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Delegation from the UAE and Bahrain visited the western wall to celebrate hanukkah

personally I thank you for sharing good news. this region can use some positive vibes even if they are token and cosmetic.

as for the Arab delegation members, all I can say is good for them. both countries have made some decisions based on their national interests whether or not there was some arm twisting by USA or not is a different matter,.

I hope there is a message and something to learn for everyone.
if Arabs despite all their hostilities are willing to accommodate then its only fair to expect some relief from right wing Jewish pressure groups and the Jewish state for the Palestinians.

humanitarian treatment and relief for Palestinian families is in no way appeasement of terrorists. any good gesture will go a long way in Islamic world and countries will make a beeline to recognize Israel and form cordial relations

(he says, he wishes)

At the end of the day, the Arabs and Jews are essentially the SAME people. Arab Jew brotherhood ZINDABAD!

OFF TOPIC But I wish one day that thePakistani people and the political elite would do everything ONLY in Pakistan's best interest!

MASHALLAH that was so beautiful!
National policy to be made without emotions or morality baggage. at most not at the expense of someone or at least for some self interest.
Arabs and Jews are both Semites after all. their opposition for Iran has brought them together, something Iranians should be proud of (or quietly reflect upon why being a spoiler in the region has brought this day).

some say, recognizing Israel will be a betrayal of Palestinians and in the extension burring the Kashmir cause and loosing Islamic world support for Kashmir. Arabs gave a red carpet welcome to Modi after the illegal annexation of occupied Kashmir (so there goes the Kashmir argument. as for Palestinians I have met in Europe or short visits in Middle east, their attitude towards Pakistan is as pleasant as Northern Alliance of Afghanistan or Hasina Wajid govt of Bangladesh).
I have yet to see tangible benefits for not recognizing Israel though. other than Morality,
also dont expect any benefits from recognizing Israel either. Israel is not asking us to honor them with our recognition.

I personally, am absolutely indifferent towards the question.,the best chance was right after black September or early Musharraf era. what I will like to do is establish indirect link and make an accord of nonaggression,.
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