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Demands for Bangladesh Hindus in Second Hindu Adhiveshan at Goa.

Hindus are always after free loading.. ;)
its not only BD hindus but all hindus..

From what I see and hear its your population who look for free pass , even for toilet tissues... The `asylum seekers` here in EU are mostly from Ur "Islamic" countries.. shalll I name them Individually ? Pakistanis and Banglas wont be happy including african Islamic countries..
Open ur eyes and mind a bit ....

Comparing yourselves to Us?

fcuking right!!!
Demands for Bangladesh Hindus in Second Hindu Adhiveshan at Goa.

Vidyadhiraj Hall, Shri Ramnathi Devsthan, Goa | June 9, 2013:: While Advocate Rabindra Ghosh of Bangladesh Minority Watch put a recommendation for the justice of persecuted BD Hindus in 2nd Hindu Adhiveshan at Goa, Shri Upananda Brahmachari of Hindu Existence, advocated for the rights of the vulnerable BD Hindus in a Islamic State of Bangladesh by placing the demands of BD Hindus as sent by the Bangladesh Hindu Grand Alliance to the ongoing Hindu Adhiveshan at Goa.

1. Recommendations to Bangladesh Government for immediate steps:-1. Bangladesh is second largest Hindu populated country in the World.They need reservation through Constitutional provision. They wantempowerment and social justice as equal citizens of the Peoples’Republic of Bangladesh. Ethnic cleansing should be stopped.2. Scrap “Islam as State Religion” and “Bismill-hirRahamanir Rahim”from the Constitution of Bangladesh to ensure equal rights ofHindus of Bangladesh to make it secular Constituion.3. Judicial Commission for investigation is recommended for atrocitieson minority Hindus in Bangladesh including continuous repression,conversions, abductions, rape,and vandalising, looting and settingfire on temples, business firms and houses of Hindu communities.The perpetrators should come under purview of law and exemplarypunishment should be awarded. There should not be any impunityto perpetrators.4. The Government has to rehabilitate the victims of rape, gang rape,forceful conversion , forceful occupation or displacement of houses,temples, on state responsibility. The vandalised and burnt houses,temples of Hindus have to be rebuilt and adequate compensationmust be provided to them.5. The Government should take care of minority Hindu communities atthe time of ensuing national election and ensure their voting rights.Delegations from Hindu rights organisations should be appointed forelection monitoring.6. Minority Rights Commission for Bangladesh has to be launched bythe Government of BD to ensure justice to the Minorities as like asIndia.7. The Bangladesh Government, as ratified by them so far the“Universal Declaration on Human Rights” must show respect tothose obligations.8. The Bangladesh Government should bring back the Hindus who fledaway or displaced from their homes due to communal violence,forceful conversion and those who were subjected to flee their
2. motherland ensuring their rights to recover moveable andimmovable properties as equal citizen of the country.9. The Government of BD who seized 23 lacks acres of lands belongingto Hindus through black law(Enemy property Act) should bereturned to them or their legal heirs amending “Vested PropertyAmendment Bill,2011” or equal separate lands for Hindus should bedistributed..Adv. RabindraGhoshPresident, Bangladesh Minority Watch (BDMW)& Observer, Glabal Human Rights Defence (GHRD)www.bdmw.infoDhaka, Bangladesh. Mobile: 0088-01711172468

Recommendations to bangladesh government for immediate steps


Struggle for Hindu Existence

This site delighted me about some of the hindus what they think of muslims and specially about Bangladeshi muslims. But what took my attention is, Bangladeshi Hindus joining them and placing their demands.

I stopped reading after the bolded part "reservation":pissed:, are Bangladeshi Hindus any kind of rare animal to reserve them:angry:? They are Bangladeshi people.:tup: Yes, sometime we might get some problems even Indian Muslims sometime get some problems:agree:. I have never seen any Hindu in my city got problems from Muslims:no:. My best friend is a Hindu:kiss3:. But some MFs always want problems with other religion:cuckoo:.
From what I see and hear its your population who look for free pass , even for toilet tissues... The `asylum seekers` here in EU are mostly from Ur "Islamic" countries.. shalll I name them Individually ? Pakistanis and Banglas wont be happy including african Islamic countries..
Open ur eyes and mind a bit ....

Comparing yourselves to Us?

fcuking right!!!

Idiot, talking from ireland? Why you left your suppa powe inda? Don't poke your nose into someone else's matter. Yes there are some problem with hindu minority, but every minority in any country feel that too. In my personal experience I've never seen hindus in my locality are deprived of anything. We share our happiness and festivals together. IN our festivals we cook and arrange different food for hindus and they do it too for Muslims. SOme extremists are always trying to portray BD as an unsafe place for hindus. Which is completely untrue, period, complete,y untrue. Now get out and if you have something constructive, then you are welcome.
This is ridiculous. The minorities are more safe in BD than the majority. I think this demands are only from the oppurtunist section of the BD Hindu community who are trying to squeeze as much as possible from India by using false propaganda. Problem is we know India is full of religious fanatics and I am sure this propaganda can really encourage some saffron terrorists to go for a field day. Also the ring leader of saffron terrorism Mr. Modi is on his way to become the next PM of India and I am worried we are going to have two extremely anti-muslim fanatical regimes on either sides of the border.
They are just asking to stop the violence and persecution. I don't know why Bangladeshis are foaming in their mouths.
They are just asking to stop the violence and persecution. I don't know why Bangladeshis are foaming in their mouths.

Sorry, our current generation dont go violent with Hindus:no:. I never seen any Muslim did wrong with our Hindus:no:. My best friend is a Hindu:kiss3:. But some MFs want Indian sympathy for advantage:pissed:.
Sorry, our current generation dont go violent with Hindus:no:. I never seen any Muslim did wrong with our Hindus:no:. My best friend is a Hindu:kiss3:. But some MFs want Indian sympathy for advantage:pissed:.

well. thats your individual case, but we should go by statistics.
well. thats your individual case, but we should go by statistics.

Well, maximum of our Hindus enjoy life with us:agree:. Yes, Hindus got some problems with extremists:ashamed:. But you all can not say we all have issue with Hindus:no:!
From what I see and hear its your population who look for free pass , even for toilet tissues... The `asylum seekers` here in EU are mostly from Ur "Islamic" countries.. shalll I name them Individually ? Pakistanis and Banglas wont be happy including african Islamic countries..
Open ur eyes and mind a bit ....

Comparing yourselves to Us?

fcuking right!!!

Man you need to brush up your English. What you say makes absolutely no sense. Bravo
Don't you know? Him having a Hindu friend nullifies all the stats.
Then I challenge you to show records of bloody riots that ever happened in the last 42 years of our existence. Listen you people have no higher moral ground here to lecture us. Check your own stats first and then come to talk.
Man you need to brush up your English. What you say makes absolutely no sense. Bravo

man you need to brush up on your grasping power..there is nothing wrong with his english....he is pointing out to the muslim free loading asylum seekers to the EU
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