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Defeated and humiliated IAF Chief ACM BS takes a jibe at PAF Chief

Wonder if an army chief was to lead the formation, would it only count if he drove a tank.
The fact is the Air chief is present up there in the lead aircraft....no one expects him to go into battle but once the nitpicks even use to claim that the air chief is not even present in the cockpit. He relays his message from the air and takes more risk than those that fly straight and level.
Haters will be haters, what to do...
Haters will be haters, what to do...

Let them burn in hate its there own health lolz.
To clarify, ACM (Retd) Sohail Aman is flying GIBS (Guy in the Back Seat). However, is he really flying, as all we see is a Taxi?

I assume that Youtube isn't banned in the UK ( as indicated by your location flag). Please enter Dhanoa's name and see for yourself how many videos exist of him flying the Mig 21 ( both the Bison and the UM ) on different occasions.

Such camera tricks are unknown in the IAF, please reconsider your comments. Especially in the light of the editing of the PAF videos.
I assume that Youtube isn't banned in the UK ( as indicated by your location flag). Please enter Dhanoa's name and see for yourself how many videos exist of him flying the Mig 21 ( both the Bison and the UM ) on different occasions.

Such camera tricks are unknown in the IAF, please reconsider your comments. Especially in the light of the editing of the PAF videos.

I am only talking about the video that was posted here. I have clearly stated that Sohail Aman and Mujahid Anwar are flying GIBS. Maybe you cannot read, or you dont know me?
I assume that Youtube isn't banned in the UK ( as indicated by your location flag). Please enter Dhanoa's name and see for yourself how many videos exist of him flying the Mig 21 ( both the Bison and the UM ) on different occasions.

Such camera tricks are unknown in the IAF, please reconsider your comments. Especially in the light of the editing of the PAF videos.
unknown really..i mean does any one believe that shit any more.??.not the international media..india credibility was seriously hit when it continues to falsely claim that it killed 100s of militants..infact it became a laughing stock in international especially american media
The reason for the reporter even asking such a question ? It is this propoganda ( needless, IMHO ) about the PAF Air chief flying his own jet. See this very forum: how many videos of how many PAF Chiefs are posted , all skillfully edited to make the general public think that he is flying all by himself ?

Be honest to yourself before finding faults in Air Marshal DHanoa's statement.

And also note, this IAF Air Chief DOES fly his own jet. Which happens to be the most difficult jet to fly in the IAF inventory

Where is the video do you see him flying the plane. I only see him taxing on the runway.
Regarding the Indian CAS, all i can say is, he is flying Mig-21 to boost the morale of his force, that does not want to go near this "widow maker." However, is he really flying, as all we see is a Taxi? Yeah, as someone pointed out, please lose some weight, you are only embarrassing yourself as you pull that G-Suit up your Paunch.
i am sure he wasn't..he barely fits in..you saw that last chief in 2009-2011 was publicly ashamed for not being able to fit in aircraft..at least he can pretend
I assume that Youtube isn't banned in the UK ( as indicated by your location flag). Please enter Dhanoa's name and see for yourself how many videos exist of him flying the Mig 21 ( both the Bison and the UM ) on different occasions.

Such camera tricks are unknown in the IAF, please reconsider your comments. Especially in the light of the editing of the PAF videos.
Please feel free to share alteast one video where he is clearly flying any aircraft on solo mission.
Please feel free to share alteast one video where he is clearly flying any aircraft on solo mission.
See my reply above. Just use youtube , my friend.
For anyone who thinks GIBS is easy in a 4G Orbit, and 6 G vertical pull, I dare you.

Any Example of PAF's leadership, From the 23rd march parade, the four F16s from 9th Sq were led by AVM Irfan, who is Commander Central Command. This was the celebration fly past, if some of you missed it. You may have seen him in some of the videos with ACM Mujahid Anwar, he is also a real hotshot F16 pilot of his time, and has played a key role in the success of the recent Air War with India. My salute to his leadership and his service to the country.
Been there done that (7.5 sustained during FCF). It is tough.....very underrated feeling....

My apologies for the comments but my old man is 60+ but still flying fast jets (AVM Irfan K, ACM Mujahid were juniors at No.14 on Vipers), hence the weird comparisons.

Wonder if an army chief was to lead the formation, would it only count if he drove a tank.
The fact is the Air chief is present up there in the lead aircraft....no one expects him to go into battle but once the nitpicks even use to claim that the air chief is not even present in the cockpit. He relays his message from the air and takes more risk than those that fly straight and level.
Diverging from the point or I was misunderstood.

Instead of cracking jokes after getting humiliated he should be working on loosing his weight not try to be stand up comedian

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Easy on the weight there boss. A bunch on our side are belly fighters too, yet giving credit to them they pass their flight physical to fly at least.
Haha you and your pathetic nation watch too much Bollywood, wake up to the real world a hero is who while falls under enemy line fights to his last breathe not throwing away his gun and running like a bitch which he did or he could have taken his own life and saved your pathetic airforce and nation the embarrassment he is no hero more like a pathetic zero lol.
A pilot cannot shoot civilians, and when they closed for mob lunching him, he threw away the pistol. This is how a professional soldier does his duty.
I don’t think we ever said that Pakistani soldiers were cowards during their tenure as POWs in India. So stop being a keyboard judge.
I must admire that Abhi was treated well during his stay in Pakistan, this shows that you can’t do anything contrary to protocol in this Information Age.
Mujahit vs BS...

Chief Mujahit has entrusted his own life with his disciple Mujahits....

Chief BS is scared for his own life from his very own minion BSs....
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