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Delhi scribe allegedly passed information to Chinese intel: Chinese lady, Nepalese associated arrest


Sep 26, 2018
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Delhi journalist Rajeev Sharma who was arrested by the Delhi Police was allegedly passing on sensitive information to the Chinese intelligence. The Special Cell has also arrested one Chinese lady and her Nepalese associate for paying large amounts of money. The money was routed through shell companies, the police have also learnt.

Sharma is said to have been in possession of classified national documents. He has been sent to six days police custody. It is also alleged that he was tasked with conveying sensitive information in exchange for large amounts of money. The police have recovered sensitive material and also taken into their possession, his laptop, mobile and other incriminating material.
The journalist, Rajeev Sharma had earlier worked with United News of India, The Tribune, Sakaal Times. He had recently written a piece fo the Chinese newspaper Global Times. "He is a resident of Pitampura, and was arrested by the southwestern range of Special Cell of the Delhi Police. He was produced before the magistrate the next day, following which he was taken into police custody for six days. He was found to be in possession of some defence-related classified documents. Investigation of the case is in progress," DCP(Special Cell) Sanjeev Kumar Yadav said. His piece in the Global Times titled, 'A rapprochement road map for Beijing and New Delhi benefits both countries,' he had said that the steady deterioration of bilateral relations since the night of May 5, when the latest standoff began, has practically evaporated all the diplomatic gains of the past years in one stroke. The current crisis is the biggest threat to normal ties between the two sides since 1962. It's a lose-lose situation for both. Their common objective must be to build a better and peaceful future for their peoples and not a military buildup against one another.

Sharma runs a YouTube channel, Rajeev Kishkindha. On the day of his arrest, he had uploaded two videos. One of them was titled, 'China may still do mischief #IndiaChinaFaceOff.' In this he had said that despite an agreement, reached between the two foreign ministers of India and China, the road to peace is still heavily mined. There is no guarantee that everything will play out as per the script reached between the two countries. The other video in Hindi speaks about the state of the Indian media. It was meant to be a watchdog, but has become a lapdog of the government, he also said in the video. On Friday night, Sharma's Twitter account which has 5,300 followers showed the message, 'caution account is temporarily restricted. You're seeing this warning because there has been some unusual activity from this account.'

Its obvious now the intelligence agencies of both China and Pakistan are working on Indian relentlessly.
Move over James bond. Looool. What tamasha.
Now China will also arrest innocent indians and the game begins
According to the police, Rajeev Sharma was getting $1,000 for each piece of information and was paid ₹ 30 lakh in one-and-a-half years.

New Delhi:
A Delhi-based freelance journalist who gave sensitive information about India's border strategy and army deployment to Chinese intelligence has been arrested, the police said on Saturday, claiming to have a busted a major spying operation amid soaring tensions between the two countries.

The Delhi Police said it has also arrested a Chinese woman and her Nepalese associate, and claimed that they were paying huge amounts of money to the freelance journalist Rajeev Sharma for allegedly providing sensitive information.

"Special Cell has arrested a freelance journalist, Rajeev Sharma, for passing sensitive information to Chinese intelligence. One Chinese lady and her Nepalese associate have also been arrested for paying him large amounts of money routed through shell companies. Chinese intelligence tasked the journalist for conveying sensitive information in lieu of large amounts of money," the police said.

"Huge number of mobile phones, laptops and other incriminating and sensitive material have been recovered," the police said.

Mr Sharma, a journalist accredited with the Press Information Bureau (PIB) who lived in Delhi's Pitampura, was arrested by the Special Cell of the Delhi Police on Monday.

"He was found to be in possession of some classified defence-related documents. The investigation is in progress and further details will be shared in due course," senior police officer Sanjeev Kumar Yadav had said on Friday.

According to the police, Mr Sharma was getting $1,000 for each piece of information and was paid ₹ 30 lakh in one-and-a-half years. He wrote on defence-related issues for China's Global Times and was contacted by Chinese agents in 2016, the police said.

Sharply criticising the arrest the "well-known independent journalist of long standing", the Press Club of India (PCI) called the move "high-handed" and alleged that it "may be inspired by obscure or questionable considerations".

"This is on account of the dubious track record of the Special Cell. More generally also, the record of Delhi Police is hardly a shining one," it said.

"Of late, Delhi Police, including its Special Cell, have made preposterous arrests under the lawless law called UAPA (Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act) in which the word of the government is enough to keep an innocent person behind bars for long periods. These have happened in matters relating to anti-CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act) protests and the carefully designed communal killings in the so-called February 2020 riots in northeast Delhi," the PCI said.

The arrests come amid a months-long border standoff between India and China in Ladakh that peaked on June 15, when 20 Indian soldiers were killed in the line of duty - a first in more than four decades. Even after that, there have been repeated attempts by the Chinese troops to recapture the heights occupied by the Indian soldiers.

(With inputs from PTI)

Sold secrets and India for just $1000, Indian cheats, liars, scammers, rapist and can be bought at no expense.
" He wrote on defence-related issues for China's Global Times "
So thats what the real issue was. He circumvented censored Indian state controlled media to report the truth.

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