back, the youngsters are not as keen they're the only one being serious about it.
Another spanner in the works is that the Pundits and Dogras who don't want any population tsunami coming their way. It's sad that we lost the Dogra posters over the years, they were a hoot. Patriotic to India to the core, disliked Pakistan immensely, but mention anything about anyone settling that region i.e. not from Kashmir they would go nuts. I remember the good old says of separating them from the other Indian posters in the slanging matches.
Prove it.
At least the BBC reported it. I'll try getting hold of the clip but it will take time.
My conscience is clean and my ancestors (men who served in the British Indian army) escorted our Sikh and Hindu population to safety.
So you agree with "payback" on innocent people. Sick...
I am not a Punjabi. Indian Punjabis living in Delhi have a million sad horrible tales to narrate.

Prove what? And BBC, we are not going to any court to judge. India will punish it's enemies on its own. We dont need a British bandar to baat, this is not 1947
I am not a Punjabi. Indian Punjabis living in Delhi have a million sad horrible tales to narrate.

Prove what? And BBC, we are not going to any court to judge. India will punish it's enemies on its own. We dont need a British bandar to baat, this is not 1947

Yes our Punjabis living Lahore, Rawalpindi etc have just as many of not more tales to tell. Read about the sacking of the Muslim population of Armritsar.
Ok you don't want to know about the BBC, fair enough.
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