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Democracy Would Confuse Chinese People’s Minds, Says Political Journal

When you have 1 billion talented Indians and an Italian waitress get voted to be your leader, you should be able to figure out something is wrong.

When you have over 1 billion talented chinese who dsnt have a vote to chose their future, or can speak against the ruling class ,you should be able to figure out something is seriously wrong.
I have read the Chinese version of the article.

It is simply an article that make a case for China idea of continuous path of development while rejecting wholesale adaptation of western ideology(democracy).

I failed to see why China should not have their own idea, and rights to self-determining their own fate.

Why is the west so determine to push or even force democracy on China anyway? Don't the Chinese has the right to disagree?
Who is forcing democracy on China? Espousing a belief is not 'forcing'.
Who is forcing democracy on China? Espousing a belief is not 'forcing'.
I do not think what the west is trying to put on China could be merely characterized as "Espousing a belief"
I do not think what the west is trying to put on China could be merely characterized as "Espousing a belief"
Fine...Then explain how is the West 'forcing' democracy on China? You can start by telling us how broad is your definition of 'force'. To me, the definition is very strict: coercion. And coercion under threat of immediate punishment.
primitive Indians believe in big words like democracy or human rights, yet their country is run by a high caste family plus 1 billion virtual slaves who are abandoned from modern, civil and clean world. rape, malnutrition, illiteracy, slavery and corruption is the country's signature
Fine...Then explain how is the West 'forcing' democracy on China? You can start by telling us how broad is your definition of 'force'. To me, the definition is very strict: coercion. And coercion under threat of immediate punishment.
west, specifically the foul U.S has never 'forced' anything to anyone which resulted the death of millions innocent civilians. your funny antique brain can comprehend nothing but cold war America propaganda....
Fine...Then explain how is the West 'forcing' democracy on China? You can start by telling us how broad is your definition of 'force'. To me, the definition is very strict: coercion. And coercion under threat of immediate punishment.
I am not interested in arguing about semantic. I think what I meant is perfectly clear for anyone that pay attention to international news.

If you think that US did not force/coerce China into adapting democracy, then you are welcome to put out your definition of what US is doing. But if you really think US is merely "espousing a belief", then I rest my case, it will be up to the reader of your comment to agree or not agree to your assessment.
Chinese are made to obey for centuries, Democracy do not suit them.

I am not interested in arguing about semantic. I think what I meant is perfectly clear for anyone that pay attention to international news.
This is called dodging. But the vagueness is expected of the intellectually dishonest.

If you think that US did not force/coerce China into adapting democracy, then you are welcome to put out your definition of what US is doing. But if you really think US is merely "espousing a belief", then I rest my case, it will be up to the reader of your comment to agree or not agree to your assessment.
Your case was never on the table to start. For example, the US removed Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, then we impose a version of democracy that was in collaboration with the Iraqis. For China, the US have any colonial interests in mainland China and was out of China after WW II. During the Cold War, Mao offended the rest of Asia by calling upon the Chinese living in other countries to rise up against their host countries via racial solidarity.


Let me know if you would like the full passage from Lee's book about his confrontation with Deng Xiaoping over what China did. Essentially, China was calling on overseas Chinese to be traitors and seditious to their hosts.

Everyone, including many Chinese, know what the US stands for. We cannot help it if some Chinese believes that our way is better for China, just as there were Mao-ism in the US...

For a few brief years during the 1970s, advocates of the type of Marxism-Leninism promoted by the Chinese Communist Party constituted the largest and most dynamic trend on the U.S. socialist left. This self-described “New Communist Movement” (the term “Maoism” was then frowned upon) was overwhelmingly a creation of young people radicalized in the tumultuous 1960s. At its height, U.S. Maoism could claim a core of roughly 10,000 activists devoted to its mission of constructing a new, “genuinely revolutionary” vanguard party to supplant the Communist Party USA and other allegedly reformist groups of the Old or New Left.

So since there were traitorous and seditious overseas Chinese in Asian countries and the Chinese Communist Party promoting Mao-ist thoughts in the US, can we say that China 'forced' communism upon US?
When you have over 1 billion talented chinese who dsnt have a vote to chose their future, or can speak against the ruling class ,you should be able to figure out something is seriously wrong.

The Right to Vote - Democracy's Greatest Flaw
The right to vote is the same as the right to speak, to associate, to travel, etc. This means you support a dictatorship to control every aspect of your life. Congratulations, sheeple.

Humans existed for hundreds of thousands of years just fine without voting. Your theory has been proven to be wrong. :D
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