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Delhi Court to JNU: No Beef or Pork festivals

I fully agree. I never condoned those bannings. In fact I believe that those publications should be accessible in a secular democratic state. If this is indeed "Indian style secularism" then it is not secularism. It is a multi religious governed state and does not meet the requirements of secularism. It is time that India stopped calling a donkey a tiger. Stick to the true description of the State's model

There is a reason why some people refer Secularism to Sickularism.
Good verdict. Somebody knock some sense into those students who wanted to show off that they are very modern and forward. Also knock some sense into the Pakistanis who are bringing in the - beef=bad for Hindus=Hindus majority don't want festival=beef fest banned=booohooo to Indian pseudo-secularism.

If this festival had continued, they would have protests and possibly a law and order problem. The students were organizing the fest with the only purpose of hurting the feeling of religious communities.

US didn't ban the video, leading to violent protests worldwide, many embassies closed. What if the US, like India, decided that the video would hurt the sentiments of many communities and thus banned the video, wouldn't the world be more peaceful today?
When Hindus & Muslims have no problem when beef and pork are sold openly as in Kerala, there will be no need for Beef & Pork festival in colleges. Actually I have never heard of Beef & Pork festivals in Kerala or may be I am wrong.
I support your point..but in a culturally and religiously diverse country like India its easier said than done. Hope some strong dictator comes to power and implements French style secularism but until then there is a limit to our secularism.

I though you were a hard core extremist..
Now that if you agree those are right thing to do then our only difference will be that " Are our public mature to handle it. or not ? that is debatable..
IMO a campus is a good place to start new things.. though they are young and full of adrenaline.. their minds are more open, they got lesser baggage of traditional beliefs, they are educated so it's the right place for a renovation, don't forget most revolution, change in history were started and supported in campus.

When Hindus & Muslims have no problem when beef and pork are sold openly as in Kerala, there will be no need for Beef & Pork festival in colleges. Actually I have never heard of Beef & Pork festivals in Kerala or may be I am wrong.

Most of the places/people in kerala are opened minded..so they don't care or interfere with what others kill or eat.. so there is no need to hold a festival to prove a point.
I though you were a hard core extremist..

No I am just a human being wanting to live in a politically incorrect world where people call spade a spade and don't hide behind hollow smiles.

Now that if you agree those are right thing to do then our only difference will be that " Are our public mature to handle it. or not ? that is debatable..


IMO a campus is a good place to start new things.. though they are young and full of adrenaline.. their minds are more open, they got lesser baggage of traditional beliefs, they are educated so it's the right place for a renovation, don't forget most revolution, change in history were started and supported in campus.

A campus is also recruiting grounds for communalist /extremist organizations. So it works both ways.

Most of the places/people in kerala are opened minded..so they don't care or interfere with what others kill or eat.. so there is no need to hold a festival to prove a point.

Exactly... let the society change first..until then I support this verdict.
I am a Hindu. I don't eat beef. In fact, for some reason or another my family doesn't eat red meat at all. And pork as well has never been on the dining table in my family. Now if some Christian wants to consume beef and pork at some festival in my area, how should that affect my sentiment? If some Muslim wants to consume beef during their festival, how does that affect my sentiment? As a Hindu I am told that my karma will be affected if I do not follow the prescripts of my religion. I have never been told that my karma will be affected if I permitted somebody else to live their lifestyle as they deem fit. Unless Hinduism has evolved to a new level in India since I've last been there, I cant see any justification for the court's ruling. It is simply an infringemnt on the rights of those who want to voluntarily take part in the festival. It is unjust, undemocratic and unacceptable to a proclaimed secular state

You want secular state in India ? first change the Indian secular meaning in India.. Where secular means being anti hindu, support all actions of specific community.
1st ask other to act as secular towards Hindu people then ask Hindu people to act as secular.

And they just went to court to stop the fest.. at least they were not shouting to kill or burning, destroying public properties ?
Do you know what problem is .... Beef. I am telling you, people are not holding this just as beef or pork fest. a long time back i heard about this event, that time this was only beef fest. and now they added pork also. may be they added pork becz of hyderbad incident. This is intention of people to hurt and create problem.
In april, same beef fest. was held in Osmania University Hyderabad. where they were busy in killing cows on streets.. is this secularism ?

Brother i am also Hindu, but i don't know a bit about my religion. But yeah our Karma matters but our Dharma also matters.. Here i am not in favor take anybody rights, what i am expecting them to respect Hinduism religion view. Or else same people can not blame other later.
Cow slaughter and sell of cow meat is banned in several states of india including Delhi. That's why the high court judgement.Albeit they can have buffalo beef and pork festival if they choose to.

But the idea of the organizers of the so called beef festival is different and that's to hurt sentiment of Hindus who
revere cow as GouMata or cow mother.
French Secularism FTW..where Muslims will be banned from wearing skull caps , hijabs and niqabs.Sikhs will lose their Turban..Hindus women lose their sindoor , mangalsutra and toe rings, Hindu men will lose their sandal wood paste applied on forhead..No more religious holidays or Govt help in religious yatras whether its Hajj or Amarnath,so on and so forth...Are you ready for it Indians?
No I am just a human being wanting to live in a politically incorrect world where people call spade a spade and don't hide behind hollow smiles.


A campus is also recruiting grounds for communalist /extremist organizations. So it works both ways.

Exactly... let the society change first..until then I support this verdict.

change will not come out of blue..for that you need to spread ideas like this, you need to take small steps at least..and that steps IMO Should start from children and youngsters of this country..
Yes,he is. But Modi rarely cooks . His best cooking record was in 2002.

still no comparison with our cooks, our cooks almost cleaned the fridge, and threw out some in the garbage
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