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Demands for Bangladesh Hindus in Second Hindu Adhiveshan at Goa.

What's up with your name? What's queerbait? You mean you attract a lot of attention from gays? are you proud of this . Trying to ascertain if you are being ironic or otherwise....if so cool name!!!

Int count = Baits;
Count ++;
Can't you guy's see for what it is? Its another calculated attack on BD by India.no gono jagoron moncho to support, no minority troubles, no terrorist issues, they need something to chew on.The more election time creeps closer these creepy clowns will come up with more retard news.:cuckoo:
Can't you guy's see for what it is? Its another calculated attack on BD by India.no gono jagoron moncho to support, no minority troubles, no terrorist issues, they need something to chew on.The more election time creeps closer these creepy clowns will come up with more retard news.:cuckoo:

it was gathering of some hindu org and bangladeshi delegates came. do you see conspiracy in everything.
BTW did you guys decide yet whether your PM and sk Mujib was of hindu origin. Seems quite important thing to know for you guys.
congrats u just got baited :lol: :lol:

I have just not come accross the term before...hence was asking.... Not sure how I got baited!!! I was not making a pass at him.... It's a forum dude not a nightclub...
Then I challenge you to show records of bloody riots that ever happened in the last 42 years of our existence. Listen you people have no higher moral ground here to lecture us. Check your own stats first and then come to talk.

The biggest genocide of Hindus happened in 1971 when millions died. Hindus were targeted and massacred. The perpetrators were Bengali muslims and some are still celebrated and are elected positions of power. Even trying to provide some kind of justice after more than 40 years is met with massive protests. Hindus are still suffering in Bangladesh and are blamed for social ills and discriminated heavily. Hundreds of Hindu temples have been destroyed and not a single protest.

Muslims of muslim majority countries often think it is their right to persecute minorities and get offended at the slightest criticism.
From what I see and hear its your population who look for free pass , even for toilet tissues... The `asylum seekers` here in EU are mostly from Ur "Islamic" countries.. shalll I name them Individually ? Pakistanis and Banglas wont be happy including african Islamic countries..
Open ur eyes and mind a bit ....

Comparing yourselves to Us?

fcuking right!!!

But somehow you Indoss maanged to make up half of the world's free loading population (read immigrants???) :)
But somehow you Indoss maanged to make up half of the world's free loading population (read immigrants???) :)

usually Indians climb up the ladder in host country and bangladeshis settle to bottom. Most social spending is done on people at bottom. :)
The biggest genocide of Hindus happened in 1971 when millions died. Hindus were targeted and massacred.
I asked you to show me proof of any massive riot(to the scale of gujrat riots) that ever happened in independent Bangladesh that is in the last 42 years. And I know better than you what happened back in 71 and we are sorry for it. But again, ethnic Bengali muslims were not in control back then so your point is irrelevant.

The perpetrators were Bengali muslims and some are still celebrated and are elected positions of power.
Thats so not true. Some nutjobs did assist in the genocide but they never were the perpetrators. And celebrating them can be correlated to Indians celebrating Modi. So, we are not worse than you if not better.

Even trying to provide some kind of justice after more than 40 years is met with massive protests.
LOL.... there are severe debates on who really were the collaborators of Tikka khan or Niazi and we Bangladeshis are even confused about it. It can be a long discussion and let me tell you, you know nothing about it.
Hindus are still suffering in Bangladesh and are blamed for social ills and discriminated heavily. Hundreds of Hindu temples have been destroyed and not a single protest.
Now you are outright lying. One or two incidents happened but they are not of the degree or the magnitude your media portrays them to be. I am not denying something like that ever happened but communal violence is far more less in BD than India. And about protests ever heard of a guy named Shahriar Kabir? Just do some research on him and you will find out what this guy has been upto all throughout his life. Not saying his claims are true infact most are false but this guy has been a vigilante on this matter.

Muslims of muslim majority countries often think it is their right to persecute minorities and get offended at the slightest criticism.
An Indian should be the last person to generalize an entire country because of some goons. And there exists no organization in BD even remotely comparable to RSS/Shivsena/Bajrang dol fanatics.
Idiot, talking from ireland? Why you left your suppa powe inda? Don't poke your nose into someone else's matter. Yes there are some problem with hindu minority, but every minority in any country feel that too. In my personal experience I've never seen hindus in my locality are deprived of anything. We share our happiness and festivals together. IN our festivals we cook and arrange different food for hindus and they do it too for Muslims. SOme extremists are always trying to portray BD as an unsafe place for hindus. Which is completely untrue, period, complete,y untrue. Now get out and if you have something constructive, then you are welcome.

Hey.. LONEer!!

where did U get the Idea that I commented anything abt Ur Hindus in Bangladesh!!! Are U suffering from any kind of mental problem!! All I said `Ur` people are more free loaders than Us Hindus!!
Go back to my statement and re-read!!!

But somehow you Indoss maanged to make up half of the world's free loading population (read immigrants???) :)

But we Hindus arent free loaders around the world.. U Muzzzies are... live among them and blow them up as well!!!
Man you need to brush up your English. What you say makes absolutely no sense. Bravo

What I said made enough sense to the non Bangladeshis and the ones who tried to understand!!!
But Ur a bangladeshi and on top of that non Indian Muslim... so U wud literally go blind if U try to read it again!!
So dont do it and buzz off!!!
I asked you to show me proof of any massive riot(to the scale of gujrat riots) that ever happened in independent Bangladesh that is in the last 42 years. And I know better than you what happened back in 71 and we are sorry for it. But again, ethnic Bengali muslims were not in control back then so your point is irrelevant.

Thats so not true. Some nutjobs did assist in the genocide but they never were the perpetrators. And celebrating them can be correlated to Indians celebrating Modi. So, we are not worse than you if not better.

LOL.... there are severe debates on who really were the collaborators of Tikka khan or Niazi and we Bangladeshis are even confused about it. It can be a long discussion and let me tell you, you know nothing about it.

Now you are outright lying. One or two incidents happened but they are not of the degree or the magnitude your media portrays them to be. I am not denying something like that ever happened but communal violence is far more less in BD than India. And about protests ever heard of a guy named Shahriar Kabir? Just do some research on him and you will find out what this guy has been upto all throughout his life. Not saying his claims are true infact most are false but this guy has been a vigilante on this matter.

An Indian should be the last person to generalize an entire country because of some goons. And there exists no organization in BD even remotely comparable to RSS/Shivsena/Bajrang dol fanatics.

typical denial. when one of your leaders was sentenced for his war crimes, Hindus and their temples were attacked this very year. what does his sentencing have anything to do with Hindus? You guys just needed a reason to attack them. Pathetic.
Bangladeshi Hindus under attack, temples destroyed

On the other hand, Bangladeshi muslims are at the bottom of social strata from UK to US.
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