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Delhi wary of Hasina's 'pro-India-slant'

Mujib was killed because of his one party rule and rampant corruption beause of him in the country. Not because of him being any "indian traitor"

Bangladesh at the end of the day is a mjority MUSLIM country (88% muslim)... we did want to be part of Pakistan created by Jinah. It was the oppression of Pakistanis - starting with imposing their language on us and also denying the election that was won by a Bengali, which led to us wanting to be separate. I can understand India wanting bangladesh to be separate from PK, but if anyone is responsible for the starting of this war, it is the Pakistanis themselves. And it is a well documented fact that Pakistani army slectively killed intellectuals, university profs, journ alists etc. Not india or anyone else. My grandmother says that just before the surrender, the Pakistani army became more ferocious in killing ppl and doing damage.

And to all my fellow countrymen, I would like to say that I immensely respect all the martyrs (may Allah grant them the highest level of paradise) and all the muktijoddhas and all men women and children who lost their lives and made enrmous sacrifices for our country. I am just ackjnoledging the fact that we needed India's help and we should be grateful, that when Pakistan's allies China and USA didnot show up, India showed up and helpd us. If India didnot hellp us, only Allah knows how much more bloodshed we wudve seen and probably none of us would be sitting in the comfort of our chairs typing all of this.

@ It seems you have seen one side of the coin of India. What about looting of Indian Army after our indepence ? Their army had stolen each and everything including selling fan and furnitures of our country. When our brave soldiers like Maj Jalil objected he was fired back and put into jail. Once Mujib came from Pakistan on his request he was sent back to Bangladesh. Soon he was court martialed by his own country. I have seen all these things in my own eyes.

@ After the liberation of Bangladesh all our godowns were burned by the RAW agents to cripple our economy. Most of the industials machinaries of Jute industries were taken away by the Indian Army. Today we are standing our feet due to Zia and Ershad and to most extend due to BNP.

@ In 1973/74 India made lot of fake notes and pushed inside Bangladesh and soon our fragile economy doomed. Do you know how many people were killed even after liberation of war ? There were many many uncountable !!!! Do you know the meaning of "Ethnic cleancing" ? If anybody has done "Ethinic cleansing", it is done by the AL with the help of India. Now, you people have given the blame to Pakistani Army, killing 3 million people and 2 lac rape ! Is it believeable. Yes, i agree that Pakistan Army had killed people but not like that you people are claiming shamelessly every day, everytime without any proof. What are killing of Biharis about 4/5 lacs ? What about the members of ML, Niza-i-Islami, Jamate Islami and all other Islamic political parties who were killed and put on jail. Do you think that these people are not human being. Who has brought/liberated this land from the clutches of Hindu dominated India? Go and ask you grandfather who is lying on the grave. Have you forgotten how muslims were killed at Calcutta in 1946/47 around 10,000 within 7 days times by the Hindus ?

You are talking about the friendship of India, my foot ? India cannot be our friend, it has been proved in many many instances. What about Chittagong Hilltract problem? Do you know how many Bengalees were killed for the last 27 yeras. Who was behind that, it is India. Even today every after alternate days BSF are killing our innocent people.
You would be lying if you said that load shedding was as crazy as before, before Winter hit. Before I stopped using AirCon, the loadshedding decreased from the whopping 12 hours a day to around 1-2 hours. Then before winter hit, it was almost gone. AL has started work on lot of power plants already. ut in case of oppos party, they would be sucking the money instead. We already saw that from the bank accounts of the oppos. leader's two sons. And is that person even qualified for PM position from an educational perspective? NO

And you are right, WE ARE SURROUNDED BY INDIA. So stronger ties with India IS FOR OUR BEST INTEREST OFCOURSE. OPPOSING INDIA WILL ONLY serve pakistan and no one else. Not us for sure. And AL realises that.

As for terrorists, do you then oppose Dipu Moni? Do u want BD to be safe haven for ANY terrorist who terrrorises ANY country? I hope not.

Both my parents work at the biggest Medical University here in BD, and AL has provided 485 crore taka (and evn more now) for its research and development. Would the oppos prty EVER do such a thing???? the leader's sons wd take it in their pockets. We dont want such blood suckers in the leaderrship. around 10,000 community clinics and pwer plants (forgot the number) has been opend. And did u know that AL opened community clinic for the ppl, but as soon as the oppos party came to power, they closed down that clinic? why? because pl will start sympathesizing with AL...so they deny the ppl their healthcare for that...thats the kind of dirty politics they play. And u shud see the kind of lies the leader of oppos party herself was saying just because of one house i mean please...she moved to a mansion like place later.

All the bangladeshis here seem to love this post. Well thank yu for u apology. but let me tell u, majority of u guys and the leaders u guys elect there in pakistan STILL DECLINE to officially apologise for the numerous war crimes...either their ego too big, or they think it was all justified by some twisted claim that they were in the right.

My grandmother talks from first hand experience. All my aunts were yound women at that time, and the razakars in that area tried to hand them over to the pk army for rape etc . She barely escaped with the whole family rght after fajr.

And you guys keep telling urselves that Indian terrorists are terrorising u and responsible. taliban and other afghan terrorists come in ur country, u guys have a major extremist problem in ur country, and the only thing u can say is "india is behind it". This is getting ridiculous. Even ur cricket board chairman sprout such nonsense when ur own cricketers were the ones taking money. grow up please.

Supervegito is just a character i liked in a cartoon as a kid ... nothing to do with vegetarian...\\

the sad thing is majortiy of bangladesh share my views, atleast when it comes to AL portion since they won a vast majority in elections 2008, but bangladeshis here thought i am not a bangladeshi.just because i had opinions they didnt like..sad

Dude welcome....its refreshing to meet Bangla ppl who have the ability to look at things with an objective eye. I wish you country the best. Don;t get discouraged by other posts by some of your countrymen. It might not even be them or ppl from your country. it could be a way to simply herd folks into believing these are the views that the majority in your country feel. In other words, it may be propaganda
You would be lying if you said that load shedding was as crazy as before, before Winter hit. Before I stopped using AirCon, the loadshedding decreased from the whopping 12 hours a day to around 1-2 hours. Then before winter hit, it was almost gone. AL has started work on lot of power plants already. ut in case of oppos party, they would be sucking the money instead. We already saw that from the bank accounts of the oppos. leader's two sons. And is that person even qualified for PM position from an educational perspective? NO

And you are right, WE ARE SURROUNDED BY INDIA. So stronger ties with India IS FOR OUR BEST INTEREST OFCOURSE. OPPOSING INDIA WILL ONLY serve pakistan and no one else. Not us for sure. And AL realises that.

As for terrorists, do you then oppose Dipu Moni? Do u want BD to be safe haven for ANY terrorist who terrrorises ANY country? I hope not.

Both my parents work at the biggest Medical University here in BD, and AL has provided 485 crore taka (and evn more now) for its research and development. Would the oppos prty EVER do such a thing???? the leader's sons wd take it in their pockets. We dont want such blood suckers in the leaderrship. around 10,000 community clinics and pwer plants (forgot the number) has been opend. And did u know that AL opened community clinic for the ppl, but as soon as the oppos party came to power, they closed down that clinic? why? because pl will start sympathesizing with AL...so they deny the ppl their healthcare for that...thats the kind of dirty politics they play. And u shud see the kind of lies the leader of oppos party herself was saying just because of one house i mean please...she moved to a mansion like place later.

All the bangladeshis here seem to love this post. Well thank yu for u apology. but let me tell u, majority of u guys and the leaders u guys elect there in pakistan STILL DECLINE to officially apologise for the numerous war crimes...either their ego too big, or they think it was all justified by some twisted claim that they were in the right.

My grandmother talks from first hand experience. All my aunts were yound women at that time, and the razakars in that area tried to hand them over to the pk army for rape etc . She barely escaped with the whole family rght after fajr.

And you guys keep telling urselves that Indian terrorists are terrorising u and responsible. taliban and other afghan terrorists come in ur country, u guys have a major extremist problem in ur country, and the only thing u can say is "india is behind it". This is getting ridiculous. Even ur cricket board chairman sprout such nonsense when ur own cricketers were the ones taking money. grow up please.

Supervegito is just a character i liked in a cartoon as a kid ... nothing to do with vegetarian...\\

the sad thing is majortiy of bangladesh share my views, atleast when it comes to AL portion since they won a vast majority in elections 2008, but bangladeshis here thought i am not a bangladeshi.just because i had opinions they didnt like..sad

I certainly don't agree to your take of war in 71, but your opinion is not the first one I heard from a Bangladeshi.

We can not prosper without being tagged to India is simply a load of crap. We don't need any country to tag to. We need a will to do and good governance. I am tired of the crap like we are not smart enough, we don't have enough resources, or our population is a burden, or we got to be tagged to some nation. There is a difference between a good relation and one that smothers.

Consider the case of Singapore. It was in some sort of Union with Malaysia in the 1960s. Malaysia basically dumped Singapore. Just by sheer will and good governance, it is now one of the advanced and wealthy nation in the world and much ahead of Malaysia.

As far as Hasina goes, I have seen her Teaming with Jamat in the 80s and contesting an election that everyone boycotted. I do not have any respect for her or Khaleda Zia.

In reality life is a lot more than what meet the eyes.
I certainly don't agree to your take of war in 71, but your opinion is not the first one I heard from a Bangladeshi.

We can not prosper without being tagged to India is simply a load of crap. We don't need any country to tag to. We need a will to do and good governance. I am tired of the crap like we are not smart enough, we don't have enough resources, or our population is a burden, or we got to be tagged to some nation. There is a difference between a good relation and one that smothers.

Consider the case of Singapore. It was in some sort of Union with Malaysia in the 1960s. Malaysia basically dumped Singapore. Just by sheer will and good governance, it is now one of the advanced and wealthy nation in the world and much ahead of Malaysia.

As far as Hasina goes, I have seen her Teaming with Jamat in the 80s and contesting an election that everyone boycotted. I do not have any respect for her or Khaleda Zia.

In reality life is a lot more than what meet the eyes.

I never said we should be tagged india. We should have good relations with our neighbours, esp India, since it is a growing economy and almost completely surrounds us. And before u give example of Singapore, note that Singapore had been ruled by one party, the PAP for decades, and didnot have certain developments, which wre then reversed by the oppos party once that came to power.
If you have no respect fr the opp part leaader or the current PM, I hope u realise of tese two evils which one is the lesser one. Ofcourse AL shud be ur choice.

Dont be too egoistic to ask sorry officialy from Govt . I am telling you the feelings of the local people . Even now for pro indian BDs , why dont you condenm the war crimes commited by India in Kashmir, Gujrat , etc(confirmed by wikileaks). Indians played politics funded Bds, brain washed them and used them in 1971.it resulted in breakdown of our common country. There are problems of different units in one country , it is present in INDIA , even BD. it does not mean to break the country . It only served India because a strong and united Pakistan was not in the intrest of India . They wanted Bd to be subservient to India .(it is now the same ). However they could not make Pakistan like that . We are now a powerful Nuclear state . Our growth rate from 2001 to 2008 was 7%average . We STILL HAVE CHALLENGES OF TTP etc but we will fight out the challenges without being subservient to India . But still we have a great love for you in hearts.:smitten::smitten::smitten:

It is not egoistic to ask for apology. It is egoistic to refuse to apologise, esp when it is well known about the committed atrocities.
As for being united pakistan, u shud realise that bengales wanted the same, as the vision of jinnah. But u guys screwed it up, oppresed us etc. We wanted muslims to be united, but u guys were so against bengalees, that we needed to be separate. DONT DEMEAN OUR FREEDOM FIGHTERS BY SAYING THAT WE WERE BRAINWASHED. Before, just because i was saying that india helped us, bengales here were saying i was demeaning the mukti joddhas. Now this guy is basically saying that our mukti joddhas gave their lives only as a result of some indian brainwashing. where are all the bengalis now? This guy is demeaning our entire fight for freedom. This attitude makes them never apologisee to us.
To all India haters from BD..how many wars has India fought with BD?

Are there issues between the two countries to be resolved? Yes.
Are there issues even between the best of partners like US-UK,India-USSR etc? Yes.

Most of the times, relationships that have no issues hide the lack of real synergies.
I sometimes wonder if President Yahya Khan should have allowed the scheduled Pakistan Parliament session on 25th March 1971 in Dhaka and discuss on how to separate the twins by a little agonizing operation that would have given a federal type of government for the two wings of Pakistan.

Mujib was under arrest in a Layalpur jail in 1971, but Yahya Khan never tried to meet and do something that could have kept the wings together. It seems it was Yahya Khan himself who forced us a separation although people blame Sk. Mujib.

Mujib fought for Pakistan as a student leader before 1947 in Calcutta under the leadership of Suhrawardy, who became a Pakistan PM in 1957/58. Mujib was his right hand muscleman, who caused the deaths of some non-muslim miscreants in 1946 action day in Calcutta.

His style did not change when he caused the death of Deputy Speaker Shahed Ali in the east Pakistan Parliament. He hold a wooden chair and smashed it on the head of the DS. Unfortunately for the daughter of the DS, it was her wedding day. After this occurrence, all the chairs and tables have been fixed to the floors in the Parliament.

Anyway, we cannot weep on the broken Pakistan for long. But, we expect our leaders and PMs not to bend in front of Indian pressure. However, Hasina is bending herself willingly. I hope she is as unbendable as her father was and there are some hidden agenda behind her India appeasing smiles that will help BD in the long run.
if so then why there is no political revolt in bd ??
why are not people or opposition trying to throw the government off????

You fresh Practical Patriot you are right. Our country is not India where everthing is granteed. For the following reasons it is difficult for political revolt:

1. The whole of judiciary is already made political.
2. All the key post in the civil administration is made political.
3. No "hartal" is allowed even someone dare to do that he would put into bar.
4. People are tortured in humanly in the name of remand.
5. The press has been ruthlessly controlled.

In fact AL cannot tolarate criticism like in the Socialistic countries. Their way of administration is of piculier tpye. And agian you have see the man behind the gun. But things can not go like that !!!!!!!!!
somebozo said:
By the way the name "superVegito" strikes something in my mind..its something to do with vegetarianism...

This is obviously related to Dragonball Z (a cartoon).You guys are completely paranoid...
I sometimes wonder if President Yahya Khan should have allowed the scheduled Pakistan Parliament session on 25th March 1971 in Dhaka and discuss on how to separate the twins by a little agonizing operation that would have given a federal type of government for the two wings of Pakistan.

Mujib was under arrest in a Layalpur jail in 1971, but Yahya Khan never tried to meet and do something that could have kept the wings together. It seems it was Yahya Khan himself who forced us a separation although people blame Sk. Mujib.

Mujib fought for Pakistan as a student leader before 1947 in Calcutta under the leadership of Suhrawardy, who became a Pakistan PM in 1957/58. Mujib was his right hand muscleman, who caused the deaths of some non-muslim miscreants in 1946 action day in Calcutta.

His style did not change when he caused the death of Deputy Speaker Shahed Ali in the east Pakistan Parliament. He hold a wooden chair and smashed it on the head of the DS. Unfortunately for the daughter of the DS, it was her wedding day. After this occurrence, all the chairs and tables have been fixed to the floors in the Parliament.

Anyway, we cannot weep on the broken Pakistan for long. But, we expect our leaders and PMs not to bend in front of Indian pressure. However, Hasina is bending herself willingly. I hope she is as unbendable as her father was and there are some hidden agenda behind her India appeasing smiles that will help BD in the long run.

These riots that happened and reportedly 7000 Hindus were killed by Leaguers and some other folks.This directly forced Congress to relent to Jinnah's pressure to agreeing to the two-nation theory.

Its not something Mujbir should have been proud of...its funny these fellows under Jinnah's influence werent fighting the British or supporting Quit India Movement but attacking Congress on behalf of the Britishers.

So they would come across as unapologetic Hindu haters even if they are to be under British, Pakistani Muslim or Chinese rule and all of it based on hearsay as the Hindu's werent in power.
You fresh Practical Patriot you are right. Our country is not India where everthing is granteed. For the following reasons it is difficult for political revolt:

1. The whole of judiciary is already made political.
2. All the key post in the civil administration is made political.
3. No "hartal" is allowed even someone dare to do that he would put into bar.
4. People are tortured in humanly in the name of remand.
5. The press has been ruthlessly controlled.

In fact AL cannot tolarate criticism like in the Socialistic countries. Their way of administration is of piculier tpye. And agian you have see the man behind the gun. But things can not go like that !!!!!!!!!

i understand what you are saying but if you dont know then such circumsatnces only lead to revolt. when ppl are not given there rights and not treated right then only they support revolt just like in 1971.

and at the moment i was not asking for any bloody revolt , i was talking about political revolt. after all BD is democratic as far as i know. you ppl can vote AL out in coming elections if everyone is against AL then i dont see why they will win elections?
Most of them are Jamatis except Iajduni, fallstuff, integra and eastwatch among regulars. Some even on record opposed the BD's freedom struggle and wanted Bangladesh to be known as East Pakistan. Usually these guys will be whacked on public if they ever return to BD.

So now we are jamatis just because we don't agree with you? or we want country to be independent from india? Jamaat is a far right group based on singular based belief system. In reality, Jamaat and awami league are exactly the same type of people. Both are equally intolerant of each other, thus they always kick the **** out of each other when in power.
Stop distorting facts to prove your point. Mujib on many interviews himself claimed that he can never break east and west pakistans even after he was aware of the innocent killings and tortures.
So now we are jamatis just because we don't agree with you? or we want country to be independent from india? Jamaat is a far right group based on singular based belief system. In reality, Jamaat and awami league are exactly the same type of people. Both are equally intolerant of each other, thus they always kick the **** out of each other when in power.
Stop distorting facts to prove your point. Mujib on many interviews himself claimed that he can never break east and west pakistans even after he was aware of the innocent killings and tortures.

Yes but when you start justifying the killing or torture or act as if it was righteous thing to do, it gets intolerable. I can give Pakistanis a leeway of them being overtly patriotic, but Bangladeshis who do that are simply people bending over to their former master.

Take the example of member Eastwatch, I don't think anyone would mistake him as an India lover, but least he proud of his country, a trait I see missing in some Bangladeshi here.

I have no issue with any sort of believe system, Jamatis are accused of different things, which you certainly know of.

Anyway I didn't include you as you're not that regular/new member, I haven't read many posts of yours.
These riots that happened and reportedly 7000 Hindus were killed by Leaguers and some other folks.This directly forced Congress to relent to Jinnah's pressure to agreeing to the two-nation theory.

Its not something Mujbir should have been proud of...its funny these fellows under Jinnah's influence werent fighting the British or supporting Quit India Movement but attacking Congress on behalf of the Britishers.

So they would come across as unapologetic Hindu haters even if they are to be under British, Pakistani Muslim or Chinese rule and all of it based on hearsay as the Hindu's werent in power.


@ We donnot hate Hindus at all like the Pakistani, we do visit the "Puja Mondak" and take "Prasad", we enjoy all these customs since our childhood but the fact is once we read , hear from our father that Hindus used to torture us, hate us, misbehave us etc it is really pathetic. Some of the facts I want to share you :

@ In those days during the British times when all most all the Jamindars were Hindus in East Bengal, it was difficult to observe the "Eid" festible. In many areas(Barisal) people were not allowed to slaugter cows rather it was a punishable offence. As an evidence there were many cases in the history book. These things you will not find in your history book.

@ Muslim children and boys were not allowed to read in the "Patshallas" made by the Hindu Jamindars. The Muslim boys used to go in the "Muktoms" to learn but that too limited to religious teaching. It is on that day muslim boys could go to schools to learn modern education.

@ In those days Bengalee Muslims were identified as "Musulman" instead of Bengalee. Sometimes if there was a football competition in a school, people used to say that a competition between the Muslims and Bengalees. Soon "Muhamadan" sporting club was formed and and it purely became a religious oriented club.

@ No common Muslims were allowed to take sweets in any Hindu hotels. They used to take/eat outside of the hotel and used to take water with two hands together instead of glass.

@ Later on in the schools Muslim students were not allowed to wear "Pajama/Panjabi" and "Lungi", rather they were forced to wear "Dhuti". It happened with my father(1943/45) also, he is still alive. Muslim students were not allowed to sit on the front benches, they used to sit at the back. Some times it was alleged that the Hindu student used to get bad smell of onion from the mouth of Muslim student.

@ No Muslims were dared to cross any Hindu House weaing any long cloth it should have to lift up of feet. It means Muslims were treated just as like low caste Hindus. There were many many examples. The people of West Pakistani had no such experiences as major part of Pakistan was annexed in 1846/49 by the British we Bengalees of East Wing had all these inhuman experiences. Majority of Muslims in this region were "Vestiwalla", "Kathuria"(Wood cutter) and "Proja"(Tenant).

@ So once Bengal was partitioned and Muslim Leaque was formed each and every muslim people supported it which was manifested in the election 1946.Surwardi, Ak Fuzlul Haq were the main two Muslim Leaque leaders of Bengal. Jinnah was regarded as "Pir" in those days in Bengal by the common people. What to talk about Bengalee Muslims even the "Hindu Tafseries"(Low Caste Hindu) used to respect them. Jinnah had so much confident upon these "Hindu Tafseries" that even he agreed for a Referendum for keeping the Bengal intact. In those days no body dared to stand in front of Jinnah.Even Surwardi and Fuzlul Haq hesited to talk in front of Jinnah.

So, this hatred between Muslims and Hindus to remain some more times till people like Abir modern/progressive comes up and people like us pro-jamatees as per you version goes away.

But although people like Abir has come up but unfortunately his attitude and behaviour is much more dangerious than those of old Hindu Zamindars. He is so cunning that even God herself is in a delima !!!!
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Any intelligence agency will be worried if their agents are acting so proactively enough to blow their own cover. Should hire a better agent next time. The movement of Pakistan and Hindu Muslim identity actually started from Bengal. Without Bengal these wouldn't be Pakistan today and without Jinnah there wouldn't be Bangladesh today. Our history is very interdependent.

Actually I take my words back in Post # 50.

somebozo said:
[Ohh and if you dont like Pakistan so much then please return our credits of Jinnah creating a separate country for Muslims but then you will have to happily merge in India..]

Movement of separate homeland started from Bengal and completed in the hands of Jinnah. Without Bengali leaders there wouldn't be Pakistan today and without Jinnah there wouldn't be Bangladesh today! confusing situation isn't it..
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Any intelligence agency will be worried if their agents are acting so proactively enough to blow their own cover. Should hire a better agent next time. The movement of Pakistan and Hindu Muslim identity actually started from Bengal. Without Bengal these wouldn't be Pakistan today and without Jinnah there wouldn't be Bangladesh today. Our history is very interdependent.

Actually I take my words back in Post # 50.

Movement of separate homeland started from Bengal and completed in the hands of Jinnah. Without Bengali leaders there wouldn't be Pakistan today and without Jinnah there wouldn't be Bangladesh today! confusing situation isn't it..

Thank you very much at last you realise it but now it is too late we are now again under Indian cluches. I donnot know how long time it will take. History is history, it goes its own way. But there are people who try to twist it artifcially but without any fruitful result. I can forsee the black Indian hands all around us.
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